Reading Between The Lines….(July 27, 2019)

Sometimes the things we say, are misinterpreted or aren’t as direct as we’d like them to be, even when the things we may be saying are literally said to be direct and taken in properly, does that make sense!? I hope so……

In case you’re still confused to what I mean with that well, no worries, i’ll try and explain it in the best way that I can……as the title says reading between the lines…..what does that mean you might wonder or maybe you know exactly what it means……

The way I see it, is when you’re being told something or you say something to someone else or maybe you’re reading something (I know that’s a lot of somethings in one sentence…..sorry….) that has a specific, message, advice or maybe even someth……I mean, maybe there’s a thing that you wouldn’t see as important, but is important for you to know, even though it’s being presented in a subtle kind of way (I think I nailed that okay…..hopefully)

It doesn’t matter how much you may try and get someone to see what you mean or are trying to get them to understand, sometimes, it still gets overlooked and you could even say it directly to how you mean it, yet you’ll probably end up facepalming yourself because the understanding of it, is still unclear to them or you maybe even sometimes, which is frustrating!!

Just when you think you maybe getting through and everything is sorted and properly understood the way you wanted it to be… always ends up being just a little bit off the center in some sort……sometimes you may think screaming it out will help the understanding of it better, but that’s not always the case, when that happens you sometimes think, somethings missing and that maybe you didn’t say it clear enough even when you did…..

Am I making sense here, feel free to let me know if i’ve lost you…..

I don’t know how else to explain it or how else to get it to be clearer, i’ve tried all these different ways of expressing it, but I just don’t know if it’s actually being understood, it’s said to be, but it’s really not when, what is being said in regards of the problem within a situation keeps getting overlooked and avoided as not being important enough………

I mean I know there’s other things to it as well and i’m working on it to fix it this time around, because I know it’s becoming a big issue and I really don’t want it to continue being that way because it’s not really fair for it to be that way…….in order for things to move forward, you have to allow yourself to move forward in the way that you’re wanting to, which can be hard, but at the same time beneficial and good too……

Overall, here’s to hoping that the reading between the lines here sits in this time, otherwise we’re going to be reading the same chapter over and over and to tell you the truth, it got old a long while ago, a new and different chapter to read and enjoy would really be nice, hope you got all that……

So what’s some of your takes on reading between the lines, is it similar to my definition or is yours a bit different, feel free to share if you like!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Lets Talk Mental Health: Eating Disorders And The Return Of Eugenia Cooney (Long Post)

Quick Note: I started this on the 20th of July, but had to do some more looking over and that, some of my original thoughts I kept in and some I added, I also removed some that I felt weren’t needed, I did my best on this topic so I hope it came out okay and I hope you enjoy the read.

Okay so this is a bit of a hard topic to discuss, i’m not sure how this post is going to turn out, but hopefully it comes out okay…….just a bit of a disclaimer warning, the topic that will be discussed in this post has to do with Eating Disorders so if this is a very sensitive topic for some of you out there and a bit triggering, I understand not wanting to read on, but if you’re comfortable and are okay reading upon this topic then by all means do so…..

When it comes to Mental Health a lot of people don’t really take it as seriously as it should or needs to be and it’s sad because, it’s important to treat it seriously, just because it’s not physical doesn’t mean there’s no effect and that it’s not still harmful……

There’s many different mental health disorders out there, although they’re different, they still share the same effect inside, however there are some that are much more dangerous than others, one of them being Eating Disorders…….i’ll be honest here, I don’t really know too much when it comes to eating disorders, but I have learned a bit about it,

By looking into it a little to get a better understanding and even getting some insights on what it’s like dealing with it and from the knowings of it and the effects it can have on you, lets just say it’s a real tough road walking down, especially when it comes to the recovery process of it.

Now i’m not sure how serious people take Eating Disorders, you would think it’d be one of the topics that is talked about a lot, but when you really think about it, we don’t really hear that much on it, which is a bit surprising because it’s something that should be payed more attention to.

Now I want to talk properly about this, because there’s a lot of things to eating disorders that not many are aware of, most people have a stereotype on it, which isn’t really fair because there are things with it that you won’t know unless you personally lived it, which a lot of us haven’t, but there are some that have or are living it right now and we don’t even know…..

What we may see it as, is completely different to what it actually is like, now my reasoning for wanting to talk upon this topic is for a few reasons, but also because of a video that I watched a few days ago, that was sent to me by my boyfriend who……well had a very similar experience with it…..

I won’t express too much on it though as it’s his story to tell, but he did say it was okay to talk about how he’s been though something similar to the story here……the video that i’ll be giving some insight on is about a Youtuber by the name of Eugenia Cooney, not sure how many of you exactly know of her, maybe you know her well or have just heard about her……a few days ago, Shane Dawson (another Youtuber) made a video on Eugenia,

I don’t know how familiar some of you are with Shane or if you even watch any of his videos, but he has a few series that he does, one of them is focused on helping people and sometimes even going back and revisiting pasts things that he hasn’t really been able to face before, it’s pretty good, i’ve watched a hand full of them……this specific video however, discusses Eugenia and her struggles with her Eating Disorder…….

I gotta say, this video has to be one of the most serious videos, Shane’s ever done and he’s made quite a lot…….I don’t know a whole lot about Eugenia Cooney, i’ve heard of her and have seen her before, but i’ve never actually watched any of her videos…..watching this video though, i’ll admit was really hard, it was also very emotional, I held my breath a lot watching it.

