February Is On It’s Way Out and Soon We’ll be Marching Into Spring!!

Happy Weekend Everyone!! Hope you’re having a very good Friday, I can’t believe that we’re pretty much done with the month of February…..it seems like it only just started and now it’s about to set on it’s journey to wherever all the months that finish up go!! It’s been a while since I’ve really spoken about how each month has been….I like to think that it’s had it’s ups and downs, but I guess that’s just something that always sorta happens, some days are better than most, while others have that inbetween thing going on.

It’s been quite the month February and although it’s not neccsarily done, it also practically is come Monday and then we’re into the month of March….which is nuts to think about, but then again, February isn’t really that long of a month anyway so, this one doesn’t feel like it went by all that quick, because it’s already a quick month anyway, with it only having 28 days to it……that being said it doesn’t mean there weren’t some hard moments with it, there’s still a lot going on and I feel like it’s going to be like that for a bit.

This year two different vibes to it, there’s apart of you that feels like you have to do it now, whatever you feel that to be for you and then there the other part of it where it’s like…..you can’t really put your finger on it, but it’s important to know….like I said this year just has the inbetween feeling and you’re having to make some big decisions and take action on them, because if you don’t your going to miss something and you’re going to wish you had!

I get it, it’s tough because it feels like you got two different parts of you talking and you’re trying to figure out what part to listen to…..even when you may already know…..with Winter on it’s way out the door and Spring around the corner, you just feel like it’s getting to a point where you know you have to make a choice and trust that, whatever choice you make will be good, although they say no choice is ever bad, it just leads you down a different road, but you have to ask if that road is something you’re okay with going down!?

If it’s a road that has been on your mind for quite some time, shouldn’t that say something? It’s not about fear anymore, it’s about taking that chance to see where that road leads you, the only thing you have to do is decide and make that choice already, because the more you think the less you’re going to actually go for it, so what’s it going to be? Will you take that chance or will keep thinking about it, you already know what you want to do so what’s stopping you!?

All The Love ❤ ❤


Do What You Like, Be Free To Be Whatever!

This is probably one of the most cheesiest titles you’ve read or maybe not….if I’m being honest this title is a combination of two different lyrics from two different songs, both favorites of mine and by two artists that I admire! The first part of the title come from the song Living In Colour by non other than my all time favorite artist Alexz Johnson while the other part, kind of comes from the song No Regrets by an artist named Dappy at least it’s inspired by it anyway….I don’t know how many people know of either artist, but Alexz Johnson has always been one of my favorites since the moment I saw her show Instant Star, it was then I knew I found an artist I was going to listen to forever!

As for Dappy, I was introduced to his music by my partner whose a really big fan of his, the first song he ever had me listen to by Dappy was called Money Can’t Buy, it’s a love song of course, but it’s an amazing song and one of my other favorites!! Now Dappy isn’t just a singer he also raps too and comes from the UK, he also had this group called N-Dubs which had him, his cousin Tulisa and a friend of his I believe named Fazer who happens to rap as well! Now I’m not here to talk about these two artists, although they are great and their music is always a pleasure to listen to, I just wanted to explain the title name…..however I should point out that the actual lyrics to Dappy’s No Regrets is “I’m Free To Be Whatever I….”following a few bar flows after those lyrics!

What I really wanted to talk about is what I mean with the title I have there, well I will do my best to explain it at least! Now to me, both these lyrics have an encouragement feel to them, “Do what you like” by Alexz Johnson meaning “go for it” while the actual lyrics to Dappy’s song No Regrets ” I’m free to be whatever I…” that one goes more on the fact of having that freedom to do, well going back to the first song, pretty much whatever you like, being whoever it is you choose to be and allowing yourself to have the confidence to say “this is my life and I will decide how I want to live it” it’s letting you know to go after anything you believe in and are truly wanting without those regrets in the back of your mind, where you’re asking yourself “what if”

Keeping the what if’s in your head will always make you feel like, you have to just go with what’s there, but life isn’t about being okay with that, you have to be okay with change no matter how scary it is…..you don’t want to sit back and think to yourself “I didn’t, I should’ve, maybe” We always hear how short life is and the thing with it is, we think because we are still here doing the things we’re doing and getting to certain ages that it’s not really short, but it actually is….because you can walk past someone and that day their fine, but when you go to see them again….something is different and then next thing you know….you’re no longer seeing them!!

