2 Years Of Blogging (Part 2)

Hiya, hope you’re all doing well, I know it’s been a week now since my first part of this post, I have been meaning to write the second part to it, but I didn’t want to write it, until I knew I felt good enough to write it and so that’s why it’s taking me a bit to get to this post, I didn’t want to rush it by any means……now to be completely honest…….

Where this post is going I don’t know, i’m kinda just going to go with it, it might just be a theme here now that i’m thinking about it, but let’s just see where this post chooses to travel…..okay so I know I didn’t quite go into details of what 2 years of blogging has felt like or has been in the first part of it…….and to share some thoughts on that part…….i’m not really sure what to express on what it’s been like…….when I first started this blog, it was to have it be a place where I felt I could express myself, there was no theme at all to it, it was just a blog of expression, however I felt I tried to express

myself in the best way that could……for while I feel like I did that okay if that makes sense!? To be fair I still consider this to be my blog of expression, there have been times where I tried to come up with a theme…..and I always had trouble with that…..

You see although I can theme certain things out…..blogging was one of those things I found hard to give a theme to…….there were many times where i’d worry and go into overthink mode wondering if I was doing all of this right or not and i’d even stress myself out about it and sometimes it’ll get to a point where I would stop writing for a while and i’d go back and fourth with myself on whether I should continue with this blog, you know the natural worries when it comes to having a blog and that……

There were times where i’d notice i’d write about anything whether it made sense or not, just because I felt I needed to post all the time and I guess doing that probably didn’t help creativity wise……let’s just say there’s a lot i guess I can talk on……that’d make it a very long post ha!! One of the main things though was, I made this blog to have as an outlet to express when I didn’t feel I was able to in the way I wanted to,

but even then I still felt it hard to express at times……when it comes to personal things even though i’ll express on it to an extent……you’ll never see me go into full details to whatever i’m expressing about and i’m detailed person irl (in real life) by the way, but if it’s too personal, although I won’t say exactly what it is about, i’ll still express on what i’m feeling just differently……that said, there were moments where I stopped expressing because I didn’t want it to come across a certain way…….yet I knew I had things I wanted to share that was kind of personal that I wanted to get out

Again it’s actually quite a lot now that i’m writing about it, there might just be a part 3 here……if so it’ll be shorter in words, but these 2 years on this blog well they’ve been something and by something I mean a mixture of different emotions and thoughts and all that jazz, again i’ll shorten it in the next part, I didn’t think there’d be so much expression happening to describe blogging for two years, but here we are, i’m going to try and make this 3rd and last post part the overall view of having this blog shorter

There’s still some stuff I want to express on because I don’t feel this to be finished so, I hope you all enjoy this second part in someway and if you haven’t read the first part you can find it here: 2 Years Of Blogging (Part 1)

To be continued and finished……

All The Love ❤ ❤


Be Prepared…..

Before we start going on with this topic first i’d like to give it a bit of light by saying that this title, is also a song title, from one of my favorite movies the Lion King, I wrote it out and thought of the song because yeah I just did!!

Now this may get serious, but it may not, i’m not really sure how i’m expecting this post to go and maybe I don’t need to, so i’m just going to let it flow out how it’s wanting to……they say it’s important to be prepared always, yet at times there are moments that even when you think you’re prepared, there’s always a chance something’s going to end up catching you off guard……no matter how many times you may do your best to make sure

You’re not missing something, a lot of those times you may because you can’t be prepared for everything, sometimes a lot of the things that happen, comes from it being unexpected and yeah not knowing what to expect can get stressful and there’s going to be moments where you may get frustrated or angry even, but when we start to feel those emotions……we have to keep in mind that it’s not going to always be something we can control.

Things happen and sometimes even when you’re prepared, it doesn’t mean that you’re always going to be fully prepared, prepared……maybe that doesn’t make much sense…..but what i’m trying to get at is……even when things seems to be a little out of control……be prepared for the moments that you’re not prepared for, it’s like that saying expect the unexpected….

A lot of the time we don’t know a lot that is going to happen, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t always suit up for it in the best way possible, we may not know what’s to come, but we have to believe that whatever it is, it’ll be good in someway and who knows it may just be the very thing that we’ve been looking for without realizing or most likely something we didn’t see coming that we didn’t even think about in the first place!!

When we least expect it, we will soon find or come across something that might just be hard to explain at this moment, but will soon make much more sense to where we know and feel it to be just that thing that we needed……it’s all about patience and trusting the process that whatever is coming, we may not always be entirely prepared, but for the most part we’re still prepared in a way, though there’s times we don’t always expect it.

All The Love ❤ ❤


2 Years Of Blogging (Part 1)

So this might be a few days late, but I did want to write something for my 2 year anniversary of starting this blog……not really sure what i’m going to write, you may not even see this until a little later, but I just wanted to get at least some of my thoughts down just so I have at least an idea of it.

