Let’s Talk: Happy Home Paradise Along With Some Deep Unresolved Feelings I Guess….

Welp, we’ve arrived at a new month, Happy 1st of March everyone!! Hope you guys are feeling alright and that you’re doing okay….March already is starting to feel like it’s going to take a bit before people start getting comfortable with it, but it’s important that we do our best to try to get through it even if it feels a little hard to do at the moment…..anyway Happy Tuesday, can you believe Spring is almost here, because I can’t, I’ve got two more months left until my birthday (also the word birthday didn’t look like it was even a word for some reason) and I don’t even know how to feel about it…..but that’s not for another two months so I don’t have to really worry about it just yet so it’s all alright!

If I were to be honest to how I’m feeling today….I’d tell you that I don’t know because I honestly don’t know, I’m aware I’ve got a few things in my mind at the moment, but the start of March has kind of put me in a interesting we’ll say headspace, I feel okay, but I also feel a bit overwhelmed, but I’m going to try and take it down a bit and focus my thoughts onto something else and do my best to keep my nerves together somehow someway…..funny it’s about 12:30pm in the time of writing this and you’d think that it’d not be so bad, but today is surely taking it’s sweet time to the point where you feel it….it’s like you want it to hurry up, but you’re also saying to yourself “It just started why am I trying to already rush it!?” I guess it’s just one of those days….

Moving on to the topic of this post, because we’re in the month of March and we’re coming to the anniversary of it in a few weeks, I thought we’d talk some Animal Crossing, because well…..I already had it in mind to talk about so…..I feel why not!? The fact that we’re nearing Spring and we’re coming into two years that this game made it’s debut is insane…..everyone in the Animal Crossing world didn’t even think we’d get a new Animal Crossing series game until Nintendo decided to announce it unexpectedly blowing everyone’s minds when the trailer of New Horizons dropped!

I’ve been a fan of this series, for as long as I could remember and so just the realization that we’ll be coming to two years of Animal Crossing: New Horizons…..is just amazing!! Now I may not have started my island the day the game released, like how most people did, but you don’t have to start a game the moment it comes out to enjoy it, as long as you’re enjoying it, when you actually start it doesn’t really matter, you play when you feel it to be right! Now that that’s been said, we’re not actually here to talk about New Horizons exactly, but the second installment of Happy Home Designer that was only playable on the 3DS, Happy Home Paradise!!

I’ve actually been meaning to discuss, HHP for quite a while now, but I just didn’t feel it to be the right moment then, I’m not even sure if now is the right moment, but I wanted to talk about it so, I’m going to take it as it being an okay time to do so! Now I’ve actually played the first installment to HHP, Happy Home Designer and to give some thoughts about, I also felt Happy Home Designer to be okay, it wasn’t something that I neccasarily was in love with, but it wasn’t something I didn’t not like at the same time, if that makes sense!?

It was an okay game to keep it simple, I used to only play it every so often and then after a while, I just never picked it up from there, plus I wasn’t really into the whole Designing homes…..until I started playing New Horizons where it was more encouraged to do so, with decorating being more apart of the new series fully, so when the last big update happened back in November and we were told all the things we’d be getting…..Happy Home Paradise was not something I personally expected to be apart of that big update, until it was shown in the Animal Crossing Direct!

A lot of what we got in that Direct was not to be expected, there was so much that, you found yourself having to really take it in, I wasn’t actually sure if I even wanted to get Happy Home Paradise at first, with the knowledge of how much I barely even played the first game HHD, so I waited a while before actually deciding I wanted to give it a try and honestly I preferred Happy Home Paradise over Happy Home Designer, I guess it was because there was more to it and it allowed you to be more creative and step out of your comfort, especially if you’re someone that isn’t all for designing, it allowed you expand on something you already had knowledge of and just see what you can do with it!!

Me telling myself and thinking you know what “I want to see what this game has to offer and what’s different about it, so let me download it, it doesn’t hurt to give it a try” by taking that chance and seeing where it went and what the creators did with it….it gave me an experience that I didn’t even expect and honestly it was very exciting and nerve wracking….I say nerve wracking for the simple fact of….I wasn’t confident in my decorating abilities, I barely know what to do with my own home in my Animal Crossing game so, I honestly wasn’t sure how I was going to do designing a villgers home……

and before it’s even said, yes I am aware that it’s just a game so I shouldn’t really being feeling anxious of making a home look nice in it, but Animal Crossing is my life, I love this game with every part of soul and body and luckily you can’t actually see me, because if you did you would see how hard I’m trying to hold back my emotions, yes I know weirdo here, but honestly that’s how much this game means to me…..also you don’t know it, but you will now…..I’m getting annoyed with myself because of how emotional talking about it is making me, it is what it is and I shouldn’t be ashamed of it, not that I am!

Anyway you’ve heard me speak about this game loads of times so those who look forward to reading my posts will know how much I love this game!! I never knew you could feel so much for something that isn’t even real first off haha, but you still are constantly drawn to it……Animal Crossing has always been a game that I could turn to whenever I felt I couldn’t be who I felt inside to be, it’s hard to explain, but…..it’s my home away from home….no matter what is going on….even if I did take time away from it, I knew that it was always going to be there to welcome be back……as most of you know…..I don’t do words right most times…..so it really does take a lot in me to finally get what I want to say out, even in real life!

It’s something I actually worry about a lot, whether what I’m saying is coming across well or if it’s even being undersood and even though I’ve improved a lot better in communciating my feelings and that….it’s still hard for me, so I always do my best to take my time when I need to express something, for most people a post like this might only take them an hour or maybe less, but for me….it’ll probably take 3 hours or so, I can write less, but when I feel I need to really say things that’s when it’s more!