It’s kinda tough to describe this video, I feel it’s something you have to watch for yourself in order to really understand the situation and everything with it, but what I will say, is that you learn a lot from this while gaining insights to what it’s like for those who suffer from eating disorders, as well as learn on the different types of eating disorders and what kind of things happen with those types, if that makes sense!?

There’s a lot of mixed emotions in this video, although it’s very serious, there’s also some pretty nice light hearted and good moments within it as well, there was a few moments in the video that were a bit hard to watch, one of the moments was when they would show Eugenia’s videos….

Now I don’t know if it was a streaming kind of video that she did or a live chat event, but there was this girl and i’m not going to say what she said because you’ll see it in the video if you watch it, but…..

She started off with a very sweet and lovely comment to Eugenia letting her know how pretty she is which was really nice…..a few moments later however, she said something that…..probably shouldn’t have been said, it was that uncomfortable of a moment that I had to actually pause the video.

I mean i’m sure the girl didn’t intend for what she said to come out the way it did or anything, I mean you knew she was a fan of Eugenia and that she cared, she sounded like a very lovely girl, but I don’t think she understood by her saying what she did especially LIVE, the way she did……really set with Eugenia, like you could literally see the change of expression on her face and her eyes, it was one of the toughest moments to see in the video…..

Sometimes we don’t realize the things we say, as well as the way we say them, to us it may not be that bad…..however to others it’s a whole different story, especially when you see or know someone is going through something difficult that they may not be able to see or may not even know about……it’s important to really think about that kind of thing.

If you know or see someone isn’t well or they’re just getting well again, take a moment to really think about the things you’re saying before you find the words coming out of your mouth…….but i’m sure the girl didn’t mean harm with it, so no blame game here, sometimes we make mistakes, even if it’s the tiniest of ones, it happens, it’s just live and learn that’s all.

There were other moments that were a bit hard to watch, but a specific moment that I also wanted to talk about was not one that was hard to watch per say, but one that made me a bit nervous and that was when it came to Shane asking Eugenia questions on everything… the beginning of the video, there was this lady I can’t remember her name, but she was explaining to Shane the different questions you shouldn’t ask someone dealing with an eating disorder and the things you shouldn’t say to them…..

Watching the whole video, I was just nervous, thinking to myself “I hope the questions he’s asking are alright” luckily it all went well with the questions, even though the topic of it was hard as well.

I liked how comfortable Shane made Eugenia feel when he visited her and talked to her, it was real nice, i’m sure she was very nervous about doing this whole thing and talking about it as well, but it was good to see that there wasn’t any awkward moments with it.

There was a lot of moments that were very interesting to learn about within the video, if you want to check that out for yourself to get a better insight about Eating Disorders I linked it for you guys, it’s worth watching.

Watch the video here: The Return Of Eugenia Cooney

Continuing on the topic of Eating Disorders as a whole…..I can’t really say what exactly it’s like dealing with it, because i’ve never actually experienced it before, for people who have dealt with the disorder or are dealing with it now even, I know it’s not an easy topic to talk about it.

This is a real issue that shouldn’t be overlooked…….there are a lot of people who are secretly suffering with this and aren’t asking for help and that kind of thing is scary, because even though they aren’t directly asking for help, in way they are, only they’re going to say it…….

Sometimes it’s hard to see what’s going on in these kind of situations and unless you’re very close to someone, you won’t really see it, you might get hints here and there, but it’s not going to be something you catch on to right away……learning a bit about it, i’ve learned that people who suffer with eating disorders are really good at hiding it, again you may think you’re able to catch on to it quickly, but that’s not always the case.

Something i’d like to point out is that, when we think of eating disorders, our brains naturally and automatically think females suffer from it and that’s because it always been seen as and I know this is probably the wrong way to quote it and I apologize in advance, but it’s always just been seen as a “Female thing only”

When in fact that is faaar from the truth…..on the stereotype side of town, it’s like that, if you only knew the half of it though….because if you did, you’d find out males suffer from it too, maybe even more, we wouldn’t know about that though because a lot of the males that do suffer with an eating disorder, don’t speak up about it and that’s because there’s already a perspective on it, which isn’t right……

When you think of other disorders such as anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder all those things, it’s not just seen as a one sided thing, any person, guy or girl can suffer from them, yet when it comes to eating disorders, it’s only looked at on the females perspective and maybe that has to do with the fact that more females speak up on it, however that doesn’t mean that it should be normalized as just females go through it because that’s not true.

Males that suffer with an eating disorder, don’t really get taken that seriously causing most of them to suffer in silence when they shouldn’t have to……I don’t want to say it’s an image thing, however it kinda is in a way, which is sad because it shouldn’t be like that, we shouldn’t have it where if a male is struggling with an eating disorder they shouldn’t come out about it…….not trying to go away from the topic, but I will for a second,

Only because it’s the same as if someone was being abused, majority of the time, people will only see it from a girls perspective when in fact guys also get abused……yet we don’t talk about that and sometimes that can be one of the main factors of an eating disorder starting because of the way they’ve been treated before, but my point to this though is just like girls,

Guys too can be affect by it, just because we don’t hear much about it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening……we aren’t the only ones that go through rough times, although guys are built to be strong and protect and all that, we need to understand that they too have feelings and they also go through these kind of issues. We shouldn’t be shutting them out and making them feel as though if they do suffer from any sort of disorder or other things in general that they shouldn’t be allowed to share it or speak up about it.

