2 Weeks Away, Almost 3….

How’s everyone doing these days, hope well!! Now I know what some of you are probably thinking, “Where have you been!?” and if you aren’t thinking that well then, that’s okay, but I will sorta explain why I haven’t written anything new for the past 2 to almost 3 weeks, I think the longest i’ve went not posting is about a few days maybe a week, this times a new record, we surpassed a week of not posting, can we get an hurrah!?

No i’m kidding, I haven’t posted on here for a reason, you see i’ve been away due to my brain thinking a lot mainly on where i’m going or want to go at least……there’s a lot of things that I haven’t really expressed on here, I might do that one day, not sure when exactly, but one day……

I still haven’t gained that much courage to do so just yet. Now even though I haven’t written and posted anything new on my blog in a good while, I have been still writing, just more handwriting then typing, i’m actually close to filling one of my journals, not quite finished, but it’s getting there i’d say.

So yeah, i’ve been trying to really think on what I want to do (career wise) this isn’t anything new really, it’s something that i’ve been switching back and forth with for a good while now, i’ve just been putting it off for a good amount of time and you know what that’s no one else’s fault but mine, you think you’re fine with something, but then realize you’re not.

So yeah there’s that for one……i’ve also been trying to get better at certain things…..still sorta working on that……i’m kinda feeling a bit of stress and pressure and that’s me doing that to myself because I really want to get somewhere and feel good about it, I mean we all do don’t we!?

There’s a lot let’s just say, but i’m doing my best to work it all out so I could move forward from where i’ve always been stood, if that makes sense!?

I must say this has got to be the most i’ve written in a while on here, which is surprising for some reason, because normally I write a lot, in my journals at least, i’m not sure how often i’ll be posting on here, I kinda purposely stepped away from here just so I can get my head straight and that, plus i’ve been wanting to make this blog better and i’m not sure in what way I want to do that, maybe it’ll be more personal or something, i’m not sure yet.

Hopefully it’ll all just happen naturally, but yeah that’s just a bit of an update I guess you can say, I don’t know what else to say, I hope you’re all doing well and having a good day sorry it’s taken me a few weeks to write, I kinda felt as though I didn’t have much to say so I didn’t, I have missed it though I won’t say I didn’t, i’m always on here believe it or not haha……

That’s all I have for now, but I will post something again soon, maybe not this week or maybe, who know, I might surprise you and post something one of these days or during the weekend, i’ll go based on if I feel I want to say something or how i’m feeling, right now it’s just how things are going,

But you guys enjoy the rest of your day or night depending on what time of day it is where you are and i’ll write to you guys again soon.

P.S. Since we’re coming to the closing days of Summer I thought i’d share something I made a while ago, I was meant to post it, but never did…..

All The Love ❤ < 3


Now Playing: Death Of Me By PVRIS (Aug 7, 2019)

I guess we’re having a PVRIS theme today, because I can not get their songs out of my head, this morning when making toast and coffee I was singing they’re song Holy to myself and now i’m finding myself humming to their song What’s Wrong…..so with that, looks like i’ll be writing about them today, lucky they recently came out with a new single, so I think i’ll take upon this opportunity to give my thoughts on it and talk about them a bit.

Now just to give you guys a heads up, I kinda already went and listened to the song this past Sunday night and wrote down my thoughts to it in one of my journals as I was listening to it, so this is going to be one of those song review kind of posts, everything that I wrote down in my journal,

Majority of those notes and thoughts will be in this post, I might change some stuff as i’m going along that I hadn’t written down already, adding stuff to it and maybe changing certain things as well, I don’t know, but as i’m writing, it should come together, but yeah just a heads up on that!!

I won’t stall anymore, kidding that was just an introduction, but on to my thoughts and reaction to the song, in written form…..hope this works…..

Quick Note: It took me 3 weeks, after the release of the song just to listen to it, again 3 weeks!! I waited to hear this, yeah……alright….

Review starting in 3…2…1….LET’S GO!!