To get back on track though….this game has helped me through so much to where I can’t even explain it to you, so that’s why I will always talk about it, because it was the first game that I got into that allowed me to be myself and not have to worry, it gave me something to experience, it is a weird game, but it’s a weird game that I love and I will continue to speak about until I can’t speak about it anymore….but back to Happy Home Paradise…I love it, do I play it all the time, no, not really, but when I do push myself to head on over to the Happy Home Paradise island, I always enjoy myself and leaves me inspired without knowing I was inspired!!

I’ve made some interesting homes, some were great in my eyes and some I know still needs work, like I actually need to speak to some of the villgers whos homes I’ve decorated to change it, but I only play it when I’m either really wanting to because it’s been a while or when I’m feeling inspired, I barely go on that island, but that’s also because I’m too worried about my own island and what I want to do with it, right now inspiration is not quite up there, but whatever burst of inspiration I have, I go with it when I’m feeling it in the moment and it’s kind of been like that in real life too if I’m being honest, it’s not something I like to admit, but it’s the truth which is why I don’t post much everyday…..

This series Animal Crossing, anything I was afraid of…..it helped me to not be afraid of it, but it also help give me a voice, it was my company when I didn’t have much company and I like to see it as my good luck charm, it’s the one thing I’m always talking about and you know what it’s okay because it means that I’m really passionate about it! It was the one game that I never thought I’d ever understand even though it honestly is quite simple, yet at the same time it was something I always felt I needed to play, like it was a calling of some sort!!

I just love this game as well as Happy Home Paradise, the series as a whole, brings me so much joy even when I can’t see it sometimes, because real life is kicking in, but I always feel grounded with it and that’s what I appreciate about it!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Encanto (Movie Thoughts)

Happy Monday, Good Morning to all those reading this at whatever time you may happen to come across this! In case you’re wondering, I’m feeling a bit energetic today, so I’m trying to keep this energy going in a more productive kind way, also I’ve been singing a lot of Encanto today, as well as in the past few days so that’s another reason for my energetic mode! Hopefully you all are having a good day so far and that you’re keeping as warm as you can with the cold weather that came upon us this past weekend or just keeping warm in general with the fact that it’s starting to really feel like Winter this time around and that you’re all doing okay too!

Alrighty now that we’ve said our Good Mornings and how do you do’s, let’s get into today’s topic….that is Encanto, I know this is about 2 weeks late to when I originally said I was going to do it…..sorry about that, I ended up, not actually being able to do it like I wanted then, plus I ended up becoming quite under the weather those days so that’s why you have yet to hear the episode that I said I’d record.

I’ve still yet to record the episode, but before I do that I wanted to simply write down my thoughts first that way it’s sorta laid out and makes it easier for me to talk about, I’m not sure if I’ll get too detailed on my thoughts here or in the episode when I’m recording we’ll see how it all goes, but without further ado…..let’s talk Disney’s Encanto! Now if you read my last post that I wrote involving Encanto, you would have learned that I did re watch it and I might’ve mentioned getting super emotional about it the second time, if I didn’t well now you know!

I can’t even begin to share my love for this movie and how many times I’ve sang certain songs from it, but it really is a good movie, like if you have yet to watch Encanto, I would definitely recommend checking it out, hands down! It’s quite the experience and the meaning of it isn’t at face value like most movies are, there’s different interpretations you can take from it, even though the main meaning of it is there.

I’m sure we all know that the first viewing of movies and music and all that is different compared to listening or watching something the 2nd or 3rd time around, by then although there is already a knowing of what’s coming and what’s happening, there’s still parts of it that make it feel like you’re watching it for the very first time again and that’s because what you might’ve missed the first time with it, you’re seeing those things a second time for the first time and with the knowledge of really getting to see it all again in full detail, it makes the 3rd viewing of it also slightly new, but not entirely only the perspective of it changes!

What you thought the first time, becomes different the second time adding one perspective on top of another and around the 3rd time….you know what’s coming and you’ve seen everything for the most part, but with those two combined it’s another first time viewing now that you were able to truly experience it all! Now that being said there could be another perspective and interpretation that you gain from those two watches or listen in case you are hearing or listening to it it for the 3rd time, because you enjoyed it that much, but I’m saying it more on the fact of when combining the first and second viewing another first time experience only this time you know a lot more, hopefully all that made sense, I tried wording it the best way I knew how so I’m hoping that it didn’t get too confusing!

ANYWAY…..Encanto has so much to it, it’s the first movie in a very long time that focuses more on family and that isn’t just about a love story, as much as I love my love stories in movies, being the hopeless romantic that I am….but it’s refreshing to see something different and see this different that is also very relatable to your experiences and having that be there whether it wants to be brought up or not! The amount of times that I tried my HARDEST not to cry in the start of the movie, because I already knew what was going to be revealed, is a tough one to count okay….I was holding it all in up until the middle to end like it’s that kind of movie.

Watching Encanto a second time and really taking it all in, hearing the songs all over again and seeing certain scenes, you really do feel the movie and can’t help, but get a little lost with it! You feel for the main character Mirabel and even the other characters that have to deal with the things that they go through, even though I’ve watched it the first and second time I am trying not to spoil things too much here just in case some of you out there have yet to watch it…..

However I can’t promise there will be no spoilers when I do get around to recording the episode that from the looks of it, might just be a bit different to this post, meaning there will be more things said to elaborate on, but this is practically the base of it all until I actually do record and say other thoughts that I haven’t shared here…..I could share it all, but just know it’ll be a long post if I go and do that which is why I’m not going to do that, honestly I do watch to go into more detail voice wise, but I also wanted to jot certain thoughts of it down in writing…..but yes…..Encanto just has it’s own thing to it that if you’re not paying attention you need to, I mean you don’t actually, but it does helps and you learn a lot as well…..

plus who doesn’t want to listen to that soundtrack that I will eventually most likely also do a podcast episode on maybe, I might split it with a post like I’m doing here in the sense of writing out my thoughts of it in detail and sharing those thoughts differently, but the same in an episode or something I’ve still yet to decide on that, but just know I do plan on discussing the soundtrack to Encanto because it’s amazing and needs to be talked about just as much as the movie also I just want to share my personal favorites and my least, but not because their bad, just more on the fact of they would be the ones that I just don’t listen to as much if that makes sense the whole soundtrack is fantastic I just have my favorites that’s all!