It’s important to not only treat these kind of things seriously, but also treat each individual the same way, especially when dealing and suffering with things like eating disorders and that, everyone should have a right to express they’re emotions and feelings as well as things they’re going through.

We should never make someone feel as though their feelings don’t matter or that the issues they’re dealing with aren’t as important as someone else’s……there’s a lot to learn with this topic, things that may be seen as simple, aren’t always and when it comes to things we think we know on this topic or even someone, there’s a high chance that we have no clue, what we say and how we say it does have an affect, even when we see it as harmless.

Final Thoughts: We don’t know what people are going through and with this kind of thing it’s really important that we take it seriously and try to help in the best way possible, even if we aren’t sure how…….

If you know or sense someone close to you or someone you think needs help is suffering help them, try and be there for them, talk to them and if you’re worried or you aren’t sure what to do, there are people that can help and there’s even numbers to call.

If someone out there is reading this and is suffering with an eating disorder or recovering from one (GUY OR GIRL) know that everything is going to be okay and that there are people that can help you get better, I know it won’t seem like it, but you aren’t alone and again if you’re a guy or a girl whose just starting to recover or have successfully recovered,

I’m proud of you and i’m sure those around you, are proud of you as well (although I don’t know many of you) still, I know it’s a hard road you’re walking or have had to walk before and I know that even though there maybe some of you who have fought through this, I know that the journey of it will never be over as it sticks with you for life, but even though that maybe so, you should be very proud of yourself, not only for how far you came from it,

but also because you went through it and are still going through it, but have stayed strong and continued on, I know it’s not the easiest thing and I know that for some of you, there might even be a time where you fall into a relapse with it, but just know if that does occur don’t feel ashamed about it and don’t think that you did wrong, because you didn’t, you’re not weak or anything like that, it’s just a rebuild and process thing, but it’ll all be alright.

If there are people out there who have had someone in their life relapse or know someone whose relapsed, don’t scold them about it…..reassure them and let them know that you’re there for them, support and love them through those times, because believe me they’re already beating themselves up about it, they don’t need scolding or any of that, all they need is love and support.

There’s still a whole lot more to eating disorders than i’m able to explain, this was just my observation and thoughts on it from what I learned, again i’m no expert and have no experienced with it, the only people that can really tell you what it’s like dealing with it and the situation with it as a whole are the ones that have or are going through it……

If you have any thoughts you want to share or add to any knowledge that you think I should know on the topic of eating disorders go ahead, if there’s something I said wrong or messed up on, please do let me know, in the best way possible of course, I really would like to understand this better.

Last thing, if any of you out there, need a place to go to chat or anything like that, you don’t have to, but you’re more than welcome to here, but if you’re wanting or looking for a bit more help, here’s a few links to websites that might just be what you need and for those who want to understand more about this as well, I left some links for you as too.

  1. Better Help
  2. NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association)
  3. Alsana
  4. Understanding Male Eating Disorders
  5. Males And Eating Disorders

All The Love ❤ ❤


Opening Up…. (July 19, 2019)

Opening up can seem like a real task at times, you wouldn’t think it’d be as hard as it is, but when you’re someone who has a hard time really letting out your feelings and emotions you find that it’s not always easy to do.

It’s quite nerve wrecking actually, trying to get out just an ounce of words to form out of your mouth, sometimes you find yourself just staring out into space because you’re trying to find the right set of words hoping that what you’re going to say is going to make sense or come out right.

It’s why a lot of us, most of the time don’t really say anything if we’re feeling something and sometimes it’s because of the feeling it brings inside, but holding on to the emotions that we feel for too long, can sometimes wear you down, when it’s stuck floating all around in your head……

Opening up can be hard to do, but sometimes expressing our feelings, even though it doesn’t seem like it, can make a bit of a difference while also making you feel a little better in the process.

All The Love ❤ ❤


Expression…..(July 18, 2019)

Some may think that this is the same thing as feeling and emotions, but it’s not it’s just a way of letting out what you’re feeling, it can also just be a regular expression, for example, when you say “i’m so hungry I can eat a whole truck load of tacos” it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to eat a truck load of tacos, you’re just expressing how hungry you are, you might not actually even be that hungry, it just feels like you are.

We express what we feel and what we’re thinking, sometimes we can be a little too blunt with it, but for some it works that way, if we’re feeling something strongly, we’ll say it how we feel it or how we’re thinking it, although sometimes we’re meant to watch how we say things because it can be taken a whole different way to how we’re actually meaning for it to sound…..which can be very hard to do.

Expressing ones feelings, thoughts and or emotions can be very tricky at times, because naturally we want to say things the way we feel it, which is why if you notice, whenever we are feeling a certain way, we go into our natural fight or flight mode……naturally we want to let out everything we’re feeling right then and there, but our conscience tugs us back to help us approach those emotions and feelings in the best way possible.

Sometimes that doesn’t always occur and we end up saying things that are either out of context or the wrong way to how we wanted it to come out and that has to do with the way our thoughts are, we think of all these different scenarios and ways to approach a situations, but when it comes to actually being front and center to it, our minds start to scramble again, putting us back to square one causing us say and mix up everything.

It can be a real pain when that happens because you know what you want to say, yet you find yourself saying something completely different to what you thought about originally and that’s why if you do find yourself wanting to express something, but you feel as though it may come out wrong and not make much sense, you’re meant to pick your words carefully and that is a task on it own, if everyone was able to say what it was they wanted without any consequences, I think it’d make people understand each other and their feelings more, but it would also still hurt people in a way.

