I’ve Got The Month Of May

I was going to go with N’SYNC, but I chose to do it old school and go with The Temptations, plus I thought it was best suited seeing that I literally do have the month of May so it works out! I seriously cannot believe that we have just arrived at the end of April, I do got have to say though, I do appreciate how the months are taking their time to arrive, at least that’s how I personally feel, can’t really speak for everyone else, but I like to think that each month so far has stayed a while, in a sense of they haven’t over stayed, but have just been enjoying themselves for the time they were here for, it’s nice, but that’s just how I have been looking at it, might be weird to say, who knows!

Now although May is set to arrive in a couple of hours, we still have to spend one more day with April and really let her know that she did alright, sure we probably had our up’s and downs, but I got to say that I have a soft spot for April, I mean she gave us a beautiful Super Moon the other night, so gorgeous it was, I didn’t get a photo on the day of it, but I did get one where it was big and bright before the actual Pink Super Moon, I did see it glow though! April for me, has it’s mixed feelings, I do like it, but it also makes me go “oh gosh” that’s only because it’s quite a special and important month to me in many different ways, but yeah April and I see eye to eye and at times don’t, but I still like to acknowledge it as well!

When it came to the month of April, I won’t say it was bad, but it definitely had it’s frustrating and non favorite moments we’ll say, but all that aside, it wasn’t a terrible month, I’m going to choose to take the positives of this soon ending month that is April and I’m going to hope and count on this month that will soon be called May and just trust that all is well with it, because to be honest…..I’m slight wary on it, you might be thinking why!? I have my reasons, but I have a lot of hope that it will be fine, because I’m going to do my damn best to make sure that it is! Just like April, May and I have our moments, but it’s still the month that I have a soft spot for, can’t really tell you how it’s going to be this month, to be fair we all won’t really know how it will be…..guess we’ll find out once we’ve entered it and sat with it for a while, but until then, we’ll wish April a safe and well trip and welcome May once she’s all set!

Here’s a few photo’s I’ve taken throughout the month of April and just some personal favorites of mine ^_^ a bit crazy knowing this is the last blog post of the ending month, hope you like the photos I’ve shared, I’ve been kind into taking pictures of things that inspire me lately, not as much, but somewhat!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Podcasting Schedule….

How’s Everyone’s Thursday Been Going!? Hope you all have been enjoying yourselves, alright so I wanted to write a quick post on the schedule of my podcast episodes, now I’ve been trying my hand on recording podcast episodes for about a month now and at first it was just to give a try and see how I liked it and everything, but since then, I have actually been enjoying myself when recording episodes, I actually really like it! Now I will admit that at first I didn’t really have an actual schedule, I was just posting whenever I recorded a new episode, but I like to think that I have found a good footing on the days that I upload to Anchor and Spotify, I always record my episodes towards the evening on Fridays and sometimes I’ll also upload on that day depending on the length of the episode, if it’s not too long then I’ll have it up then, but if I need to look at it a bit, then you normally see it on a Monday or other days!

Now so far my episode uploads are, Fridays (Recording always, uploads every so often) Mondays and Wednesdays, I’m also going to be adding Saturdays, but just like Fridays it’ll be on certain days only on Saturdays! Now to give you an insight on what my content of the episodes I share at times on my podcast, it’s just a hangout session kind of podcast, I like to share upon topics of music, certain video games and just give my best thoughts to those kind of topics, I also try and share on some thoughts of my own in terms of little reminders and personal things that I might write here on this blog and want to share sometimes on my podcast, just in case I have other things to add that maybe a little too long of post to write! It’s pretty much interest based the content of my Podcast,

I share on loads of different topics mean something to me in the moment! I just want everyone that comes by to have a listen to chill out and hopefully enjoy themselves, because I enjoy myself, so hopefully with a set schedule so far, anyone reading this or listening because this is probably going to be in the next episode that I do, you’ll know when to look out for it, I also post new episodes and even blog posts on my Twitter so if ever you’re unsure to when I upload or just want to catch up or say hi even, you can find me there, my Twitter is literally the name of my blog Life As A Daydreamer I’d like to think I’m pretty friendly, I don’t mind getting to know people and say hi, I can be a bit shy, but I can also be the one to start conversation too depending how I feel haha!