Honestly…..I just flipping love this movie, not because it’s relatable and I understand the meaning to it for the most part, but just because it’s got that something that we haven’t seen in a very long time and the fact that the writers and everyone that worked on Encanto went ahead and weren’t afraid to discuss the topic that are shown throughout it and that everything they did was delivered and received well just shows how much they get it, how much people needed that to be out there so it could be understood and realized, take that in whatever way you feel best, but it’s a movie that we didn’t know we needed until it arrived and I could not be any more happy that it’s out and that people feel and can connect with it the way that they have so far that I’ve noticed!

It really is a breath of fresh air and I hope that we continue to get more movies like it, that allow for other people from different cultures to have their stories and way of life to be shown and learned about from other’s perspective so that way, we all get a better understanding of each other all while trying to evolve in the best way possible moving forward…..so far that’s my thoughts that I got for this post, I would say that this specific blog post is of bigger perspective combined with my own thoughts that I had originally and eventually learned more in detail of watching certain videos to others thoughts as well!

I have more to say, I just can’t say it all here, but just be on a lookout for the continuing of Encanto, in a podcast episode with some theories that I found interesting, some of them I felt myself when watching the movie, while with others it was more “I could see that happening” or just because it’s interesting and wanted to talk about it! Also the soundtrack as I stated earlier will be talked about eventually soon that you will know when you see it!

Take care, stay safe and watch Encanto or don’t whatever you feel, but just consider it maybe…..

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Encanto (Brief Thoughts)

I know that we’re no longer in the year 2021, but I did want to talk a little bit about a movie that I watched within the closing parts of that year! I won’t be going over it in full detail, due to the fact that I would like to also give some thoughts with it in an upcoming episode, although it’s been a long while that I’ve recorded, a month actually to be fair, however I do have it in mind to get back into it…..when exactly!? That I haven’t decided, but I will try to get back to it soon!

In the meantime we’ll just discuss some of it here for now! For those wondering what Encanto is, it’s a movie, an animated Disney movie/musical that recently released I believe sometime last year (a little weird we’re saying that now, I mean 2021 was literally just last week) I don’t really know when of last year, but that’s okay I’ll just look it up once I’m done!

(Update: As I was writing that last sentence, I ended up just looking it up anyway, it released on the 24th of November)

Now if you haven’t watched Encanto yet, I would definitely, definitely recommend checking this one out, it is soooo good, it’s a bit hard to explain the story of it writing wise, I would need to re watch it again and get a refresher of it and properly allow my thoughts to really take it all in again! There was a lot to Encanto and I want to be able to give my best and honest opinions of it….SPOILER…..I don’t have a negative thought on it, I bet you thought I was going to give you a spoiler on the movie didn’t you!? Don’t worry, we don’t do that here, well at least I try not to, I don’t like spoilers myself so I wouldn’t go and do that to someone else and if I do feel like I’m going to spoil something for someone, I do make sure to give a heads up beforehand! Back to Encanto, I love the movie and I look forward to really getting into it later when I’ve taken it in for a second time!

One thing I will will say is, this movie does get you emotional, now it may not be like that for everyone, I know everybody has different emotional levels to them, but this movie left me feeling teary eyed a few times not going to lie…..then again, I’m an emotional type of person anyway, so whether I’m listening to a sappy love song or any song that has a very deep meaning with beautifully written lyrics or I’m watching a movie that maybe relatable or it’s story is too much to handle (in a good way) there’s a 95 percent chance that I will cry, but that’s just who I am, I can try and hold it, but I usually don’t if it’s an emotional moment, I just let it happen!

It’s best to allow your emotions to come out when it’s feeling something strongly and that’s not just for when you’re watching movies or listening to music, I mean that in a general sense! Going back on track though, Encanto is very beautiful….although there is a key meaning to it, you may find yourself taking more than just one message from it! Plus the soundtrack is quite interesting, but really good, although I’ve only heard it once when watching the movie, I still enjoyed it!!

There’s a lot of things you wouldn’t really expect from it until you’re watching it for yourself, but one of the things that I really do like and admire with it, is the storytelling and if you’re from a Spanish speaking family certain things within this movie will be quite relatable and even if it’s not relatable and you’re not from a Spanish speaking family, it doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy it or feel like you can’t watch it and think to yourself “I know what that feels like” we all go through similar things in different ways, we don’t have to be the same in order to know what something feels like, we can still relate and be different!

You can learn a lot from Encanto, like I said it’s hard to describe at the moment which is why I will be re watching it so I can try and explain it better in the best way I feel I’m able to, but I would without a doubt recommend that you check it out if you haven’t already, it is a tear jerker, but it’s one of those movies that once you start watching it, just know your eyes might not leave the screen, at least that’s how I feel, I know everyone has different opinions and reactions to things so you may or may not feel the same, but it is worth giving a chance and watching, see what your thoughts are of it!

Those are some of my thoughts of it, I know it’s brief, but hopefully I was able to have it get considered to be on your watchlist and if I’ve not convinced you here, just know I will try again lol, anyway hope you all have a good rest of the day, take care, stay safe and Happy 3 Kings Day for those that celebrate it out there, see you soon!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: ACNH Group Stretching (Buttons Vs Motion)

Good Afternoon! Even though it’s still technically morning, but it’s also close to the afternoon! Hope you’re all having a good start to the week and that you enjoyed your weekend!! Happy Monday, you know I must say, if I’m being honest Mondays kind of leave me with mixed feelings….some days I actual enjoy it and don’t mind it much, but I also have days where I’m feeling like Garfield the cat thinking to myself “Mondays” I think most people feel that way though when it comes to Mondays usually, where it’s either a hit or miss at times!