To start, in case some of you are wondering, this past Saturday (July 11th) made two years since I went and created this blog, as well as something else, it was a bit of an event kind of day, but nonetheless, for the most part it was the anniversary of my blog…..now I knew the anniversary was coming up and leading up to it, I was trying to think of what I could talk about or what kind of things I wanted to share on that day……as you can tell,

I didn’t end up really sharing much the day of the anniversary, I ended up doing some other stuff and by the time I finished, I didn’t have time to share on anything and to be honest……I didn’t really know what I wanted to share or talk about, motivation, as well as inspiration has been a little…..

Dimmed these days……that being said, even though I didn’t really have much planned for my 2 year anniversary of the blog……I still wanted to try and do something for it, even if it was just me saying “It’s been 2 years can you believe it!?” on the note…..it’s kinda a little surprising that i’ve had this for that long and that i’m still using it actually……it’s slightly like “wow” but also not at the same time, I can’t really explain it…..still though also you may have noticed, I wrote part 1 to this post, Reason being!?

I feel like there’s more I want to say and I don’t know if i’ll be able to put it all in this post, again i’m not quite sure what those things are just yet, I just feel I want to express some other stuff if that makes sense!? Now I know this post isn’t really all that long, but I know that if I go and write whatever it is I feel I want to express on, it’ll start to become quite lengthy and so i’d rather have it be not that short, but not that long either sort of a post and have it be a part 1 than continue on and have it be a little too much to read.

To be fair when I get to the second part to this and I will, i’m not really sure what it’s going to be about, but I want to make sure that I get my thoughts out in the best way possible which is why i’m going to take my time with it a little so that way whatever what’s to come out, will and hopefully it’ll make sense in the process, who knows that might end up being the longer post for all I know, hopefully not, but if it is it was already kinda stated beforehand, I do my best to keep it semi short and not have it ramble on, but for now…..i’ll leave you with part 1 of 2 years of blogging!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


You Were Here…..

How to start this…….you were here……you were here yesterday with me……you might’ve also been hanging around in general, but I knew that I wasn’t going crazy and today proved it right with your little paw prints appearing all over the place……but I knew you were with me yesterday at first I thought I was just over my head and that it was just me,

but nope it was you, you were here and for a good while too at that, you stayed with me, sure you went in and out a few times, but you always came back for a bit and when you did, you always sat right next to me even when I moved about, wherever I went you laid next to me……I know you eventually left though, but within the moments that you were around

I was happy and glad that you had visited and I made sure to appreciate your presence for the time you were here for…….i’m not really sure where you entered first, but I guess that’s not all that important, all that matters is that you were here and you let me know you were here and for that i’m happy……I miss you everyday my crazy girl, thank you for coming by to visit and for spending some time with me in the process……

It was good to have you around again, even if it was only for the moment. I’m sure you’ll make your presence known again when you’re not busy doing whatever you’re doing, be it running around, driving people nuts or just being peanut haha, you know i’ll keep looking for you, but until then……I’m glad to know you’re doing okay and are well, I love you and I look forward to your next visit, be good and try not to cause too much trouble alright!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


The Second Month Of Summer……

Soooo if you haven’t already noticed we’ve now entered the month of July……that came around pretty quickly, it was a little unexpected actually, just like the month of April, I also thought there’d be a 31st to this month, buuut there wasn’t, making yesterday the last day of June…….

Kinda crazy ain’t it, I think i’m always expecting there to be a 31st to every month, now that i’m thinking about it, but I always forget not every month has a 31st to it, leaving out February, that’s the only month I know without question that there’s only 28 days to it, unless there’s a leap year happening than of course there’s that extra day to it, making it to be 29 days of that month…….still find it weird that it’s like that, but I guess it keeps it different.

Not a lot to say with this month…..I mean to be fair it literally just started so it’s not really to be expected to have a lot to say, unless some of you have already had something happen to you today that you’re eager to express on whether that’s big or small than that’s a different story ha……

Last month was okay I guess…..at least until the end of it, yeah this past weekend wasn’t really all that great, some unexpected things happened, that I wasn’t really prepared for, so the ending of June ended up being a little bit of a bittersweet moment……but we’re now in July and having to leave June where it’s at……I just thought of something,

I know I said that this month showed up pretty quickly, but it actually didn’t……if anything it took it’s sweet time arriving and is more unexpected than feeling like it came rushing on through, I actually feel like the summer’s been a lot longer than usual……maybe that’s just me though!?

Either way, even though June had its ups and downs so to speak, July….well I don’t really know how it’s going to go or what to expect from it, I know in someway though it’s going to be different now and there’s a lot that might happen, most of it is most likely going to be unexpected and it’s either going to be a lot or in the middle, whatever way it goes, I feel i’m going to need to keep my feet planted in the ground a little more firmly all while doing my best to keep it all together somehow…….but it should be alright though

It might be tough and it’ll probably get overwhelming, but as long as I remember to breathe to keep calm……it should be fine…….

How’s July starting out for you guys!?

P.S. Here’s a new doodle I just recently gave color to, I created it in early June, but didn’t color it in until about the middle close towards the end, i’d say middle like probably a week after or so creating it!!

All The Love ❤ ❤