Those are my upload days so far with my podcast episodes, if by any chance I need to change it or I got other things to add on anything, You’ll see it in a new blog post update of course, this promoting thing is very new to me and I can get a bit nervous with it, but I’ve been doing my best with it and everything else I do, which is all I can really do, but yeah if you would like to come by and hang out with me, those have been the days I’ve found myself uploading the most and that’s why I thought I’d just write a post on it! I have a few episodes up now if you would like to have a listen, some are a bit lengthy I’ll be honest, but I do have shorter episodes too, so get cozy, grab a snack, friend, pet, favorite drink and come by and hang out if you like!!

Daydreamer’s Podcast is the name of my Podcast and like I said a bit earlier you can find it on either Anchor which is where it’s hosted or you can have a listen on Spotify, maybe you prefer it as background noise instead of a sit and listen which is completely fine, however you choose to enjoy it! I hope you all are having a great evening or day in general and I hope to see you around ^_^

All The Love ❤ ❤


My Thoughts On Stardew Valley So Far….

Good Morning Everyone! (It’s the morning in the time of me writing this) hope you you’re all having a nice Tuesday, for today’s post I wanted to talk about a game that I’ve been playing for a bit of a while now, by the title you can probably take a really big guess on what that game is, if you said Stardew Valley, you’re right, okay so just want to make it clear that, I’ve not played this game that long so it’s not going to be a full on review, the only time I’d give my honest thoughts fully with games is when it’s a favorite of mine and I know I’ve been enjoying it to the point where I speak upon it a lot, for example Animal Crossing, I’ve played that game since Gamecube, even though I didn’t start really getting into it, until New Leaf…..but this post isn’t about Animal Crossing, It’s about Stardew Valley!

Now I will give you guys a bit of a heads up, whenever it comes to new games that I’m not really familiar with, I don’t really know how to talk about them, so I’m just going to give my best honest thoughts on this game and hope that I don’t offend anyone who really enjoy this game, with not having much knowledge on these type of games, at the same time this is my post and if you don’t like what I write about it…..feel free to find a post that you do enjoy, however I don’t really plan on saying anything bad about it, because I’ve still yet to really get to know the game, I was just stating that part on more of a not knowing much about it….. onto the thoughts though!!

Alright so since starting the game, which I actually started playing a day after the anniversary of both my blog and my Animal Crossing journey on a new Island on my main Island (April 11th) started the game (April 12th) Yeah I know crazy, you know what else is crazy!? Today marks 1 week since I’ve touched the game, like I haven’t played in a week, probably not that crazy I know, but still it’s kinda weird how it all intertwined, don’t mind me I tend to make something small into something big, that’s just me!

That note aside, even though I had the game on my console for a bit of a while, I didn’t start playing it until recently, I think I had it downloaded on my console for like a month or something, I can’t really remember, but starting the game, I found it to be interesting when I first started it up, it’s got a old fashion pixel style going on and normally I don’t really play those type of games, it was the same when I played A Short Hike it was something completely new to me that I had never tried, but I grew to enjoy it! By watching a lot of different gamers, I heard a lot about Stardew Valley and it always interest me, when I would hear about it, but I never gave it too much attention, the first time I purchased a Stardew Valley game was when I bought the game for a friend of mine, me being the curious little pup that I am,

I wanted to see what it was about and so when I played it for the first time, I’m not going to lie…..I played it for a couple hours and then after that first time, I just would look forward to playing it, it’s a very cute and relaxing game and it’s pretty similar to Animal Crossing which is my all time favorite game, I love that game with all my heart! Again not an Animal Crossing post….got to remember that!! Stardew Valley that’s our focus…..playing the game, I actually grew to enjoy it, that being said…..there are some pretty big differences to Stardew Valley compared to Animal Crossing that I had to get used to…..for starters the inventory….I’ve been trying to upgrade my inventory to have more spots to put things in since I started….. and I still yet to get it!