I personally don’t consider Mondays to be all that bad, it just depends on how the day is going or how it feels, but I say we should show the day that starts our week a bit of love, I mean it kind of has a bit of a charm to it wouldn’t you say!? To each their own I guess, anyway…..you might be able to tell what this post is going to be like and what it’s about, today I want to talk about Animal Crossing, because if I’m being honest, it’s who I am inside and I love talking about it! I don’t know what it is about this game, but it just always brings so much joy into my life, I can go away from it for a while, but it’s always going to be the thing I come back to and you know what!?

I don’t mind it and I hope that it’s okay and if it’s not well then…..that is perfectly alright, I’m still going to share upon it anyway, because I can’t help myself, it’s what I love and I’m not ashamed to admit that!! Okay now that I’ve got that all out of my system…kind of….let’s discuss the group stretching that Nintendo brought back to us after sooo many years, for those that never played this game or aren’t familiar with the Animal Crossing series, back when the game first released and when I say game, I’m talking about the very first Animal Crossing off the GameCube (What a gem that console was…..that might just be my opinion though)

We were given a lot of cool features, one of them allowed you to get up early and join in on a nice workout session with some of the villagers in town, which was called morning aerobics, literally you had to get up early in order to catch this one, but if you happened to miss it, well then you’d just be watching the villagers work out, if you made it on time, I personally never tried this, I didn’t know at the time that they even had these cool things you can actually join in on, it was after I hadn’t played it in years that I learned about it, I always wanted to experience it though, but then again I didn’t really understand the concept of Animal Crossing back then either…..it wasn’t until New Leaf that I really fell in love with game and started to understand fully what it was actually about!!

So even though I didn’t quite get the game all those years ago even after trying them out and being frustrated and confused on what I was meant to do….it was always this thing I found myself becoming drawn to not really knowing why exactly I was so drawn to it…..but it always left me feeling happy and excited whenever I heard about it, eventually I got the game and the rest is history!!

Back to the group stretching part of this blog…as already stated, Nintendo gave us back something that a lot of people enjoyed from the older games, although it’s called something different, it’s still the same concept to the original! I’ve done the group stretching in New Horizons about 3-4 times now I’d say, the first 3 was just using the buttons which was quite hard, believe it or not, I say that because you have to time it properly otherwise it’s going to look a bit funny, the best way to explain it is….it’s kind of like a rhythm game, It’s the got the same mechanics as if you’re playing Bust a Groove, only you’re there for about 5-10mins max!!

Live From My Main Island….Group Stretching Button Option

If you even slip up once, just prepare to be lost, while everyone else is in sync and you’re there looking like an Octopus with no control of it’s arms…..okay that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s pretty much like that as well lol! If you’re someone that likes everything in a fashionably order and you love to see everything synched up nicely…..just know you’re going to feel slightly triggered when it’s not like that, mind you I’m just talking about the buttons….I haven’t even gotten to the whole motion side of it yet…speaking of that…..I tried that for the very first time today, group stretching with the motion option using the controllers (you only need one controller by the way) that was….an experience…..but it was a fun experience, I enjoyed it….although I wasn’t quite on beat with everyone, but then again….I’m not really that coordinated with a lot of things, hence why I never played sports back when I was in school….

Fun fact:

Had I played a sport….it would’ve been Football (Soccer) or badminton (fun fact on me just learning that this is an actual sport and not just something that was played for fun) would I had played it as a sport if there was a team….maybe, but also no, I think I prefer to play it just for fun to be fair, but football (Soccer) I would have definitely considered trying out had I played a sport

Me Again…..Group Stretching With The Motion Option (better option in my opinion)

Back to Animal Crossing, regardless to my coordination for certain things, that doesn’t mean I won’t still try my best, now if you were to ask me….which do you prefer buttons or motion!? I would pick motions, for the simple fact that, it’s fun….yes the buttons are fine, but it’s called group stretching which means you need to move, yes I’m not always timed perfectly with everyone….but even when I’m not, I still have a good time doing it, plus I feel the motion option to be a better way to really feel like you’re really participating as well as really bonding with some of your villagers and the NPC’s that join it, most importantly, by choosing the motion option, you’re giving your body the exercise that it needs which means you’re caring for yourself, yes it’s a quick and light workout, but if it’s something you can have fun with, why wouldn’t you want to join in on the fun!?

You have to admit that, it’s pretty flipping cute seeing the villagers and everyone having a good time group stretching, by the way sometimes the villagers and NPC’s go off a beat as well so if you look a fool you won’t be a fool alone which is great!! That’s my thoughts on the Animal Crossing Group Stretching mini game whatever you want to call it!!

What are your thoughts, have you played the group stretching mini game!? If so do you prefer using the button option or the motion option!?


I was going to to add the videos of each group stretching, but I’m unable to share the video as I don’t have the proper plan for it, so instead I hope you don’t mind the still photos of it! No need to fret though (not that you are) as I’m sharing it on my twitter so, if you want to see both examples with the actual video (button option VS motion option, you can find it here: Daydreamer Lex (that’s the twitter I use for these posts and the only social media I have at the current moment)

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Monster House (Thoughts)

Good Afternoon! I hope you guys are having a good start to your week, it’s another Manic Monday as The Bangles would say, if you know that song then you’re a cool person and you were either born in the era that it came out or you’re just someone that has good taste in music, I wasn’t born in the era that this song released, I just listen to a lot of old music and music in general, but it’s good a song if you haven’t heard it!

So let’s get to talking about some movies, shall we!? As you all probably know Halloween is this upcoming weekend like we’re literally at the end of the month, can someone say “what the heck!?” because I want to….in all fairness this month has felt like a whole chore to get through, I don’t know if that’s just how I feel it to be, but it’s been on hell of a month and the fact that it’s just coming to an end is saying so much…..then again it might’ve been a different experience for anyone reading this right now so It’s probably just me at this point that has felt that! Also I might’ve said this a few times before, but I have been trying to keep with a theme for this month which is having anything I write be Halloween based, not including personal thoughts I want of share of course, but in a sense of movies, music, you know things like that!