Song starts: We’re in the beginning of the song and I didn’t expect it to start off as a dance song…..a bit confusing, knowing how a PVRIS song is, I wouldn’t have expected it to have this kind of groove to it…….i’m intrigued with it though so far…..(reaction 21 seconds into the song)

Went back to the beginning to re listen properly, because the start of the song reminded me of their other song Holy from their album White Noise, listen to the start of it carefully, it’s in the kick of the drum to where it sorta sounds like it, but after a while you start to hear it come into it’s own sound, it’s pretty cool, it’s like a good memory……(reaction 1 second into the song, going back to the beginning)

Quick Journal Note: I think at this point I paused it, because in my journal I wrote nervous yet excited as I was listening to the song and I was……then I talked about how I haven’t heard any of the Jonas Brothers new songs yet,

Mind you they’re one of my favorite bands that I grew up on and their songs have been out for a good few months now, so you’d think that’d be the first band i’d listen to……nope I went and checked out PVRIS new song instead of theirs, that came out 3 weeks ago……priorities!!

Don’t worry I already decided that i’m going to be listening to them finally sometimes this week, maybe Friday so everyone calm down, relax it’s cool!!

Back to the song……I had to re look at my notes to figure out if I was in the beginning or middle of the song, it’s still the beginning because I went back before…..(reaction 26 seconds into the song) liking the lyrics so far, normally I tend to focus on the lyrics to a song, because it’s the part that I feel draws you in, but with this song, my focus is on the rhythm and beat of it, which is new……it’s good though…..we’re at the chorus now and THERE GOES PVRIS!!

I knew the PVRIS usual style would kick in at some point, it only took close to a minute in…..which is fine i’m not saying that’s wrong. (reaction 56 seconds into the song) I like the second verse line of the chorus “One man’s hell is another’s god, it’s all about perspective or parallax.”

Their writing style continues to get me, like seriously how do they do it!? I don’t know (reaction 1.27 seconds into the song) like the bridge part, real groovy, I really like the build up towards the next lines involving the chorus it just comes in nicely, love it!!

From this point I didn’t really write anything else about the song, because it had finished, I did write my overall thoughts to the song though, which I will share in a moment, right abooout……..NOW!!

OKAY, my overall and final thoughts of the song…..I didn’t like it…..no i’m kidding, my whole written reaction would literally counter me saying that…

Final Thoughts: I liked it!! I mean it, I have no bad words to say on it, was it different to what i’m used to or was expecting from PVRIS!?

Hell yeah, but it’s still good!! Now that being said I know a lot of people may not feel the same way and not like it as much or maybe they will who knows, my thoughts on the song however is that I genuinely enjoyed it very much, again it wasn’t what I was expecting, but it still worked for me,

I liked that they went more dance with this, but still gave us the usual PVRIS style edge that they have to them. Every time I hear a PVRIS song it always amazes me, because they’re just great, the way they put things together when it comes to their music is fascinating, I can’t explain it…..I just love them!! I thought the lyrics were great, Lynn’s voice is always great!!

It was actually very interesting the way she decided to go about singing this song, a lot of people, including myself, expected to hear that intensity power that she normally, not always, but most times has to her voice, you know that aggressiveness that you would normally hear from her, however we didn’t hear that style to her voice in this, which again was very interesting….

Her soft voice though too is lovely, I wasn’t expecting her to keep her voice in the middle though and when I say middle, I mean as leveled as she had it, but it was nice, I really enjoyed it!!

To me I still think she does give us that soft and intense voice in the song, it’s just not as fully turned up to how she normally would have it which is nice, I like that she did it differently this time around, it doesn’t always have to be fully on, it can be evened out at times and even if this song was full on, it would still be great, because PVRIS is great!!

However way Lynn decides to sing her songs, doesn’t really matter to me because i’m going to enjoy it either way……you know, I don’t think i’ve heard a PVRIS song I didn’t like……hopefully it stays that way, but if it ever came down to the point where I came across a bad PVRIS song…..i’d express it, but so far they’re songs have been pretty good and i’ve enjoyed each one, but yeah those are my thoughts for PVRIS’s new single Death Of Me!!

Now I did write something on their music video as well, after I listened to the song, but I don’t think it’s really that interesting so I think i’m going to leave it out of this post, I might post my actual notes from my journal about the song and music video later, probably on my social media…..maybe, we’ll see, but that’s all my thoughts on the song.

Definitely go and have a listen to their new single, it is pretty catchy, the groove to it is really great as well and I think some of you might enjoy it, maybe not all, but some of you might who knows……i’ll leave it just in case you’re curious and want to it hear it: Death Of Me (Lyric Video)

Be sure to go and watch the music video for it as well, PVRIS tend to have a way with their music videos, there’s always some kind of special meaning behind it, to where, I wouldn’t even begin to be able to tell you it…..it’s something you’ll have to see yourself to figure out and come up with your own interpretations for, I couldn’t come up with anything, but it was very interesting i’ll tell you that, but I liked it!! Death Of Me (Music Video)

If you’re wondering the best way to listen to the song, I would suggest, watching the lyric video for it first so you can follow the lyrics and then go and watch the music video after, so you can see how it works with the song and maybe try to interpret the meaning behind it, that’s how I did it, but you could listen to it any way you want really, it’s just a suggestion.