Selling things is a lot different also, even with the things I put up to be sold, I also feel I never get the amount I need so I’m able to get that new shiny beautiful backpack in that store I can’t remember the name of, it just seems to be like a whole mission and a half just to get it, like I don’t understand…..also I’m NOT good a farming and that’s LITERALLY the whole concept of the game!! You get passed down your grandfathers farm to maintain and take VERY good care of and I can’t even do that right, it’s like why’d you give me the farm grandpa!? I just always feel bad, because while I’m supposed to be having the farm looking like it’s 30 and THRIVING, I’m just doing an awful job at it,

I’m just ignoring the farm while my dog in game just barks all the time, I give it love and water don’t worry!! Before you even say anything, you can’t feed the dog in Stardew Valley I looked it up, I didn’t want to be a bad owner, it has a whole dog bowl behind the farm and the only thing you can give it is water…..WATER!! You want to know the best part though!? It doesn’t even drink the water, the water just disappears the next day, like what!? I don’t get it, I almost felt bad and then realized I didn’t need to feel bad about it after all!

You know I just realized that I have a lot more thoughts on this game then I anticipated, I was sitting here talking about a certain dance event in Stardew Valley that takes place in Spring to myself and then I thought, I’m going to turn this into a podcast episode and I did, just finished actually! That episode highlights what’s already on here and adds to that as well so when I look it over and post it, I will add it to this post and you can take a listen if you want, I wanted them to have different personalities which they will in a way, I think you’ll see a difference to this post and that episode! I know that if I wrote it all here this would be too long so, I hope that you enjoy both contents, but so far those are my thoughts on Stardew Valley, it’s a pretty good game that I’m still getting used to and trying to understand, but so far I like it!!


I just looked at some of the Stardew Valley farms as I was looking for some Stardew Valley pictures and my Animal Crossing Island is better then my Stardew Valley farm…..I have got to figure this game out lol!!


My latest podcast episode is up for listening if you guys want to check it out: Stardew Valley Thoughts (So Far) you can also find it on Spotify by searching Daydreamer’s Podcast

All The Love ❤ ❤


Happy Birthday Planet Earth!!

I’m not really sure how old you are, but all that matters is that you’re doing well and are still going strong, for everyone else Happy Earth Day!! I hope for those reading this right now that you’re doing well yourselves and are having a nice Thursday! Now for the topic….is there a topic!? Nope, not a specific one anyway, so this post is going to be pretty much whatever comes to mind, call it a surprise post if you will, might make it more interesting if you do if I’m being honest lol!!

Let’s turn it into a game, what kind of stuff can we add to this post to make it feel interesting!? Hmmm….well here’s what we know, we’re in the process of the Spring season, which is also allergy season and let me tell you, I’ve got a bit of allergies happening, but it’s going away, I’ve gotten pass the sneezing stage, where I was having a sneezing attack every few minutes these past couple of days, it’s clearing up little by little though! I know it probably hasn’t gotten interesting yet, but I’m sure I’ll get there….since it’s Earth Day, let’s talk about some Earth Day things in way, like did you know that Venus is Earth’s twin!?

Okay you probably knew that one, but did you know that when Earth had formed, it was all because an unknown planet or space rock had crashed into both Earth and Venus, but Earth had protection and it’s own armor which was it’s magnetic field, to keep it from having the massive impact that Venus took, it’s probably confusing I know, but you see at one point in space and time, you couldn’t really tell Venus and Earth apart, they literally looked the same! It took a collision to happen from another planet to have Earth be the Earth that we know and that a good amount of us out there love! With Venus on the other hand, well…..it’s full of fire, it’s literally called the hellish planet, now the debate is what’s hotter, the Sun or Venus!? Might be a stupid question, but that’s okay, because I’m the type to ask those types of stupid question and I’m alright with that!!