Just because I said there would be no consequences doesn’t mean that people’s feelings wouldn’t still be hurt, they’d see things differently and understand what is being said, but again it would still hurt a little and that’s why majority of the time, people don’t say anything because they don’t want to hurt others feelings, but sometimes you have to rip the band-aid off a little even if it comes out in a way you tried many times to avoid……

How we express and the way we express it can sometimes feel like walking on a mine field, because you never know where you’re going to step with it, but holding our breath and being afraid to express our true feelings shouldn’t be something we do either, we all have a voice and a right to say how we’re really feeling and thinking, it’s not always easy…….

It can be one of the hardest things to do, but sometimes we need it, so that way we don’t suppress it, doing that only starts to build anger, resentment, stress and a whole lot of deadly emotions that don’t need to be kept in.

Take it from someone who’s emotions and feelings are way beneath the surface that even when it tries to come out, it ends up just going back and hiding away again, sometimes it needs a bit of work and sometimes it just ends up coming out naturally…’s a win lose situation with expression, but if done in the best way possible or decently or I guess in the only way you’re able to, it’s not always all that bad.

All The Love ❤ ❤


Feelings….. (July 18, 2019)

We all have them, sometimes we wish we didn’t, but then we wouldn’t really be human would we!? Here’s the thing……sometimes we let our own feelings get in the way of how other people feel, we may not try to do it intentionally, but sometimes we end up doing it unconsciously knowing creating a bit of a mess……although we have our own issues and problems to sort through, doesn’t mean we should ignore everyone’s else’s.

It’s okay to take time to work through your own feelings and emotions, but when it’s the only thing we focus on, we tend to fail at acknowledging how someone else maybe feeling, which is important because we don’t know half of the things that people go through or deal with alone.

We say we listen and that we understand but do we really!? Believe it or not besides communication, listening and understanding (as well as other things) are the two main things that are needed in order to build a healthy and better relationship with someone, whether it’s romanic, non romantic, a friendship kind of relationship whatever, it’s important to take others emotions and feelings into account…..

Really thinking about it, it’s no wonder, most people separate from other people or keep things to themselves……we as humans aren’t the best people these days, especially when it comes to communicating, listening and understanding someone, we’re so wrapped up in ourselves and our own life, that we will just brush off anything that doesn’t revolve around our own feelings which can be quite selfish at times.

We shouldn’t be telling people to go away because we have our own things to worry about or we just aren’t feeling what their feeling, sometimes we need people or we just want to talk to someone, whether it’s a serious topic or a random one, telling someone to go away or to stop talking, causes a lot of the issues that we encounter in day to day life…….

When I was younger I used to get told all the time to stop talking so much or that something else was more important than expressing something that I wanted to express, so I know what that feels like…..the feeling of wanting to talk to someone, but being told to go away or being ignored when your saying something, it hurts….

It’s no wonder people keep things to themselves these days, I mean really who can they talk to if people don’t want to listen!? It’s why most of us develop or have some kind of mental illness, we bottle things up because we feel we have to or we think if we talk about what we’re feeling no ones going to really listen or understand anyway so why even bother!?

A lot of the time we don’t even take mental illnesses serious, even though we should because it’s one of the things that can be harmful to someones life, if not taken seriously enough, that kind of thing should never be ignored, but overall dealing with feelings, stress, thoughts anything…..

It’s not just us dealing with it, there’s always someone going through a rougher time, dismissing or skipping over how someone else feels, will only cause them to closed themselves in more and not express how they’re really feeling and if they do try to express their emotions and thoughts, they’re going to think twice about it because they don’t know if it’s okay and that they should or if it’s just going to be a waste of their time.

People can be very stubborn and not realize that, they’re not the only ones that hurt, we don’t take in other peoples feelings the way we should and it’s because of that, people will tend to distance themselves or drift away, it’s not always because they want to, sometimes it’s because they feel they can’t talk to anyone or that no ones going to listen, other times it’s fear of being rejected or that their just bothering people…….

Sometimes the best way to really know how someone is feeling is to ask them directly and not in a forceful way, genuinely ask them, how their doing and if they’re okay and want to talk, if they don’t want to talk right away give them a bit of time and try and ask again later, sometimes you have to go out of your way in order to really understand someone one, even if they don’t want to talk, try to listen and understand how their feeling,

Without criticizing them and trying to add your input in, if their expressing why it is they feel the way they do and are talking to you about it, listen!! If they say “this is how I feel and i’m telling you this is why i’m feeling it” don’t say “okay this is how your feeling, this is what I think” (sorry to say it this way, but it’s the only way it’s going to come out )

DON’T ADD YOUR INPUT……unless they ask for it and if or when they do, try and be understanding with it, help them sort through their feelings and or thoughts and help them come up with a solution to help them get through it. When expressing our thoughts and feelings, all we want and need is someone to just listen and understand…..

Just like when we are needing for someone to listen to us, we should be able to do the same for other people who are needing it, we should never make someone feel like they can’t talk about their own issues or express themselves, especially when their trying to express on something serious.

Whether we like what we’re hearing or not, we shouldn’t go shutting down other people’s emotions, we’re human and one of the things we are born with is compassion and if we can’t bother to really hear someone out when they’re begging for it secretly or desperately wanting someone to talk to, that says a lot about who we are and it’s not good……

We all have feelings and stresses in life, but we can still take time to try and get to know, as well as listen and understand someone.

