Let’s Sit And Chat: A Topic I Didn’t Think I’d Discuss….. Not This Much Anyway

I started out with a good amount of energy and now I have no idea where it went or is…….where’d it go I do not know. Since my energy is no where to be seen, how about we just sit and chat and talk about some random stuff, it’s been a while since we’ve connected on a deeper level.

Today’s chatting session is all about the thoughts i’ve had today, the first and main one had to do with the spiritual side, why!? For reasons let’s just say…..also because I was just thinking about it today, my brain activity was more active today then it’s been for a while, I don’t think i’ve ever asked myself a million and one questions before, especially not upon this topic,

but recently i’ve just been really curious about it, when it comes to the spirit world it’s very interesting because we don’t really know all that much about it you know!? We do and we don’t at the same time, but we would be fools to think that it doesn’t exist, I mean some people may not believe in that whole thing, but there are some that do, we don’t really know exactly what is beyond this life, where do we go, what else is there!?

Also for those who have brains that freak out with this kind of topic, just stay calm okay, believe me I know the feeling of those questions, just breathe, everything’s okay, it doesn’t hurt to be a little curious. We all know about energy, I mean we are energy really, if you didn’t already know well now you do, although i’m sure you didn’t need me to say that…..when it comes to the spirit world it’s one of those things that our brains have a hard time comprehending because of the fact that, we aren’t really able to see it

Unless you have that ability to do so, this is for those who have that talent and yes people do have that ability, but people who are skeptics or have a different viewpoint, probably won’t believe that sort of thing is for real, but we won’t go too much into that, people can have their viewpoint and believe what they want or they don’t have to believe anything at all, everyone has a right to their own perspectives and everything.

Which is respectable, there’s a lot of things that we have not the slightest clue on, for example, the ocean it’s massive, we know that for a fact so we don’t know what exactly is deep within the ocean, we’re still discovering new and weird species there and who know what is able to live deep with the places we as humans have never been to because we wouldn’t survive trying to find out, the only way we would be able to is:

1. Become a species that is able to live deep down in the dark and unreachable bounds of the unexplored ocean


2. Try and make a submarine that is able to with stand the depths and dark unreachable bounds of the unexplored ocean.

The second one might be in works, I mean I wouldn’t doubt it, but you get what i’m saying, just like the ocean and most of science and unanswered questions of the world, just like those things the spirit world is also quite complex, but it’s not as well, sure there are unexplainable things to it and we don’t always know everything unless you become connected to it, but just to put it simply, just because we don’t know or are unable to see with our eyes to know how real it actually is, it doesn’t mean it’s not real……

It’s just very complex to comprehend and it’s something that most people would choose to stay away from, which is understandable because you do have to be careful with it, but I wouldn’t say it’s all bad. In someways it can be looked at as comforting……i’m not sure if that’s the right word I should be using because most people wouldn’t think so, but to some you feel better knowing or having that feeling that you have people who have passed on watching you, not in a creepy way or anything, but more in terms of,

Making sure you’re okay and doing their best to keep you safe and unharmed, as well as having you keep on track, even when you think you aren’t they tend to let you know “you’re fine and that it’s going to be alright”

It’s a very weird and confusing situation at times, but our spirit guides which i’m sure we all have, we just aren’t sure who ours are exactly, but we have them and they make sure we’re good and are always there to help when we need them even though we can’t see them…..have I said very complex already, because yeah this whole topics always leaves me mind-boggled, yet fascinated all at the same time.

I mean sometimes you’ll find you’re presented with a spirit of someone or plural for that matter from the spirit world that you wouldn’t expect to show up, yet they do and most times you’re left think “what, why and how” but then you learn that if that’s happening, it’s because they have a message of some sort for you and sometimes you’ll find they’re just wandering about either because their curious or because they just want to say hi and all that jazz, maybe…..it’s the balance of the thing let’s just say,

With one thing you need something else to hold it or keep it balanced out otherwise it just wouldn’t feel right, we need a bit of in between whatever that in between is.

What are some of your thoughts on this topic!?

All The Love ❤ ❤


Nov 22, 2019……

HWAHT A DAY!! Yes I know that’s not how you spell “what” but that’s how it’s being spelled today, because trust me it fits really well with the day that I had today, I couldn’t even begin to tell you it all, I mean I could, but it’ll be a very long post, I mean if you guys are okay with that then I don’t mind.

No, but seriously today’s just been really something, like I can 100 percent say i’ve never had a day like today, EVER IN MY LIFE!! I’ll brief it for you without telling the whole details of today, even though part of me really wants to, but i’m going to keep it brief this time around, maybe i’ll tell you about it some other time, but for now, it’s just going to be brief.

Let’s just transition over to this morning, it was good, nothing out of the ordinary…….except for one thing, after coming back from getting a little breakfast from across the street to where my mom works, everything was fine when I came back, it was when I went to sit and eat to where the morning became quite interesting, first I just want to say luckily no one was around when this happened, but yeah so i’m about to get ready to eat the food I got and out of nowhere BOOM!!