It’s a frightening scary thing and it’s something I don’t like to think about, but when you really look at it, it really does say a lot….we’re always worrying about everything, but that’s because we’re feeling things that we don’t even understand sometimes…..but it comes with the experience of life, but life is also meant to be experienced, you’re meant to be inspired, to be entertained and say “woah I’ve never seen that before or let alone known that it could exist” You’re meant to explore and feel different things, in different ways then imagined!!

There’s a lot of fear that is hard to shake within us, I have a few fears myself and one of them used to be change, I didn’t like things changing, I liked being safe and comfortable, I always thought that I wanted everything to stay the same, until eventually I witness change happening around me, forcing me to become uncomfortable and really see things differently and before I knew it…..I started to change and I saw how me changing and wanting different started to effect people around me!

I was always a certain way and when I stopped being that certain way and being vocal about it….it wasn’t well received, but I knew that it needed to happen because had it not happened, I would’ve still been in that situation…..the older I get the more I’m realizing how important it is to really go after what it is you want and not be afraid or feel bad for wanting those things, we’re allowed to want things, we’re allowed to say “hey this is what I’m doing, it’s okay that you don’t agree or like it, but I’m doing it anyway” it may be a scary thing to do, but it’s better to be brave and do it while shaking the nerves away, then to not do it and stress yourself out about it and how you should’ve done it….it’s okay to take that breath if needed, but if you find yourself feeling something like this lately then you may just want to consider some of these words

You don’t necessarily have to, but if you know there’s something in your heart that you would like to do and have been thinking about for a while, it really doesn’t hurt to give it a go and try, the only thing that will happen is that you’ll find yourself growing more and possibly enjoying yourself as you experience that new thing that is speaking to you!

That’s all I want to say, hope you all have a good rest of the day, stay safe and take care!

All The Love ❤ ❤


It’s Feb 22, 2022 (2/22/22)

You might have noticed that today feels a little more significant compared to other days and even if it doesn’t feel different, I’m sure that you had a moment where you might have looked at the calendar today and thought “huh interesting” after realizing todays date! Now I’ve spoken about numbers and numerology before all while explaining how I’m not that the biggest fan of math, but regardless to my feelings with the number subject, numerology is just one of those things that is kind of hard to pin point and what I mean by that is there’s just something about it that always leaves me curious with it to where I feel the need to what to look up certain numbers when their lined up like today’s date is or just when seeing the number 11:11 or 555!

Now I won’t go too into it as I know I already shared my thoughts about it previously before, plus I wouldn’t even know what to say exactly, so who knows how long this post will be, I honestly don’t feel it’ll be too long, but then again I’m not sure if it’ll be true, there’s times where I think a post is just going to be, only but a few lines long and it’s more than what I expect so haha!

Now if you’ve been wondering just what the numbers 2/22/22 means well, I wouldn’t be able to tell you off the top of my head, without looking it up myself, speaking of I actually did look it up because as I stated earlier I was very curious and just wanted to know it’s meaning and in case some of you would like to know or have been curious yourself about it, to try and sum it up really…the number 2/22/22 it’s got a very detailed meaning within it and one of those meanings comes in the form of taking charge of your life and not feeling bad about how you choose to live it, it also talks about balance and instability, but also not allowing yourself to get caught up in the chaos of your surroundings and learning to keep positive even during difficult times!

I know with that last part it’s a lot easier said and then done, believe me I know, for me yesterday was a very rough day, these past few days have been a bit harder to handle, but yesterday I have to say definitely took the cake, but it’s not really about pretending that your emotions don’t exist or that you have no right to feel the way you might be feeling, what it really comes down to is letting yourself feel the things your feeling, but also being aware of how you react to situations!

Look I’ll admit that sometimes it’s harder to push through days when you already can feel it within yourself that it’s not your day or a day in general, I think in order to really embrace what number 2/22/22’s message is trying to share, we need to allow ourselves to feel our emotions, so that we’re not just pushing them down and keeping everything bottled up! I understand that not everyone likes expressing themselves because they either don’t want to be a burden, they don’t want to share what is actually bothering them or they don’t actually know how to express their thoughts well so they just keep it all to themselves….but when you hold your thoughts and feelings in especially for a prolonged period of time, you’re only hurting yourself,

Eventually all the things that you’ve hidden under the surface will start brewing and before you know it, you’ve gone from being an inactive volcano to an active volcano and everything that you’ve tried so hard to keep within starts looking like magma flowing about and you find yourself looking at it wondering how you allowed yourself to let it get that bad! I know I’ve gone all science here, but what I’m trying to get at is, we have to be okay with feeling our feelings, but also not think that because we feel them, we can’t talk about them if we feel we need to, although sometimes we may not want to share them right then and there, which is okay….