Seriously though I’d like to have a side by side on Venus’s heat level and the Sun’s heat level, yes the Sun might definitely win, but I like to think Venus can give it some serious competition alright, that’s just some stuff to know!

On a whole different random side note, when I played Animal Crossing: New Horizon earlier today, I expected to play the Nature Event in honor of Earth Day, in case some of you don’t know in Animal Crossing: New Horizons they have special events for certain holidays and they have a small little event for Earth Day, but anyway when I played the game earlier I was kinda looking forward to playing the event, but when I arrived at the town hall plaza, there was no Leif, no other Special Characters either…..well besides Flick the bug enthusiast, but yeah no it was just empty which was a little confusing to me, I then searched up when the Nature Day event was and I learned that Nature Day started on the 15th of this month and ended the 22nd which happens to be today! I thought that today would be the last day to do the event, whatever the event was this year, but apparently not, I personally think they should’ve kept it for the day of Earth Day as well because it would’ve worked well for one, but it is what it is!

I found out anyway that they removed some stuff from the event, which was cool (not that it was removed, just that I liked the things that they had with the event, just to be clear) wasn’t like a big thing, it was just a special bonus involving the nook miles, don’t know why they did that to be fair, but *shrugs shoulders and puts hands up* maybe I didn’t missed much after all who knows! Well that’s all of the thoughts that I have for this post, I just thought I’d share a couple things that came to mind, I know it was a bit random and I tried to keep it in the theme of today, so hopefully this was a somewhat interesting post to those reading this right now, I hope you all have a goodnight and Happy Earth Day or just Thursday!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Frozen 2 (Movie Thoughts)

Gooood Morning, although it’s almost close to the afternoon here!! Hope everyone’s well and having a good day, so today I thought I’d talk about a movie that, honestly not going to lie I didn’t think I’d ever discuss upon this movie other than going on about how I never really liked it all that much, but then I was forced to watch the the second part of this movie and it turns out…..I actually really like Frozen 2…..like I REALLY like it, only the second one though, just to be VERY clear about that!! I’m still not all that big of a fan of the very first Frozen movie okay!! It’s an alright movie, but no…*shaking head* nooo, if we have to say something nice about the first movie, well I’ve grown to like Let It Go, yes I know it’s the most popular song of the first Frozen movie, but I got to admit, it’s got good lyrics *Shrugs shoulders*

Let’s talk about the movie that we’re here for though, Frozen 2, the movie that I feel in my opinion has the better soundtrack to the first movie, by better I mean I like more songs from the second movie compared to the first one, now I will say that I’ve watched Frozen 2 twice and have listened to the soundtrack a few couple times…..I even have a few favorites saved on my Spotify so I listen to the tracks quite often, more when they come on randomly or if I want to listen to a specific song I’ll go out of my way and look for it, but yeah, I’ve listened to the soundtrack more times than I’ve watched the movie is what I’m saying!!

Let’s discuss this movie though shall we!? Now this won’t be a movie review because I don’t really know how to do those, so in this post we’re going to, well I’m going to try to describe what my thoughts were, when I first watched this movie, as for the soundtrack, I’ve got different plans for that so I won’t be discussing it here today, but the movie I’m going to do my best to give my thoughts and reaction of it…..so where do we start…..