However not everything I choose to talk about will be definite Halloween, but certain things that remind me of it, if that makes sense!? Today’s movie choice that I would like to give my thoughts on is the 2006 movie that really should have been released during this time or at least around the fall season, I mean it literally screams I WAS INTENDED TO BE A HALLOWEEN MOVIE, BUT I’M TECHNICALLY NOT A HALLOWEEN MOVIE! Something along those lines, if you couldn’t already tell from the title, we’re going to be talking about Monster House…..now to be fair, I have not watched this movie in quite some time, last time I revisited this one was about…maybe 3 years ago!? After that I haven’t really seen the movie….but it’s one of the movies that whenever this season rolls around I think about it!

Don’t ask me why, but it comes to my mind…..how many people remember this movie, I’m curious to know because I don’t feel like a lot of people talk about this one enough, nor do they even consider it as a Halloween movie at that, I mean if you really look at it, this movie did came out in the Summer….not kidding, July 21st to be exact, why!? I wish I knew, I mean it would have made a good start of the fall season movie, even if it wasn’t necessarily for October, September would have been fine for this movie to come out, but no they said July is a good month for this Halloween movie to release!

I will never understand how there’s some movies that literally tell you it’s for a specific theme, but come out on very odd months!? I thought I’d set the record straight and put this one where it’s meant to be and that’s with all the other Halloween non Halloween movie section! Let’s get into Monster House though, because it at least deserves that much…..again I’ve not watched this movie for a few years now, but I do remember always enjoy it when I would watch it! The art style of it is a bit weird yes, but that’s the whole aesthetic of it, it’s supposed to me weird! The movie from what I can remember was pretty darn creepy, not going to lie! Seriously imagine being eaten by your own house….

Scratch that your creepy neighbors house at that! Like your just minding your own business taking a walk and next thing you know you’ve been swallowed by your neighbors house, that happens to be haunted by his late wife who wasn’t really treated nicely when she was living! The only person to really care about her was her husband and when she passed….her spirit took over the house and she’d go after anyone that tried going near it! Hence why Mr. Nebbercracker (I think that was his name anyway) always screamed at kids and anyone not to go near his lawn, everyone thought he was a mean old grumpy face of an old man, but really was just trying to keep everyone from getting eaten by his house of a wife!

Plus he never really had anyone going out there way to really get to know him, but then again he never let anyone in anyway, because he was afraid and due to everyone constantly torturing him and his home so there’s that! It took 3 kids to be curious to why Nebbercracker doesn’t let anyone near his house to become curious and explore it anyway after being told not to go near it…..but you know kids, they do it anyway! You know what they say curiosity killed that cat, I’m not really sure why people say that, I mean that doesn’t always happen!? Who came up with that anyway?

Anyway….I can’t really go into full detail of the movie, although I do feel like I can remember the movie a good amount, but Monster House was quite the spooky movie, but I feel it’s both underrated and a really good movie as well, if these 3 kids didn’t allow their curiosity to wander, they would’ve never learned about Nebbercracker’s backstory and helped him get out of his own home that he felt trapped in and released all that fear he was holding himself in, I feel like this movie had a very interesting story to it and that the message that they tried to have come across was good as well!

It’s just a shame that not many people talk about it anymore or at least as much because I feel it to be a hidden gem of a movie, had it been released during the fall or around the Halloween season, I think it would’ve gotten more recognition, but I’m sure there’s some people out there that remember it and either really like it, didn’t like it or maybe they just thought it was okay! Everyone’s got different views which is fine, I personally really enjoy this movie, even though I haven’t watched it in quite some time, but that being said it’s always one that crosses my mind during this season because I just don’t understand why it wouldn’t, I guess everyone’s different!

P.S. This was written yesterday, but I ended up finishing today!

All The Love ❤ ❤


This Is Halloween A.K.A The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Well I’ve got the title down so that’s good! Good Morning everyone! Happy Monday, we have arrived to a whole new week….yeah the weekend sure went by quickly didn’t it!? Hope you all had a good weekend though…so what shall we discuss for the start of the week, gee I wonder!? Okay I’m sure you can all guess what we’ll be talking about here, that’s right today’s topic we’ll be on the pumpkin king himself Jack the Skeleton!! Now I’d like to think that a lot of people know of this movie and probably have it listed as one of their favorites even….I wouldn’t say it’s a favorite of mine per say, however I do really like this movie and whenever it is on, I watch it most time, it’s a really good movie!

It’s also very creepy at time, I’ve been watching a lot of Halloween movies these days, I mean we are in the season of it so might as well check out a few Halloween based movies and The Nightmare Before Christmas is the kind of movie that everyone plays around this time, it’s also the kind of movie that people play around Christmas as well….if you didn’t already know there’s even a debate on whether this movie is to be considered a Halloween film or Christmas film which is if you really think about, it’s really more Halloween then Christmas, I’m on that side yes, but also not on that side….

What I mean is to me it’s more Halloween then Christmas because let’s face it it screams Halloween, even when you get to the Christmas parts of the film, it’s has that undertone of Halloween to it, but I can understand people seeing it as a Christmas film because most people prefer to watch it around Christmas then Halloween…that being said I think it shouldn’t be a debate with “Is it Christmas or Is it Halloween” just go with it as you feel! If you prefer watching it during the Winter around Christmas time then it’s a Christmas movie, if you like to watch it the moment the Halloween season starts then it’s Halloween, although Tim Burton himself said it’s a Halloween movie not Christmas, but who says you can’t change the rules and decide with it how you feel it to be!