It’s alright to want space and time to think about things and really take them in, if you feel that to help you best! Most times it helps to take that moment so you’re able to keep all those thoughts and feelings at a happy medium so they’re not just coming out without much of a thought, it’s better to think and then react then to react first then think! It helps to really bring clarity and a different responds and way of explanation compared to just going off to what the first reaction might’ve been!

It also helps if we didn’t give ourselves a hard time about it as well, most times we forget though….but back to what today brings and what this once in a lifetime line up of aligned numbers is wanting us to take in and keep as a reminder, what is that reminder exactly!? Well today brings the message to keep going and to know that whatever struggles and difficult times that we may find ourselves in that no matter what we can overcome them! We have to keep in our minds the saying of “This Too Shall Pass” and that “all is well and will be well” even when it may seem like it won’t in the moments!

We have the ability to turn any situation into a positive one in someway or form, honestly I feel like with yesterday being the way it was…..it kind of felt like a test with the chaos happening, like it was a challenge to see basically saying “how do you chose to react!?” So it really comes down to knowing when to choose a battle, most of the time, the universe will play out certain scenes/scenarios for you so you can really be aware and understand which approach to take!

That also just goes with when choosing where you want to go, no matter what you do and how you choose to live your life, you will always have to know when to react to things and when not to react, as well as how to react….we always have a choice and it’s important that we pick our next action to those choices wisely so that way we know we’re doing our best to making sure that things go smoothly and that we’re really taking everything in properly!

We’re coming to the last hour of Feb 22, 2022 so whatever you feel it’s meaning to mean to you, keep it in mind and if life is feeling a bit upside down at the moment, know that it doesn’t always mean it’s a bad thing, so just keep pushing, keep doing your best and live your life how you feel you want to live it…..it’s okay to be afraid, change isn’t always an easy thing to embrace, but it is necessary in growth and when you allow yourself to grow, that’s when you start seeing things really kick off…..in a good way and sometimes you have to go through those tough periods in order to see what is really going on and is being brought to you (as hard as it is to see) so even when the nerves start up, keep going and do what you like and what you feel you want to do!

I would definitely say to look up this number you’d be surprise to what you may find, that’s all I have here, I hope that you had a good/decent/okay day and happy synchronistic Tuesday!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Encanto (Movie Thoughts) – Part 2

Happy Wednesday to you all, hope all has been well and that you’re having a good day so far! We’re already halfway into the month of February which is quite insane because it fees like we just started the month and I know February isn’t the longest month of the year, but still, although I feel even though this month is the shortest one, I always feel it takes a while to actually finish, but that’s just feelings on it!

Anyway welcome to part 2 where we’ll be discussing more Encanto related things and by that I mean, just finishing up my thoughts about the movie and sharing on what I wasn’t able to express in the last episode, now I am writing this out, but I will also be making this post into an episode that way I don’t over do it when introducing the topic and by over doing it I mean taking a while to actually get to the topic….it’s a nervous habit I do, I try not to, but it always happens, so I thought if I wrote it down…I’d have a better chance at it coming out with more ease, we’ll see how it goes honestly!

On to a bit more Encanto yeah!? Okay so I don’t know if anyone that’s reading this has listened to the first episode, but if you would like to check it out, you can listen to it here: https://anchor.fm/lexa-marie3/episodes/Lets-Talk-Encanto-Movie-Thoughts-Part-1-Ep–48-e1e6ic5

Small Recap: Encanto (movie thoughts)- Part 1

I will try and sum up what has already been discussed in that episode, I’ll do my best to anyway, let’s see what I can remember…..I know that we spoke a little about the soundtrack, not fully though, because I wanted to do something different with that one, be it an episode, blog post….something else….I’m still a bit unsure with what I want to do there, but it’ll come to me! As far as other thoughts with it goes I know we discussed on it being the first movie to really focus on family in a good while since Lilo and Stitch (From my knowledge)

and just about the different messages that they had hidden within it, there was a lot covered for the most part and I know there was most likely a bit more that was spoken about, but that’s all I can remember honestly so with that being said, let’s get into the rest of the stuff related to Encanto that I wanted to speak about! Now there’s a few theories that I had written down, some that I came up with, while others being like fan theories, now some of the theories that are fan related, I too had felt myself when I had watched the movie for the first time!