Instead of judging someone and assuming all kinds of things and that, ASK!! if you really want to know or are curious on how someones doing or what’s going on in their life, just ask them, you might get a lot more out of them than asking someone else about it……

P.S. Sorry if this came out jumping at you haha, didn’t mean for that, I just had a lot to get out and this was the only way I guess I was able to get it out, hope you’re all doing well and having a good day!!

All The Love ❤ < 3


1 Year Of Blogging With AJ Gifs Feat Paige (A Little Late I Know, July 11, 2019)

So we’ve made it, it’s now been officially a year since I first created this blog!! Yaaay i’d say a little celebration’s in order, wouldn’t you say!?

It’s not really a big one, it’s just me sharing one of my favorite gifs and the closes reaction to a yaaay that I could find and when I say find, I mean I personally searched for this, not this gif in particular though, more like (AJ Lee excited gifs) I wanted something that fit, but also something that said “I know i’m late with this post, but yaaay we made a year on this blog”

I’d say this one wins!! As I was saying though, yes i’m aware that it’s the 13th and not the 11th, originally I wanted to write something the day of it being a year, but I ended up having a bit of a busy day Thursday last week, so I didn’t really get the chance to really write anything (I went to the same place 3 times at different hours in one day)

Even though I didn’t write the day of it being a year, doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about writing anything for it. I mean I was thinking about how exactly I was going to start off the post as I was coming back from picking up milk from the store a few days ago, yeah I know weird…..

I even kinda wrote a draft posts in one of my journals just to kinda have an idea on what I was going for, but we all know our thoughts change and we never really go based off our first reaction or idea…….unless it’s one that sticks with you for a while then you might go with the reaction.

So 1 year of blogging, what’s it been like you might ask!? That’s a question, no i’m kidding…..see I would say it’s been great, easy and that I rarely had an issue writing, but that wouldn’t be quite accurate would it now!?

Everyone has a different kind of blogging experience and for me, my blogging experience it’d say……has it’s days……sometimes I feel great and happy with the posts I publish and share and other times I tend to struggle on what to write about (happens quite a lot actually)

Most of the time I never really know how my posts are going to come across if that makes any sense!? Blogging and to be honest i’m sure we’ve all been down this road at some point, we all know that blogging is tough and it can be very discouraging at times as well……

I can’t tell you how many times i’ve questioned my own content as well as myself, sometimes i’ll write something and worry about whether I should’ve posted it or not or if I should delete it when no reads it (I never do) but I also had to let myself know that not everything you post is going to be read and if it is, not everyone is going to react to it…….

I still have those moments at times, but I think we all do, I don’t think that it goes away, but I try to look at it as,”okay so this one didn’t do that well, we’ll just try again in our next post” I think looking at it in that way helps you to not give in to the negative feelings you feel when that happens.

Now I don’t normally express this much, but there have been a lot of moments where I wondered whether or not I should even continue blogging and whether or not my writing is even good enough…..

It’s not the first time i’ve felt like that though, it happens with pretty much everything that I start, I could be doing well with it, but then feel as though, it’s not good enough and so i’d stop……..I never really understood why that was, but it was just a recurring thing all the time, i’d start something, do well with it, feel it wasn’t good enough then stop…..*Repeat process *

I’ve backed out of a lot of things because of that pretty much and that’s due to not really having a lot of believance in myself (i’m sure believance isn’t a word, but I wanted to use it) I still struggle with that actually, but I try to pull through that as best as I can and not have it be something else I stop before it can really get anywhere, that’s why I try to mix things up on here when it comes to my writing……originally when I started my blog,

it was meant to be a place where I could express myself and get my thoughts out of my head, I was feeling a lot of things and wanted to kinda let some of those emotions out, thinking back on it however, i’m not really sure if I ever actually express the emotions I was feeling then……!?

I’m not really the best when it comes to talking about my actual feelings, i’m sure most of you already know that though……I can talk about anything else (depending on the topic that is) but try and ask me how i’m feeling and believe me you’ll be here for a while… actually frustrates people whenever they ask me what i’m feeling and i’m unable to answer quick enough, it’s why I don’t really bother on really expressing much.

Along the way of using this as a place to leave my thoughts we’ll say….I wanted to add a bit more to it, so I ended up adding a few of my interests as topics to write about, things that I knew or felt I could write about, favorite games, music, things like that…..i’m not really good at sticking to one topic if i’m being honest and that’s not only with my writing, but also with my personality……kinda, i’m constantly thinking of things,

So adding a bit more variety i’d say has helped me really stick with this whole blogging thing. Before I continue on, I wouldn’t actually have this blog if it wasn’t for a good friend of mine, her name is Ray and I always mention this because it was her that shared WordPress with me and helped me set it up so I always have to thank her for that one and I always will…..

Thanks Ray!! ❤ ❤ ❤

Back to the rest of this post though, I gotta say with blogging, sometimes I don’t always know what i’m doing, it can seem really complicated at times because it always seems like there’s a certain way you need to write when it comes to blogging, which can be a little frustrating, if you feel your writing isn’t the best…….not to compare here or anything, but whenever I read other blogs, I always admire the different writing styles each person has…..

Makes you sometimes wish you could write the way half of the other blogs do, most of those writers know the kind of content they want and how exactly to write on it, they just know how to really express…..but thinking that way in terms of comparing your writing style to others I guess isn’t the best way, because again everyone’s writing style is different, if everyone wrote the same it wouldn’t really be interesting would it!?

I’d be stupid to think each writer had it all figured out, when it came to what they wanted their blogs to represent or just how they wanted it to reflect them if that makes sense!?