Anyway, is a very great and creepy movie, like there’s this one scene where Jack when he happens to get pulled into The Christmas world and he’s singing about what everything is, you’ll see him going through someone’s window and the way he does it is very unsettling, like seriously, you won’t notice it when you first watch it, but after a few times….you start to notice and question a lot of things in that movie also did anyone see Sally jump out of the tower and just land on the ground the way she did!? She’s lucky she’s able to just sow herself back together with her being a ragdoll kind of character…..goodness gracious, every time I watch that part I’m like “Sally girl, what the heck!?”

And let’s not forget the Boogieman is this movie…..he always gives me the hibbie jibbies with just the stuff he’s made out of…..it doesn’t matter how many time I watch the movie…..I will never EVER get over his reveal of being made out of bugs….he’s LITERALLY just a sack of bugs….it’s sooo gross, I have to look away every time that part comes up, it’s just NO….no, please no! I think the best part about this movie is that it’s pretty much all Claymation based, it took them 3 years I believe to create this movie, because they had to get everything exactly the way they wanted! The amount of time and effort and the creative way they chose to make this movie, is incredible!!

I give very big props to those artists that work with Clay and turn it into something so unique, let alone decide they want to make a whole movie or show with it! I know animation and video games take so much time, but people who put so much heart into stop motion and having to do so many takes with it just to turn it into something that we’re able to watch, like the Nightmare Before Christmas…..that’s a lot of work! They’re not just doing one thing, they have to make sure the clay doesn’t fall apart and that it doesn’t dry too much either when doing specific scenes, that’s like a whole new experience that they’re giving us…now I’m not saying that we don’t get cool experiences with regular animations or anything, animation is also something that gives us something different to experience, but I just find it fascinating how people who work with Clay do things like this!

I would have thought this movie to be just drawn and animated, but no it’s made with Clay this entire movie, how awesome is that!? I mean I also feel they combined animation with it of course, but still, it’s amazing!! I mean that takes a lot of time and creativity to do something so out of this world that you probably wouldn’t even believe it! Back to the movie though, Nightmare Before Christmas, great movie, it’s got some nice songs…it’s sweet at times, Sally and Jack are great, the other characters too, but yeah….it’s just super creepy, will I watch it though!? Of course I enjoy that movie!

Happy Spooky Season!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: The Phantom Of The Opera

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you’re all okay, I’ve been up for about an hour now, it’s about to be 8:30am, by the time I finish this post it might be a bit past that time, who knows…..anyway I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the movie/musical Phantom Of The Opera, yes I know there’s a Broadway show to it as well, but I have only ever known and watched the movie so the Broadway show won’t be mentioned much here!

If some of you know of this musical then you’ll know what I’m talking, if not that’s okay, but if you would like me to explain a bit, well then I’ll do my best…..Phantom of The Opera originally it’s based off a Broadway play, but it later turned into a movie/musical…..it’s quite an interesting one and I don’t know how well I’ll be able to describe it, but to put it into short words, You have this girl whose name is Christine who is obsessed with this voice I guess, I’m not going to lie to you I never quite understood the concept of this play turned musical movie, I just always liked watching the movie and hearing the songs I’d always watch it with my brother on occasions, we’d love watching it when we were younger!

We don’t watch it much these days, but I’d still consider it a favorite if not that, It was always a movie that I enjoyed watching….but anyway, back to the explanation of this movie…..Yeah so Christine, she’s obsessed with this Phantom guy, but mainly because of his voice and the Phantom guy is obsessed with Christine who is engaged to another man…..that’s pretty much the round up of the movie, I mean there’s more to it of course, but it’s the only way I can explain it really!

Now onto why I want to talk about the Phantom Of The Opera, so as we all know we are in the Spookiest of months right now, everyone’s favorite season except for mine Halloween, unless we’re talking about the Halloween event in my favorite game Animal Crossing then…..well I got mixed feelings on that one, but we’re not here to talk about Animal Crossing, not yet anyway, soon though!

We’re slowly, but surely nearing the Halloween event and I know most people are probably looking forward to getting all dressed up and going out to get candy and what not, I’m not really sure how most people will celebrate it this year, however they choose, I just hope everyone enjoys themselves and most importantly that they stay safe! I’m getting off track here aren’t I!? Right….caring on, reason to why I want to talk about this beautiful movie musical…..

We are at the peak of Halloween, it’s closely around the corner and so for this month, I’ve been slightly challenging myself to have a theme so I can write more and record more! Out of all the months that I get most inspiration, October has literally screamed at me and so I thought this could work, let’s see if we can make things interesting! I’ve been sharing recently anything that gives me Halloween vibes, it doesn’t have to be exactly Halloween, it just has to feel like it and Phantom Of The Opera gives me HUGE “yeah this can go well with the Halloween season”

I recently found out that it actually released during the Halloween season at least the novel did…..it fact it just had an anniversary this past Saturday the 9th of October, true facts! 35 years that we were given this gift and you want to know what else I learned!? Apparently it’s meant to be a Graphic Horror…..how did I not know that!? I’m not sure, but let’s just say I knew that from the beginning to save time…..35 years is a long time I mean it’s older than the Nightmare Before Christmas and that movie just turned 28 TODAY!! like right now today…..can you believe that!?

I like how meant to be focused on Phantom Of The Opera, but I keep mentioning other things…..sorry about that I just can’t help, but mention these things! Really I just wanted to talk about the soundtrack of this movie, it literally screams Halloween…..anytime I just hear the Phantom Of The Opera theme song, I always would say to myself how you could add that to a playlist with other similar songs that just give you that spooky sound or just reminds you of the season of Halloween! It’s a such a good soundtrack though Phantom Of The Opera, also the two leads to that movie did fantastic together, both have amazing voices and I kind just want to watch the movie now at this point, I’ll try and watch it soon!