Well I wasn’t thrilled at first when watching this movie, I didn’t want to watch it because I wasn’t really into the first one, but a friend of mine insisted that we watch it, after I told her I hadn’t seen it, so she went ahead and put it on and I wasn’t able to really escape from watching it with her…..so here we are on Christmas Eve watching Frozen 2, as we’re watching the movie, she keeps telling me I’m gonna like it and I’m like “we’ll see” I wasn’t sure if I would, but as I’m watching it, I find myself kind of getting into it, but I’m not saying anything because I know she’ll bring out the I told you so’s and it was too early to be saying all that, so I continued to see if I would get more into it as it progressed

Halfway into the movie and I’m like “okay it’s not that bad” the songs were really good, you got your funny moments, Olaf is pretty funny, I loved the whole scene where they’re in the forest and he’s looking for Elsa, Anna, Sven and Kristoff and he’s calling for a Samantha and he’s cracking up and says the famous line “I don’t know a Samantha”

I thought that was really funny, I laughed watching it!! I have my own theory or more like an idea on what they can do with that, the whole Samantha bit, but I also thought that maybe they were shouting out one of the people who worked on the movie or, oooor this proclaimed Samantha miiiight just be a foreshadowed character we see later, if they make a third movie, maybe a potential girlfriend for Olaf or just a new character they have in mind to add in the future, I think that’d be pretty cool, we’ll see I guess!!

At this point I’m actually enjoying the movie, I love the little lizard that Elsa befriends in the forest, he’s soooo cute like if I can have him myself I would…..maybe, he’s probably based off a real lizard so that’s why I say maybe…..but he really is cute, I like to think that, he’s Elsa’s new pet and sidekick partner and that! I like what they did with Anna again in this movie, I know she was a significant part in the first movie and they also gave her a significant part in this movie as well…..Elsa’s story is really beautiful, I like how they have the voice be as her guide to her discovering herself

I love how they gave her a spirit animal to help her along the journey that she’s on, that at first she herself isn’t aware of, but later throughout the movie she starts to be come more aware that with the voice that she’s following, how it’s trying to get her to come more into herself and learn something important as well and I guess as I was watching that all unfold, it was getting to me in a way, because I felt a weird connection to this movie and part me kind of didn’t like how I was enjoying this movie, but at the same time, a part of me was happy that I gave this movie a chance to change my mind about Frozen and the whole part at the end that I won’t spoil, here’s hoping I haven’t already spoiled too much already, but the thing at the end that I won’t talk too much about…..I liked it, it was a good choice, I did get emotional watching this movie, I’ll admit it…..okay…..I wasn’t expecting to, but I did and I’m okay with it sooo….

Final Thoughts!?

I have a very big soft spot for Frozen 2, I loved this movie, am I surprised about it!? Yeah because I honestly didn’t think that I would feel connected to it as much as I did, I wasn’t ready to feel this movie on a deeper level, I mean I wasn’t a fan of the first movie so I wasn’t expecting this movie to do much, but it did and I thought it was really good, I liked the story and the deeper meaning that it had and I hate to admit it…..but I’m K.I.N.D.A. obsessed with Frozen 2! Every time I see Frozen anywhere, I’m like “ooh Frozen” always referencing the second movie though, like at one point I didn’t like it one bit and then all of sudden the second movie comes around, I watch it and I’m fan girling than I’ve ever fan girled before in my life with it…..like seriously “Oh how the tables have turned” but it’s fine!

I really like the meaning behind things and the meaning that this movie brings, is the reason I like it so much, plus it’s actually really pretty and I think because they had fall and winter together in this movie, might also be the reason to why I prefer it to the first…..I LOVE the fall season, but also, that soundtrack….I’m looking forward to discussing about it and sharing my thoughts on it, especially that Kristoff track….laughing to myself just thinking about it….don’t worry it’s not that bad!!


I don’t believe I shared this episode before, where I spoke upon the soundtrack, if you would like to check it out, here you go: https://anchor.fm/lexa-marie3/episodes/Now-Playing—–Frozen-2-Soundtrack-Ep-5-euuasb (added 2/17/22)

All The Love ❤ ❤


Welcome To The Daydreamer’s Podcast

Happy Saturday, hope you all are having a good day!! Now I know that I haven’t properly talked about this so I thought I’d have this post be the introduction for it…..a late introduction, but an introduction nonetheless!! Now in case a lot of you don’t already know I went ahead and created a podcast, some of you may already know if you’ve read some of my latest posts, but if you didn’t…..I have a podcast now, it’s called Daydreamer’s Podcast and I created it out of curiosity, I was actually writing a post and had just finished posting that post when I saw an opportunity to be able to turn a post into a podcast episode and so that’s exactly what I did, so I kind of have WordPress to thank for giving me the idea of creating one, I only have 2 episodes right now, but so far I’ve been enjoying myself,