With me and my blogging experience I still wonder on how I want my blog site to reflect me… far it’s uncategorized, even though there’s some categories to choose from…’s still pretty randomized and kinda everywhere, which I guess in a way is me in real life (just got a tad anxious writing that haha, but i’m alright)

I don’t know…..maybe I don’t need to really know exactly what i’m doing when blogging, I mean each of us started our blogs for different reasons, be it to use it as a personal outlet for our thoughts, to share certain interests, moments or maybe even to share photos and that, we don’t always need a specific theme to focus on I guess, sometimes variety is good, it can bring in different people and keep things interesting as well!!

What may not be good enough to us, might not be the same way for others, maybe my uncategorized content is my thing, maybe it brings out and suits my writing style the best who knows… far it’s been alright, i’ll have my best days, but I know i’ll also have my not so best days and that’s okay.

Blogging shouldn’t be all about comparing or feeling like you have to be the best in the way you’re writing, in all reality, we’re all really just writers, but in different ways, some of us are and have a bit more expertise than others, but it doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t good….We all just have a different way of sharing, some of us like to be informative, some creative, personal, you name it……so some of us are unlisted or uncategorized,

It’s not a bad thing, it just means we can rotate through any topic we’re feeling, maybe my writing style isn’t like everyone else’s, but it’s how I write and even if I have days where I question it or myself, I should be proud and happy about it…..there’s no limit to a topic with it, so i’ll keep picking ones that I feel good about and hopefully it’s does it’s best to connect alright.

For those who have enjoyed and come back to my a bit everywhere content, I just want to say a HUGE thank you for it, knowing that some of you really do like what I write, means the absolute world to me!! This blog has grown a little bit more each time since I created it and for that I thank you as well.

Whether you’ve connected with me personally, not like personal, personal, but you know what I mean, whether you’ve liked my posts or have just taken the time to read them and enjoyed my site in general, I just want to let you know that I really do appreciate it and that i’m thankful and grateful not just for you guys, but also for giving me a chance and letting me express myself in the way I know how…..even on the days I struggle, it means a lot.

I don’t know if any of this is going to make much sense, I honestly didn’t expect this to take as long as it did to write, i’ve written and looked this over so many different times, changed a couple of things, added a bit more to it….

I really tried to lay out everything in the best way possible so, hopefully it came across alright……anyway that is all I have for you, thanks once again for all the support and for reading my content, I hope you’re all doing well and having a good day, afternoon and or night!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


P.S. I wrote this originally on the 13th, but took a bit more time with it then I expected, which is why you’re reading it now…….also if you’re wondering why I added AJ Lee gifs for this post, I don’t know I just did……

She’s just a favorite of mine so I figured why not, it was only meant to be one, but I ended up adding a few more.

Let’s Talk Procrastination (July 10, 2019)

Originally Written July 9th

Procrastination can seem all well and great, but the more you put something off, the more you’ll wish you would’ve done it earlier, take homework for example why were most of us so keen on putting it off so much!? I mean yeah I get it, it wasn’t always fun and it was a bit annoying having to bring home work, I mean we could’ve easily just done it in school.

Maybe that’s why people went to study hall (study period for some) or tried doing their work during lunch hour so they wouldn’t have to worry about doing the work at home, but even if we had to take work back home, what was so wrong with getting it done when we knew we had it!? Why did we always make a big fuss and always see it as some chore all the time!?

Had we just gotten it done when we needed it to be, I don’t think the stress with having to do it would’ve been so bad, but because it’s easier to put things off for later, we don’t think of it as being that big of a deal, because in our minds if we don’t get to it now, we’ll get to it eventually….

Only when it does come around to “eventually” by that time we would’ve already forgotten about it, at least until it starts to kick in that we were meant to do something and later remember what that something was, which then causes us to go into panic mode, to where we then stress even more about it…..yeah okay, we probably would’ve still stressed about it,

However our stress levels would’ve most likely been way lower if we got it all out the way first, instead of dealing with it last……but this isn’t just about homework i’m talking about, that was just an example, procrastinating things in your day to day life also leaves you to stress……

We all know life is already stressful no matter how we may try to look at it, so why add more stress then the stresses life already has to it!? We’ve all procrastinated, i’ll admit i’m probably one of the biggest procrastinators you’ll ever know and or meet, which is why i’m writing about this……

Well that and I heard someone mention homework off a video I watched yesterday and it had me thinking about why it is that we always used to or still try our best to put it off so much…….

We may think it’s not a problem and that it’s fine to procrastinate and sometimes it is when you know you need a little break off something, that being said however, it can get pretty stale after a while if you procrastinate too much (believe me) eventually all that leaving for later will start to weigh on you, causing much more to be done than what you originally started with, leaving you to feel way more overwhelmed, which will have you really wanting to put things off for sure.

Now you’re left mentally and sometimes even emotionally and physically crashing all the time……my point is…..maybe if we procrastinated a little less, we probably would get so much more done, as well as feel so much better for it, knowing we got to it earlier instead of waiting to do it later.

By doing that it gives us more time to relax, getting rid of most of the worries and stresses in our minds……I must say though, some people do thrive more on leaving things for later, but to each their own I guess, as long as it’s in a healthy way, I guess it’s alright…..

P.S. Before you say it, no I was not procrastinating on this post, I was just looking it over… extra day…..