If you ever listen to the Phantom Of The Opera soundtrack then you’ll also feel the familiarity that it brings to this season! There’s a lot of songs that will sound like they were made around the month of October just because they give you those horror type of sounds to them, but also it could just be that they fit well and probably should’ve been made during the month of October, but I guess that’s why playlists were invented so you add things to them that remind you of a certain holiday event, that bring back certain memories or just because you need a bunch of songs to help pick you during the day!

Regardless Phantom Of The Opera is quite the musical/movie and recently just found out about Novel and I can’t believe it’s 35 years old, like it’s still young, but goodness 35 years!? That’s mind blowing right there, by the way I have never read the novel if it weren’t obvious, I didn’t even know there was a novel for it, I always thought it was a musical play only turned movie, but then again most of these musical plays come from books sooo I don’t know why I’m so surprised….Happy 35th Anniversary POTO!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


The Last Challenger Approaches, Completing A Life Long Journey of an Era (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)

Happy Friday Everybody!! We’ve come to the end of the week and beginning of the weekend, who else has let out a breath of relief I know I have, I don’t know about you guys, but it seems like this month is going by both slow, yet also pretty quick….is that weird to say!? I mean we’re still in the beginning process of the month, however we are heading towards the middle of the month as well, we’re literally half way there practically lol!

This week has been…..something, now when I say that it just means you can’t quite put your finger on whatever it is your saying something to, there is that specific thing to it if that makes sense!? Overall it has been quite the week hasn’t it! I’m not going to lie I’ve been feeling a bit nervous this week, I don’t know if it’s because I know I’ll be getting my second vaccine Sunday or because of other things, probably a mixture of it all if I’m being honest, but as Isabelle would say in New Horizons “Give yourself a pat on the back you made it to the end of the week” something like that anyway!

Speaking of games, let’s talk a bit on what you’re probably here for shall we!? First up I just want to say that I already recorded my thoughts on these topics, I’m just adding anything that I managed to miss or just recently found out about so that’s what this post is…..so anything I said within my podcast episode I won’t be saying too much on here, I’ve scheduled the episode to be up a bit later today so once it’s officially up that is when I’ll share it!

Real quick I actually had something else in mind that I wanted to record for you guys, but Anchor is being a bit, troublesome today well my microphone is anyway, although it let me record this episode early this morning that I was actually going to share tomorrow and what I was going to record today was supposed to be up for today instead, but I guess this episode wanted to be up on a Friday instead of Saturday so change of plans…..the episode was going to be music based, I was going to challenge myself to speak about an artist that I listen to often, but is a bit out of comfort to share my thoughts on, but I shall leave it for another day and hopefully by then I’ll get to share this amazing artist with you guys!

Back to video games…..we all know by now I presume that Sora from Kingdom Hearts will be joining the Smash Ultimate roster and how excited everyone is about that really big news, we also know that he was the last challenger to be added to the game which means no more other challengers to unexpectedly show up and join the fight, it’s a bit bittersweet that we’ve come to the end of finishing up Smash, but we all knew that at some point it was going to happen!

Now I just recently found out that Sakurai the director of Super Smash will be taking a break now that the last character has been revealed within the game, I did a little research and I knew Super Smash Bros Ultimate came out a few years ago, but I just didn’t realize how long it actually has been…..2018 is when this game released and it took 3 years…..3 YEARS……to complete Super Smash Ultimate’s roster!! If that’s not both insane and mind blowing I don’t know what is!?

Sakurai has been at this game for so many years not including Ultimate, we’ve had so many Super Smash games come into our lives and to see the transformation of it to what it was and what it is now…..you wouldn’t even believe it, so YES Sakurai definitely deserves a long rested break, I mean he’s work tirelessly without much of a break just to finish this game! Now I understand everyone getting emotional and feeling the way they feel, because it’s been a very long journey in the Super Smash franchise and so it’s an important event in the Nintendo world….

So I shall say a bit of what I said in the episode, but a bit better….Thank you Sakurai for everything that you have given us with this game, thank you for putting your heart into something and sharing it with everyone, I hope that you have the most deserved break and whenever you decide you want to return I just hope that you feel the most refreshed that you’ve felt in a while and if this Smash game is to be the last again thank you for giving us something to be able to enjoy for generations and generations, I don’t know what you are thinking about for your next journey, but whatever it is, I hope that it brings you much joy and happiness, but for now just take care of yourself, see you when you return!


My latest podcast episode is now up is you want to check it out, take care and have a good weekend!


In case this is appearing as Episode 42 instead of Episode 43, I don’t know what’s happening, when I shared it earlier it said Episode 43…..hopefully it updates itself and changes back to the original episode I posted….I’m going to give it a day and wait to share both this post and podcast episode on my Twitter, until this glitch clears out! Here’s the link to the actual episode if you guys want to check it out: Let’s Talk: The Final Ultimate Character Joining The Roster & The Upcoming Animal Crossing Direct Ep. 43

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Monsters Inc and Monsters University

With the Halloween season spicing up everyone’s life right now, literally I mean have seen all the Pumpkin spice things that everyone is going crazy for…..I don’t really understand why everyone likes Pumpkin spiced food and drinks, I mean I do love me some Pumpkin donuts from Dunkin’ don’t get me wrong, but aren’t we going a little bit too far with it!?

I understand the Pumpkin candles, those always smell lovely, so those are okay, everything else that’s Pumpkin inspired though…..that’s different….but we’re not hear to talk about Pumpkins…..not yet anyway, that will be coming up soon! Today I thought we’d talk about everybody’s favorite and most adorable Disney movie at least to me it’s got adorable things in it…..in this post we are discussing both Monsters Inc and Monsters University combined!

Why exactly!? Well because without Monsters University we would never know how Sully and Mike Wazowski got into the Scare business and without Monsters Inc we wouldn’t know who Boo was…..those are the two main important things about both these movies…alright alright, I’ll give them both more credit then that…..we all know how great Monsters Inc is, it was the first to release between the two and it’s still being played every Halloween as well as during most days really if you can’t bother to wait for the Spooky season, although a lot of movies are like that if you really think about it….

