August Kind Of Monday….

Yeah I know, what does that even mean!? Honestly I have no idea, but it was the first thing that came into my mind so I just went with it, there really isn’t any sorta meaning behind the title here! Speaking of Monday, I really hope you’ve been enjoying yours and that it hasn’t been too busy for you guys or anyone who happens to come across this post…..It’s really been a good minute since I’ve written anything here, my last post was a month ago! Hopefully you’ve all been doing well…..maybe we should do a bit of a catch up yeah!?

Where to start is the question!? I’m not really one for self promotion, but I hear it’s a good way for growth, even though I really am terrible at it, I don’t really like to put myself in the spotlight all that much, sometimes I do it though to allow myself to feel uncomfortable until I feel comfortable enough to where it starts to become natural and personally, I think I’ve improved a bit in saying that I’m very happy to share that I have given streaming a try after debating with myself on whether I should go for it or not and genuinely enjoy it!

If I’m being honest though, I did get a bit of push from my sister in law who has really helped me with more things that I can put into words and has also inspired me to go for it, I didn’t have the thought to stream until maybe a year ago (at least that’s when I had it as a though mostly) if I were to ask myself then if I ever imagined that I would be streaming, let alone interesting in doing so…..I think I would 1. be confused because I didn’t really know streaming was a thing until a maybe 2 years ago give or take and I think I would’ve liked the thought of streaming, but I don’t think I would have thought I could do it myself….so I probably would’ve said no had me now told me this before in all honesty.

Now I know I probably mentioned that I have been streaming in my last post and about the whole, not highlighting my first stream, because I was still new at it and didn’t know that was a thing….but I just thought I’d share on how it’s been since I started, I got to say it’s been pretty fun! I’ll admit though, I do still feel nervous everytime I stream, but I find once I’m in the zone….I can manage pretty well….that doesn’t mean I don’t still get anxious though, but regardless to those feelings, I do really like it, even if I am still learning as I go!

Although live streaming is something I would’ve never considered before, the fact that I have tried it and have been doing my best to keep at it….I’ve found that personally, it’s the first time in a while that I genuinely look forward to something I’ve worked, despite only having 1 set day of streaming….I have been adding other random days though so at least I’m getting somewhere.

It’s a little mad to think about, because whethe you are familiar or maybe some of you are new to my blog site, believe it or not, maybe it’s not that hard to believe, but anyway I used to struggle a lot with my confidence, especially when doing something, that I really wanted to do! I was the type where I would always start something, but wouldn’t always finish it and it always left me feeling… I didn’t have much direction going and I think this is the first time I’m actually admiting that, I’d always think of an idea and would do my best to keep at it, until I found myself not really feeling interested in going much further with whatever project I had started.

I would be so hard on myself about that kind of thing though, you wouldn’t know it too much, because I never really attempted to express that out loud let alone in writing….I guess you can say that I held myself back a bit to expressing things truly to how I feel them, well I still sorta do honestly, but I always do my best to express the best way I’m able to in the moment until I feel ready to really say how I actually feel. I think had I gave myself the choice to say all of this before, I wouldn’t have been ready to admit it fully…..

So the fact that I’m saying it now, just shows that I have grown a bit more to be open about my feelings even if it’s only a level of growth, it’s still growth nontheless and I’m glad to say I’m proud of myself for that because one other thing I struggled with the most was, well expressing myself! It’s for that reason I started this blog in the first place so I could share whatever was in my heart and mind to share, even when I did withhold certain things, I still made sure I at least tried saying what it was I wanted the best way I knew how at the time.

Which again was very hard for me to do, but I knew that in some way I could do it in written because, writing for me has always been my outlet for saying things I didn’t have enough confidence to say out loud and why you may ask or wonder, well I just felt like, whenever I did express myself….I didn’t feel like I was being truly listened to or understood the way I wanted to be understood, plus there would always be some kind of issue when I did say something I truly felt… I just didn’t bother.

However when I do end up expressing myself to people, it’s because I trust them and know that with those people I don’t have to worry about feeling as though I’m not being understood properly, because their willing to take the time to listen and not just hear their own voice you know what I mean!? Maybe down the line, I will share a lot of my story, but I’ll do that when I feel ready.

In the meantime, I’m okay with getting more comfortable with being more open to say what it is I feel I need to say, but to bring everything back in a circle, because that’s something I’m oddly good at, getting back on track after I’ve gone off a bit haha……Streaming has been a whole new experience and whole new way of expressing, only difference is, I get to play my favorite game while meeting new people who also share an interest in that same game as me, which is both amazing and beautiful!

I was actually telling my partner that the other day, where I do my usual and just chat non stop on something that I’m excited about, but don’t worry he’s used to it and doesn’t mind, which I love! Even when I know I can be very chatty at times and somewhat difficult…..he’s always shown a lot of patience for me and accepts me just the way I am! Not only that, but he’s one of the people in my life that has been a big part of how much I’ve grown as a person and for that I’m always grateful for him!

I do also want to take a moment to thank a special friend that I actually just made, another streaming buddy who actually inspired me to write this post today, he reminded me to never stop expressing myself and by him saying that…it unlocked a new side of me, when it comes to stepping into myself more and for that, I just want to say how appreciative I am, it’s funny because he doesn’t even know he inspired me, thanks Dottie if you’re reading this!

Since we haven’t done one in a while, today’s creator spotlight is my streaming buddy Dottie: I definitely recommend checking out his streaming channel, he’s a funny one, I don’t remember what he said his streaming schedule is even though he said it yesterday whoops, all I know is he streams more days then me haha, but if you’re curious and what to check out what he’s playing on his streams when he’s live, you can find it here: DottieDotDot

Anyone who is curious and checks his channel out, I think you’ll like his energy and you’ll have a good time aswell, if you enjoy video games and chatting that is (not that you have to chat)

As for my channel, if anyone is curious on what I stream or would like to come on by and say hi, you can find me here: TheWanderingDaydreamer like I said earlier in this post, I only have 1 set day of streaming for right now, which is Fridays, usually around the same time which would be 1pm-ish, my time….I’ve been doing pretty good at staying on top of streaming Friday’s unless something comes up of course, but 9/10 you can catch me live streaming on that day!

I do randomly add in other days when I feel I want to stream, so far, every other Wednesday and Thursday have been where I find I’m streaming the most between the two, but it’s not always those days, I have yet to figure out which other days I like best, so only Fridays for the time being! Currently I’m only playing Animal Crossing, but I do plan to switch things up along the way and add in new games, but yeah if your curiousity is too much to handle, stop on by and say hi if you like! Well that’s my self promotion of the day, I think it’s time I wrap up this blog post…hope you all have a good rest of your day and thank you for reading if you did!

All The Love ❤ ❤


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