All The Love ❤ ❤


The Cycle Continues….(July 10, 2019)

“It’s a circle, I mean cycle” may not seem like the grandest lyrics, but it sure is one of the best lyrics written by the band Paramore, from their song Ignorance, it’s quite simple, yet still affective and one of my picks for the song of the day (if you haven’t heard the song, i’d say give it a listen, if you like that kind of music anyway)

Now i’m not sure if any of what i’m going to write is going to make sense, but let’s see how it all turns out, it might just do……I don’t really understand why some of us do this, why do most of us feel the need to put energy into something that isn’t going to benefit us in the long run!?

Seriously….I mean I get that there are just some things that are hard to ignore, but why bother going out of your way to let certain situations, things and even people affect you!? I could understand if the feeling of the affect is mutual, especially if the affect is coming from certain people, but if you find yourself being the only person getting fired up and agitated all the time, wouldn’t you just leave it alone after awhile!?

Why feed the beast, if you know the beast isn’t going to budge when you’re feeding it!?……I know this is probably a random example, but it came to mind so i’m going to use it, you know in the movie Napoleon Dynamite where he’s trying to feed Tina the Lama or Alpaca dinner (not really sure which one it was, might’ve been a Lama if correct, but I could be wrong)

In the movie he’s trying to feed her, but she’s not eating the food that he’s giving her and you can see, if you’ve watched the movie, how the more he tries to feed her and he sees she’s not eating, the more he ends up frustrated about it…….now i’ve watched that movie a couple times……it’s quite a classic actually, maybe not for everyone and that’s okay.

Thinking back at that scene though, if he noticed she wasn’t eating it right away, had he just maybe given her the food and left it for her to eat when she was actually hungry, it probably would’ve kept his frustration levels low…….what i’m trying to get at is, instead of getting angry or annoyed and letting your emotions run wild as well as continuing to have your stress levels on the roof all the time,

Try just leaving it……actually scratch that, leave it alone, keep it from affecting you so much to the point where it starts affecting everyone else around you, because you may think that your the only one that feels the way you’re feeling, but deep down whether we want to see it that way or not, deep down we know that our moods and the energy that we tend to bring out, affects everyone that is near……

However when it comes to people and certain situations that’s giving you more of a cloud over your head, it doesn’t necessarily mean that person or situation is going to put the same cloud over everyone else’s head, the only thing that will affect everyone is the kind of energy that is being put out… if your energy isn’t the greatest and sucks (sorry, yet not sorry) as well as your attitude, It’s going to scatter out on everyone else……

The same way rain falls from the sky and unless you enjoy gloomy days (I do at times, not always, I enjoy rain though) I would avoid or at least minimize and not bother as much on the things, situations or people that really doesn’t keep you on at least a good neutral scale.

If it’s affecting you more than it should and it’s taking you away from having some kind of peace of mind, stop going out of your way to feed it, stop worrying about it, just take the Beatles advice and “Let It Be”

It’s not worth your energy, time or sanity……if we can be good at avoiding calls and messages to some people, than we can manage to not put ourselves in harms way with things that drives us up the wall. We have the ability to tune people out, which by the way isn’t always ideal, because it’s important to listen to people when something is being said, even if we don’t want to hear it and we’ve all been there and done that many times…..

Overall, don’t worry about things that aren’t your things to worry about, especially when it involves only you with a sword, just focus and worry about you, as well as the things and people that keep you grounded.

All The Love ❤ ❤


Acceptance Of The Old Or Of The New!? (July 6, 2019)

I’ll be honest, this title is stumping me a little on how i’m going to write about this, even though I titled it this way, there’s always something that is going to be a little of your comfort level, but sometimes you have to try even if you aren’t sure on how it’ll go or sound in this case.

Sometime we accept certain things that we shouldn’t and push away things that can be too much to take in because it evolves changing the things we are already used to, even if those things may be good for us in the long run.

In this case we talk on the topic of change and new beginnings for something better and different…….the word different is something a lot of us don’t like really like to embrace, because it secretly has the word change, hidden within it which makes us want to run and hide from it.

Not everyone likes change as we all know, even if it’s the good kind, we prefer comfort and not having to change anything around us, we see it as why change something when there’s nothing wrong with it!? However even though it may not look like it from the surface, doesn’t mean that there’s nothing wrong hidden deep down inside…….

The insane part about it is that most of the time we know that we’ve grown or are growing out of the comfort of what we know, yet we choose to stay and continue living in the mentally discomfort of our own ways and or bad habits and lifestyle we try to keep around, knowing that it’s harmful to the growth of ourselves and personality, but we accept it thinking that we need to, when in reality it’s not an obligation to do so……we forget that as human beings we’re meant to evolve and change every now and again.

Even if we have things to us that stay the same, it doesn’t mean we fully are the same person, we change a little everyday and our perspectives on things change as well just like everything else to us…..

We may not like it, but it’s something that we have to let happen otherwise, we’re just going to be miserable and that is nothing, but the truth, the more we hold back on something that is natural to our human nature, the more we’ll continue to regret and become unhappy and we all know that regret is the one thing that we don’t want eating us alive mentally, because even when you think you’ve gotten over something, you’ll find that you really haven’t, it’s always there hidden in your mind even if it doesn’t seem like it.

Accepting something because we think we have to or because we’re used to it, will only make us angry deep under the surface and the more we continue adding fuel to it, the more we’ll start to resent and break and when we start to break everything around us starts collapsing……

Worrying about how people will feel, the way everything will go or even about other peoples lives, only adds stress to the person worrying no one else, it might worry others (people you’re close to) but it won’t do as much damage to them then it will to you and that’s because you’re the one feeling it the most which is why you stress out more, when in reality the only thing that is needed for you to focus on, is yourself in regards to the kind of change you want for you and what you’re willing to accept in your life.