I hope you’re all having a good day and doing alright and I hope you guys enjoy the song and music video, thanks for reading!! ^_^

All The Love ❤ ❤


Pre Prepping For Post Writing Or Anything Really…. (Aug 6, 2019)

Pre writing and prepping before the initial due date or when you plan to have something done, may actually help get something done on the time, you hope to get it done…….thinking about what to write about, I started trying to plan a writing schedule for my posts, this is something i’ve been thinking about for a while now, but I could never come up with one that quite fit so I never bothered sticking to one……

However I think I figured it out this time, there are certain topics that I have wanted to have a specific “post day” for, posts in the Now Playing….category where I talk about certain artists and discuss their new music and my thought on it, even going and talking about the artists themselves, sometimes it won’t even be about an artist and their new music, but just sharing some of my favorite songs and everything,

While hopefully maybe giving you guys some recommendations for new music to listen to in the process….i’m sure you get what I mean though….

It’s those kind of posts that I keep wanting to set specific days for, i’m not really sure why, I have this thing where when I think of music, I think of the weekend (no not the singer) the actual weekend, although you can listen to it on any day of the week really, you don’t have to specify it,

but when I think of music and the feeling of it, it gives off a relaxing chill down time kind of mode or mood (whichever you prefer) it’s exciting and inviting and it lets you just wind down and enjoy yourself for the moment.

Just like when you get that weekend feeling, you know!? I’ve been trying to set it up that way for a while, but with the way I write it never works out quite that way……but I think I have it lined up this time, I think pre writing it and scheduling it to when I want it to be posted might just help with that…

It’ll also keep the stress of thinking I have to hurry and get this done down, when it gets close to the day, by that time, it’ll already be up which means I won’t have to worry…..when it comes to my other posts those should come naturally, but let’s see how prepping and pre writing a post works out……

All The Love ❤ ❤


Now Playing: Whatever Love Means By Lux Lisbon (Aug 5, 2019)

Here I have a song that I haven’t heard for a good while, i’ve just recently started listening to it again, i’ve listened to it today actually, it’s still as good as I remember…..the song that i’m talking about is called Whatever Love Means and it’s performed by a UK band by the name of Lux Lisbon.

Now i’ve been a fan of theirs as well as their music for quite some time, although it’s been a good while since i’ve last checked them out and heard any of their new material, which I probably should look into, I mean it’s been a long time since i’ve kept up to date with them…….

They’re a really good band these guys, they’re not really well known not globally anyway, i’m sure they’re well known in their hometown and that, but even though they aren’t that big, they still are very talented!!

They have a whole lot of great songs, such as Demons You Show, Memento Mori, Bullingdon Club and so many others…..Whatever Love Means has got to be one of my all time favorites from them (along with Demons You Show and Memento Mori) I really admire the way they write their songs, it’s like nothing i’ve ever heard before……

I know that i’m always talking about writing styles, especially when it comes to music (it’s my favorite to talk about) it’s just amazing when you’re listening to a song and you get to listen and hear the way it’s come along and analyze the different writing ways of an artist.

With Lux Lisbon the way they write their music is definitely worth admiring, I can’t quite describe their writing style, each song that they give us is different to the last, it’s amazing really!!

Whatever Love Means, is one of those songs that talks upon the topic of relationships and giving it a chance, even though you’re not sure of the way it could go, you’ll also hear in the song Stu (lead vocalist of the band)

Sing about trying to hold in the feelings of when you know you’re feeling something stronger when it comes to liking someone, but not being able to express those feeling due to the words unable to find themselves, so even though you know you’re feeling strong feelings, you would rather pretend it doesn’t mean anything then have to let your true feelings out, that’s my take on the song anyway, I could be completely off for all I know……

Although the lines to the lyrics “Come on words don’t fail me, cut off my tongue and hurt like hell” and the lines “Words are so cheap, they just cut so goddamn easily” makes me think it could be that,

However there’s also the lines “Take out your heart and see a hole in your soul where it used to be” that part of the song makes me think that it’s the opposite to what I think the song is about……

This song I know is on relationships, but the way it’s written can make you think of it in different ways, meaning wise……i’m actually getting the sense right now that the meaning to it could also be about actions speaking louder than words, if that’s the case the lines “Words are so cheap, they just cut so goddamn easily” makes much more sense, either way, the songs great,

I would definitely recommend giving it a listen, it’s a really good song and the bands pretty great too!! I think the best thing about Lux Lisbon is the way they bring their voices together, the female vocalist (which I had to go and find her name) Charlie is her name, I like her voice, i’d have her in the category of unique voices, it’s not overly strong, but it’s still great!!