Something comes crashing down, not knowing what exactly fell, my mom, my aunt, me and this other person went and looked in this back area to where my mom has breaks, so a break room pretty much and everything was intact there, we then all go downstairs, just so you guys aren’t confused, my mom works at a salon, but she works upstairs from the salon where she does nails and the people downstairs work with hair, but yeah that’s that info, we asked them what fell they say it was upstairs we say no,

but something said, check the bathroom, last place we looked, so I go into the bathroom and load and behold, that is where the noise came from, turns out the thing that came crashing down was the mirror in the bathroom……yeah not kidding, it just fell by itself, but again luckily no one was around when it fell, that would’ve been pretty bad if there was, it was quite a big mirror too, not too big, more medium, but still kinda big.

So yeah that was the first thing that happened today, some other stuff went down of course, but the biggest thing was an unexpected situation that occurred that I was not prepared for whatsoever, like at all, it was the weirdest thing to ever happen to me, interesting i’ll add, but I was not ready for all that came about, I didn’t know what to do or say, so I just let it happened the way it arrived to me, so yeah…..today was just quite the day,

Sometimes you never know what you’re going to experience or get throughout the day or days for that matter so you kinda just have to take things as they come no matter how bizarre or out of the norm it is, who knows you might have one of the best stories to tell when that kind of stuff happens and it’ll be one you might tell more than once, so yeah that was the day, it was good, but it was filled with a lot then expected……..

All The Love ❤ ❤


Thoughts and Doodles…. (Nov 15, 2019) Updated

Close your eyes and breathe, while you’re breathing tell me what it is you see!? What do you feel, are you happy, sad, tired, what emotions are flowing over you right now!? These are the questions I decided to ask randomly…..

I actually wrote that starter intro a couple days ago with some other stuff, but ended up coming back and changing some things here and there, I know it’s been a while, a week or two more like since posting, it’s not that I haven’t been wanting to post, I just feel very selective on what I want to post, if I do write it tends to be more on the serious side to what i’m feeling.

Lately however my lack of writing has been due to me not having much to say other than what i’m feeling and the things that I felt we’re more anxious and stressed based then if I was just going to write a normal random post.

It’s for that reason as well as other stuff, to why I haven’t really been that active on my blog. I still would write, I just wouldn’t post all that I had written out already, plus with certain posts I just didn’t feel they needed to be posted, while i’ve been away though, i’ve been doing a whole lot of doodling, sorta drawing I guess you can say as well.

Sometimes you find that when words are unable to be written, there’s other ways to let your mind run wild and for me, doodling has been the stable for my thoughts to safely run about without going too crazy, the only thing is I tend to doodle when stressed or anxious, the most at least, I sometime doodle when i’m confused or just need to get my mind sorted a bit,

but my doodling comes mostly from my over anxiousness and the fact that I stress myself out too much and the fact that I overthink a lot too…..so the best way I find that works best to keep distracted is to grab my sketchbook and pencil and just let my mind do the talking.

Now i’m not the most extravagant drawer, well doodler in this case, I would say I have a more abstract way of drawing, unless i’m trying to really focus on making something, most of the time however it’s just spirals, lines, curves, swoops all the weird shapes you can probably think of maybe……

Sometimes it takes a bit of time for me to calm down while i’m doodling and scribbling about, because well i’m not really kind to myself the way I should be, still working on it…..but once I have calmed down, that’s when I fully go ahead and look at what i’ve put my pencil to paper on and really start to admire what my pencil had me create, it helps for the most part i’d say!!

I’ve created quite a few doodles already some are complete and already outlined, some are still pencil drawn and 2 out of 3 are outlined and colored in, the 3rd is still being colored, i’m not really sure with the colors i’ve chose, but i’m doing my best to work around it, i’ll get it i’m sure!!

Here’s two different showcases of what i’m talking about:

This was the first doodle/drawing that I attempted at, originally I tried to draw out this mat that we have outside my house, because I liked the way it looked, but it wasn’t going the way I wanted it, so I ended up improvising instead and it turned out like this:

Sun Doormat Attempt (Improvisation)

The sun in the middle is what my doormat had in the middle of it, so I kept that, it might look a little off or weird, but i’d say it has some character to it, looking at it though, it could be mistaken for some kind of flower, maybe!? Who knows, the colors I chose, well i’m not really sure what made me chose them, I just looked at it and felt those colors should go with it.

Also green, purple and blue are my three favorite colors, so they were the main colors I highlighted!!

Now as for the second one, i’m about to show you, you’ll see it right away i’m sure, I made this one later to the first one I made it’s a few pages after, but because it’s already finished I thought i’d share it with you guys:

Now I can’t remember the reasoning behind this one, it was just something within the moment I think I created with the help of whatever emotions I was feeling when I made this at the time…..the only thing I know for sure about this one is that I already knew what kind of feeling I wanted it to be, I wanted to use calming colors and so that’s what I did!!


There’s a drawing for this post and by that I mean this post came with a drawing, but I haven’t gotten to outlining and coloring it yet, so that’s why it’s not showcased, I do have it, it’s just still in pencil form, i’d share it, i’m just not sure if you’ll be able to see it because I pencil very lightly, but once I get to it, i’ll be sure to write a different post showing you the outline and color version of it.