If you accept what is already given, not just with other people, but with yourself and the way things are going in your life depending on whether you’re okay with it or not will depend on the way it makes you feel, if you feel good about it than, there’s no need to worry, but if deep down you’re not willing to accept it than, that should say something clearly……

Although we surround ourselves with different people and different things, we are the ones that have to be satisfied with what we bring and allow in our lives otherwise who’s the happy one!? If it’s not us we’ve done things wrong, we shouldn’t allow nor accept something just because we’re used to it or we feel we have to, not from other people, not even from our scared self, acceptance of the old shouldn’t go clashing with things that are new…..

If anything the old and new should come together in some way, because they’re just as tied together as anything else, we don’t have to get rid of what we already have, but we don’t have to just accept it either, keep what you have, but try to embrace what you can have to,

Even if you are unsure of it, you don’t want to be stuck with a routine that is draining and unfulfilling, accepting where you are and what is expected will only drive you up the walls, instead of being afraid and anxious of a new and most likely better change, try being anxious, but excited for it!!

I mean let’s face it no one is ever calm with new things and if you are, well than I don’t know how that’s possible, but I guess it can happen…….but new things should always bring you a little excitement even when it’s terrifying, I mean if you’re not scared a little, do you even really care!? Be anxious and scared, but be excited a little too, because acceptance of the old should never keep you from accepting what is new…..

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk Video Games: Missed Messages (July 5, 2019)

The other day I was watching one of my favorite gaming channels Jacksepticeye (well I watch him quite a lot actually) you might remember me talking about him before or you might not, he’s quite the entertainer, his content is very interesting and he has a very unique and great personality!! He not only plays video games, but he also has original content that is a little more intimate, by that I mean not video game type videos,

but more the kind that make you laugh when you’re having a rough day and need something to pick you up. Some people like him and others tend to stay clear of him because of personality and how weird he is, but I don’t think he’s that bad, but everyone has their own view on things and that is perfectly fine, I still enjoy his content, but anyway……

Let’s talk about the game, I don’t really know how to introduce the game to, because it’s on the serious part of town…..the name of the game is called Missed Messages and it’s a pretty deep and interesting kind of game…..

It’s based around self harm and suicide, but has other things to it as well that is a little more lighthearted, although it is pretty sensitive, so if you don’t want to get into those topics that’s okay, the game does warn you with any possible triggers before playing the game, but for some who are interested in seeing what the game is like, I would say check it out,

I don’t really know how to describe the game, so i’m just going to let it speak for itself, so if you do watch it you’ll understand it a lot better, i’ll leave it in case you are curious to seeing how the gameplay is. It’s actually pretty nice from the looks of it, it’s one of those choice based games to see the different outcomes to the story, but with a deeper meaning to it of course…..

It has a pretty cool art style to it as well, when you first look at it, it’s pretty calming and chilled, but the more you get into the story, it does get pretty intense……but the reason I bring up this game, is the message that comes with it.

It shows you just how much you don’t know, when it comes to someone and what they’re thoughts are, they could seem fine, yet you wouldn’t know that deep down, that’s not exactly how their feeling, unless you really get to know them and just talk to them. People are so used to keeping things bottled in and because they’re so used to it, they have trouble asking for help or just opening up alone about things in general….

We’ve all been there, where if there’s something we’re struggling with or dealing with, we keep it to ourselves thinking we can handle it and adding our problems onto someone else, even though it shouldn’t be a worry or they may not have a problem with you coming to them,

You still think of it as being a burden in a way and so we chose to just keep to ourselves to avoid adding to their problems even if we are secretly needing a bit of comfort or reassurance.

It’s easy to have a simple conversation when it comes to things you might have in common with someone or something random and that……but when it has to do with a problem or something that is hard to talk about that’s when it becomes difficult and where people start to shut down and sometimes that’s dangerous if you’re not careful, in many different ways.

However it isn’t always dangerous, some people just prefer to be alone and stay to themselves, which is fine, there’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it’s good to see how people are from time to time, because you don’t always know what they’re dealing with and the kind of struggles they’re going through, even if you aren’t sure what to do,

Just showing them that you’re there if they need you and even sitting with them in silence would probably mean so much, sometimes not saying anything is better than trying to say something, most of the time all people really need is comfort and reassurance and just for someone to be there.

Final Thoughts: Just by watching the gameplay, it looks like a pretty great game to play or check out, I don’t really play games as often as I used to and when I did, it was mainly on my Xbox One or my 3Ds, sometimes my tablet too although I rarely play with it now…..but this game is something I think should be given a try and if you don’t want to play it, i’d say it’s worth checking out, there’s so much more to it than just the art style…….

You get a lot of realness and emotion from it as well, believe me it’s worth the time and understanding with the message that it’s trying to share with everyone, even Jack shares his thoughts on it, as well as knowing that kind of struggle that is talked about in the game, so if you’re willing, seriously check it out, I think you’ll find it very interesting and maybe even helpful too.

Here’s the game if you want to check it out: Missed Messages if it’s too much while you’re watching it remember you don’t have to continue, but if you do continue I hope you enjoy the story and gameplay of it!! If there’s anyone who is having a hard time and wants to talk, could be about anything, music, favorite tv shows or you need someone to just vent to a little, you’re more than welcome to here, i’ll be happy to be an ear for you.

All The Love ❤ ❤