The way Lux Lisbon’s vocals combine with one another is pretty amazing, it really does work well, getting to hear not just their music, but also just the way they work well vocally and they way they write their songs……it’s a treat, a very well done kind of treat. Here’s the song if you’re interested in checking them out: Whatever Love Means By Lux Lisbon.

I’ll have to check out their latest songs soon, i’m sure i’ve missed some, i’m interested to see, well hear, what they’re going to be like, i’ll get back to you and let you know my thoughts once i’ve found out……in the meantime,

I’ll leave some of their other songs that i’ve mentioned, in case you like this one and want to check out their other ones, if you have a different interpretation on what you think the song could be about, feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of the song as well ^_^

All The Love ❤ ❤


Butterfly Wing (Aug 2, 2019)

Disclaimer: As you can see, I wrote this post 3 days ago, it’s just a small story on a butterfly wing that I came across, I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it, however I didn’t post it, but i’m going to post it today, I hope you enjoy half of the pre writing to it, plus some added things as well.

Happy August 2nd Everyone!! Can’t believe we’re already on our last Summer month, soon all the leaves will change colors, we’ll start going back to wearing sweaters with it getting a little colder and we’ll be in the season of Fall (a.k.a Autumn, also known as the Autumn Solstice……I know I could’ve just stuck with fall, but I just wanted to add them all for some reason)

Okay so I don’t really have all that much to talk about, although I did come across something interesting while on a walk coming back from the store, that interesting thing so happen to be a butterfly wing……yep, you read that right, just a butterfly wing, singular, no butterfly attached……..it was weird, i’ve never seen just half of a wing from a butterfly before……..

I was tempted to pick it up when I saw it, I didn’t, I ended up just leaving it be, should’ve taken a photo of it though, I could’ve shared it with you had I gotten a picture of it, but the thought of taken a photo didn’t come to mind until I got home and left it for a bit, it was weird, but also cool.

I also tried looking it up to see if there was a meaning to seeing one (don’t ask why, I just tend to look up things when i’m curious on something or something interest me, heck i’ll be honest, I look up pretty much anything…..well not anything, anything, most things, we all do it)

The search for the meaning of seeing a butterfly wing didn’t really come up to anything, it was more on coming across a butterfly, nothing on just the wing itself……I really should’ve taken a photo, but hey who knows it might still be there or may not (well seeing as it’s the 5th already, I don’t think it’d still be there, although i’d be very surprise if I saw that it was)

but hey at least I got to see one up close for the first time, butterflies I know are seen as good luck, as well as other things so maybe seeing the wing isn’t bad, i’m not sure…..if you’re wondering what kind of butterfly it was (you’re probably not, most likely) but i’m going to tell anyway, because…..why not!?

It was a Monarch Butterfly, they’re lovely they are, all butterflies are, except for moths I don’t like them, not.at.all…..I do have a photo of a Monarch that I took a long while ago, last year to be exact……it’s not the greatest photo, but I could share it if you like!!! I probably could’ve focused on it better, I used my phone to take the photo and that was as good as I was going to get…….

I also drew a butterfly although the pattern on the wings are a bit different to how normal butterflies look, but hey all butterflies are different right!? A little creativity doesn’t hurt anyone….looking at it now though, i’m not really sure why I did this pattern, I tried to draw a butterfly with the actual patterns on it, but it wasn’t working so I ended up just improvising.

Update: So those are the photos, couldn’t transfer them through my phone onto my computer for some reason, so I had to send them to my email….

With my butterfly sketch, I only outlined it with a gel pen, i’m debating on whether to color it in or not, I kinda like it the way it is, hence why there’s still pencil shading, it might not be the best pencil shading, but shading is there….i’m still trying to figure out whether I should give it color or not,

If you you’d like to see color to it just let me know and if you have color suggestions feel free to add them down in the comments, because I have no idea what colors to use if I do decide on coloring it in.

Hope you’re all doing alright and having a good day!!

All The Love ❤ ❤