Although it can be good to express using words, sometimes you have those moments where you come across a different outlet for you to use as an alternative when your main voice of expression simmers down a bit giving you a different kind of art platform to express on…….

One thing I admire about art, no matter the art form, but specifically on the topic of drawing, is you still get to say what you want, only you’re not having to say any words with it…..you can see it and interpret it however you feel, kinda like with music only slightly, but also a bit more different.

Do you guys ever doodle (scribble) when under pressure, relaxed or even just for fun!?

All The Love ❤ ❤


Last Minute, Check In….

I thought about you today, as I know that today, well yesterday now was your birthday…..i’ll admit in my head I was slightly debating whether or not I should wish you a happy birthday or not, I kinda wanted to, but I didn’t, I didn’t forget about it though, how could I!? I hope you had a good time today and that you enjoyed yourself whatever you did, not sure if you did what you planned on doing originally or if you decided to save it for another day and just relax and enjoy your time with the day…….whatever you did or ended up doing, I really do hope you enjoyed yourself.

I hope you’re doing alright too, the last time we spoke you said you were happy and in a better place……I hope you’re still feeling like that, I always hope and want you to be good and i’ll always want you to be careful and safe as well, I know I didn’t have to write this, but I wanted to, it was in my mind to do so for some reason, I know your birthday’s over now where you are and it’s pretty late over there, but it’s still your birthday here and I just wanted to wish you a happy one and say I hope all is still well which i’m sure it is and that I hope you got to do something nice for it!!

I don’t think I have anything else I want to say, I just hope everything continues to go well for you and I hope you’re doing okay, there’s never a time I don’t wonder how you’re doing……but anyway, you keep safe and be careful and do always take care of yourself, happy birthday!!

All The Love ❤ ❤ ❤



Well it’s November already, October sure came and went didn’t it!? We’re getting closer to Christmas, but before we try and zoom by into the winter of wonderlands, we should really let this month sail nice and smoothly downwards before getting out the Christmas tree and letting deck the halls and let it snow play all over the place……

(not saying I don’t enjoy Christmas tunes, i’m just saying we really should let the months have their time in the spotlight and November is the month where we for some reason always feel the need to skip over, which I get it, November has Thanksgiving which isn’t all that big of a holiday, but still let’s give it the moment it needs, we’ll get to Christmas in time, it’s only another month away, i’m sure we can deal…….who am I kidding, November will always be that month that, people will continuously, yet quietly tell to move along…….)

Moving away from November being the “skip over” month, hope you all are doing well, long time no write I know, it’s been a pretty long while, 3 weeks i’d say……3 weeks today anyway, you might be wondering why I haven’t written in a while, well i’ll tell you, I kinda went and took a break from writing, there was a lot of stuff going on in my personal life,

plus I was feeling pretty stressed out and I just wasn’t doing well and needed to take a bit of time away, I ended up doing it naturally, it wasn’t until I was maybe close to 2 weeks in to where I actually went and wrote a post that I never posted expressing how I was going to take a break because there was just so much happening and going that I couldn’t even focus,

I wasn’t trying to keep from writing, I just didn’t feel the need to write, I didn’t have the mindset to write is what i’m trying to say, my head wasn’t in it and so that’s why I haven’t posted in a while. I was also going through my own thing that I needed to sort through, still trying to sort it all, it’s one of those things that’s going to take a bit of time, but compared to how I was feeling before to how i’m feeling right now……i’m okay, as okay as I can be anyway.

There’s still a lot that I feel needs work personally, a lot of work if i’m being honest…..but overall i’m okay, everything is pretty much in the okay bracket right now to be fair, this year has been quite the year I gotta say, I won’t say too much on it right now, but i’ll do my best to write a summary on it when I get the chance, sometime next month hopefully, I might have to pre write it so that way i’ll be able to have everything laid out even if what I have written down isn’t exactly what I have written down if that makes sense!?

For now, i’ll just share a little update as well as say i’m back from being away for a while, sorry for disappearing like that, I think that was the longest i’ve gone without writing……not good, but I hope you all have been doing well and you guys had a good October month as well as a fun and interesting Halloween, I didn’t really do much for Halloween,

It’s not really my favorite month, although I did watch a few Halloween classics (movies), well kinda, I watched maybe half of certain movies…..I think the only thing I enjoy about Halloween is the movies, the holiday isn’t bad though, I just don’t really celebrate it much, but it’s a pretty alright holiday, as for this month, we’re 2 weeks away from Thanksgiving, well from most it is, I know not everyone celebrates it, but it’s close by, which is pretty insane because soon December will be here, which means we’re coming extremely close to the end of the year that is 2019 and…..yeah…..

I’m just going to try and keep my head in the remaining days and months of this year and worry about everything else when it comes, not saying i’m not already thinking about the future, I am, believe me, but sometimes you gotta set a reminder for yourself that there has to be some kind of balance with it otherwise, you’re just going to end up losing your mind.

That’s the update, I should be good on getting back to posting now, but I just have to figure how much I want to be posting, it’ll come to me!!

All The Love ❤ ❤