Monsters Inc is just one of those movies that are just fun to watch, like when you see that it’s on and you’re able to watch it….7/10 you’d be the first to switch over to it, now I didn’t say 9/10 because I feel like it’s easy to pass by, I mean there have been times where I’ve seen it on a tv guide and just not gone to watch it, but I think it’s okay to say that seeing Monsters Inc even if you do skip it and choose to watch something else, you do stop and acknowledge it before you start watching that show or movie that leaves you wanting to make snacks for or just to enjoy!

Now as for Monsters University…..I’m not sure how many people would skip it or would switch to it right away, now that’s not me saying that it’s a bad movie, cause it’s not, Monsters University has it’s own charm to it, it’s not exactly a Monsters Inc 2, which I think a lot of people we’re upset about at first, I feel like a lot of people were really wanting a second Monsters Inc movie, but we’re a little disappointed when we were given Monsters University instead…..but I think people have gotten over that already!

Like I was saying though, it’s not Monsters University does have it’s own charm to it and it was nice to see what Sully and Mike Wazowski were like during their younger heading into adulthood years, it’s not what we were expecting, but it was pretty good, at least I thought so…..it was cool seeing the two best friends and some of their school friends from Monsters University visit the company that they would later be apart of in the Monsters Inc movie, like what I great way to foreshadow a classic movie that already exist!

Just in case that sounded like sarcasm, just know that it’s not I was just expressing in a very weird way that I like that they referenced Monsters Inc in Monsters University, yeah I probably didn’t need to explain that, but I felt it feeling like I was saying that sarcastically so I wanted to clarify it for myself and in case people read it and wonder if I was using sarcasm or really felt it like that…..moving on…..both Monsters Inc and Monsters University are great movies, they both are similar, but are also very different from each other, they’ve got their own thing going for them, which I like!

I love how you’re able to see Monsters Inc being told in many different ways as you’re getting to see both stories unfold and transition to being what they both are now, with Monsters University being the starting point of the journey even though it was released later and Monsters Inc being the butterfly that emerges out of it’s cocoon, it’s a weird and backwards way of telling a story, but I guess it worked out for the best, regardless I think both movies should be given better credit and more love if they haven’t been getting much of it these days!


I might just record an episode talking a bit more about Monsters Inc and Monsters Uni sometime soon, I feel I have a bit more I want to get out, but writing it all here would be a very long read it’s pretty much be the same thing to this post, but with some added thoughts that I hoping I haven’t expressed yet so keep your eyes peeled for that….

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Clocker

Happy Thursday! Hope you all are well and safe, boy was yesterday quite the day, I don’t know how many people experienced last nights hurricane, we had a lot of flooding happening, water even came into our house, it wasn’t too bad, we caught it before it got worst, but it was a good amount of water, but more like puddles of water so nothing got damaged luckily, in other places though that’s a different story, but it was okay! For those who also experienced the really unexpected bad storm, I hope you all are doing well and that it wasn’t too bad for you guys!

Now let’s talk about what this post is about…..you’re probably looking at the title going “huh!?” Clocker for those unsure, is a video game that I downloaded not that long ago, I’ve only played it once, it’s pretty much a puzzle game with a pretty neat story, you can also consider it an adventure game as well! Clocker from what I gathered playing it is about a father trying to get back to his daughter, I’ll try not to spoil the game too much in case some of you find it interesting and want to play it for yourselves, but pretty much you are given this old looking Clock by some random old guy and as you advance in the game, you find that time has stopped and you’re there trying to figure out how to restart it so that you can get back to your daughter!

There’s more to it obviously, but you have to play it to understand the concept of it! Like I said it’s a really neat game, it’s different to what I would normally play, but it’s really nice, in the game the clock that you get from the old guy, you soon discover that it let’s you control certain events so whatever is frozen you can help advance it and rewind to get through each section so you can collect the things that are needed, did I mention that the father character in the game fixes clocks for a living!? So being that you disable and reassemble clocks and watches and that, you have to get all the missing pieces that came off from the stopwatch, yeah! Like I said it’s pretty cool, I didn’t get that far into the game, I’m kind of stuck on a level, I would get so close to solving it, but will still end up missing something so I got to go back and figure it out!

I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the game has much as I did, when I first played it it wasn’t hard to understand, you start off taking apart a watch and going through the story mode of the game with certain dialogs, which was kind of fun, I liked taking apart things, I haven’t played it in a couple of weeks though, but I will eventually get back into it soon, it was really fascinating! I have a feeling I know what the message of the game is, but before I share it, I want to play it more to see if it is what I think it is, which it might end up being cause it seems to be going in that direction, but I want to enjoy the game and discover what other things it has going for it, just play it, understand it better, once I finish the game I will do a part two on it and update you on it’s story and let you know if I got the message to it correct! Hopefully I didn’t spoil anything on the game for you guys if I did….I’m sorry, but if I didn’t then cool!

I would recommend anyone who wants to try out a new game to give this one a try, the graphics and gameplay may be a little different to what you might like in a game, depending what kind of games you like and all, but I still would say to give it a try, it might surprise you and who knows it might be your new favorite game, but if it’s something that you think you personally wouldn’t go for then that’s okay too, I didn’t think I was going to go for it before I actually played it, but I also still had it in my wish list to try, because it was something that looked interesting, but everyone’s different!

If this game is something that catches your attention then go get it, it’s actually not that bad in price! I got it during a sale, but I think it’s about 6 dollars-10 the max…..correction it’s actually 4 dollars ($3.99 USD 3.59 GPB) I went and checked, but yeah you can find this game on the Nintendo eshop, if this game is something you’d consider then I definitely recommend it! Part 2 of this post will be up eventually and that post will be my full thoughts on the game once I’ve finished it of course!

All The Love ❤ ❤