I have found that I actually get pretty excited to record the next episode, which is something that comes rarely for me, but this is something I kind of been wanting to do for a bit of a while now, I tend to talk quite a bit and sometimes a lot of the things I want to share can be too long to write in a post and so I thought this was the perfect thing to give a try, It’s something I’ve always thought of doing and it’s something that has literally presented itself to me and why not give it a shot!!

Now the content to my new Podcast is going to be a bit of everything in the sense to the way I do it here on my blog, it’s pretty much interest based, so for example music, video games and sometimes serious topics that I feel I want to share upon and discuss a bit about…..sometimes I’ll even incorporate some blog post topic for the days where I feel I want to express a bit more, the two episodes that are up now were based off two blog posts, but it’s stuff like that! I just want to create a place that everyone can just hang out and hopefully have a good time!! I already recorded a third episode which should be up pretty soon, but if you guys are curious and would like to check out the last two episodes of my podcast, that would really mean a lot to me, you can have a listen to both episodes here:

The Latest Episode:

Ice Breaker (A Blog Post)- Ep. 1

Let’s Talk: 1 Year Of Animal Crossing: New Horizons- Ep. 2

For those who do manage to check it out the podcast, first I just want to say I appreciate it in advance and I hope you all enjoy the episodes that you decide to give a listen to, with that said, Welcome to The Daydreamer’s Podcast, I’ll be your host, Alexa, but you can just call me Lex or Lexa, I prefer it anyway! I hope you’re all able to enjoy the content and atmosphere that I do my best to bring to this podcast, hope I can get some of you to hang around and stay a while!! ^_^

All The Love ❤ ❤


March With A Mix Of April

Now that March has said it’s farewells, we now welcome April…..it’s a bit crazy to know that we’ve arrived at the month of April already….. I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like this weeks been a bit on the dragging side of town….it’s only Thursday….normally the days would go by quickly and we’d be already at Friday, but this week feels like a chore to get through…..now maybe that could be because I’ve not been feeling the greatest this past couple of days….I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather, not quite like myself and I don’t want to say that it’s been a bother, but that’s exactly what it’s been…..I just not been feeling all that great these days and it’s kind of been putting me in quite a low mode and as much as I try to push through through it, it just feels hard!

These past few days I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster, one day I’m fine, the next day I want to cry a bit and that’s me being completely honest, I’m not really sure why I’m feeling this way, but it’s what I feel…..again maybe it could be because I’m not feeling all that well right now…..maybe I’m just worrying about a lot of things, which to be fair I am and that could also be the reason I’m feeling the way I am, it’s just been an odd week and we’re just coming to the end of it, tomorrow’s Friday and I’m hoping that it’s going to be better than these past few days,

If not entirely than just a little bit better…..I’m also hoping that this month goes okay, I’m not really sure what it has in store, but I just want it to be filled with good things, be it expected or unexpected, I also just want to feel better, maybe right now I’m supposed to feel how I’m feeling I don’t know! Sometimes we feel things for a reason and maybe it’s our moment to feel it how we feel it, bad or good….I think we just need to give ourselves a break at times as well as allow ourselves to have that break, because a lot of the time we don’t give it to ourselves!

We keep going even when everything is telling us to take it easy, we don’t always listen though, which is why a lot of the time we end up being forced to listen not really given us a choice…..most of us still don’t listen, but when we feel we need a break and I mean really feel it, like when you’re a bit under the weather and that, you do eventually surrender to it, even when you don’t really want to, your body and mind will always tell you yes and you’ll have no choice, but to accept it!!

All The Love ❤ ❤