Part 2 (Wrap Up)

One of the theories that I agree with along side many others is the fact that the casita is definitely Abuela’s late husband and Mirabel’s grandfather (as well as her siblings and cousins) Pedro, now it’s not actually confirmed that it is Alma’s late husband, however I like to think that it is HEAVILY implied that is the embodiment spirit of the casita! The reason I believe 100% that Pedro in fact the casita is because 1. It makes ABSOLUTE complete sense and 2. It just feels right for him to have become the Madrigal home!

He literally sacrificed himself just so that his family could be safe, so it’s not that far fetched to think that he might have become the actual protector of the home in spirit form. Now I know not everyone believes in that kind of thing and that’s perfectly fine, but as someone who comes from part of a Spanish speaking family, believing in the Spiritual side of things isn’t that unfamiliar to me and there are certain things I believe in, while other things not really…..however when it comes to movies like Encanto and it being based in a Latin speaking country (Columbia) it’s not that hard to believe that, Abuelo Pedro isn’t protecting the house in someway,

plus the house interacts so much with Mirabel that it (Spoiler Alert) LITERALLY saves her before collapsing in on itself due to the stresses and troubles the Madrigal family were dealing with, but weren’t voicing let’s just say….so if that doesn’t convince you then I don’t know, but then again it is a fan theory so who am I to say anything!!

Next Theory…..Abuela Alma…..is the sorta villian, but not actually….One of the things that I noticed when watching Encanto is that there really wasn’t anyone trying to cause too much issue, yes it can seem like Mirabel might be the one stirring things by asking the real question that no one wants to ask or give attention to, but all Mirabel ever tried to do was just show her family that, even though she doesn’t have a gift like the rest of her family doesn’t mean that she isn’t still someone that can bring something good for everyone!

That’s the reason why I say Abuela Alma is the somewhat the villian, it’s not on a purpose scale, she’s not doing it intentionally, but more on the fact that she held everyone in the Madrigal home at a certain expectation that I’m sure even herself could not fulfill! She didn’t see her family as her family, it was more like the gifts they hold was more important then what they were actually feeling, but they weren’t allowed to express it because they wanted to please Abuela Alma pretty much and make sure they were doing their part in making sure everyone in the family were safe and well!

Which was one of the main reasons the Casita was coming apart from the inside showcasing cracks that only Mirabel could see, because no one was voicing their true emotions due to the fact that they were scared of Alma! Abuela literally drove her own son (again spoiler alert) Bruno to not abandon the family, but to leave because he knew how his mother was, as much as he loved his family he could stand to see them cast aside Mirabel the same way they did to him, even though it kind still sorta happened anyway!

I mean notice how the casita never showed cracks on the outside of the home, but only within the home at certain times!? It was only shown when someone started speaking their truth, which says a lot….now again this not me saying to hate on Abuela, far from it, I’m just analyzing the situation here, she never meant to do it, it was just after losing the love of her life after trying to escape the home that was being overtook by war people so her family could be safe and not have to worry…..it broke her, it turned her cold a little….

Not that she didn’t love her family, she loved them very deeply which is how the miracle candle came about, she gave them shelter after witnessing the death of her husband, so she did what she could and what was right at the time! Had it been different, then it would have been completely handled in a whole better way, but had what transpired not happened we wouldn’t have gotten the movie Encanto!!

Due to what she experienced resulted in the way her family was treated, she forgot the reason why the casita truly existed, it wasn’t because of the miracle (yes it helped to begin things again) but it was because of the love and bond she had for her family and it took Mirabel (the escape goat for a while) of the family to get her to truly open her eyes and see that, it was never about the their gifts, but them as a family and that no matter what is happening and what trial and tribulation are going on in their lives that they will always find a way to overcome them together!

Last thing I want to talk about is….Mirabel not getting a gift….honestly, I glad she didn’t get one, let me explain, had Mirabel gotten a gift it would’ve went the same where she was only looked at for her gift and not for just being herself! Now that being said, I honestly feel that Mirabel did get one, just not in the same way that everyone else got one, my theory (maybe other people out there think the same) is that Mirabel’s gift is greater then having the gift of strength like her sister Luisa (who is great) Being perfect like her other sister Isabella or controlling the weather like her aunt Pepa…..Mirabel to me her gift is being the foundation of the Madrigal family…..if you really think about it, you can’t really give foundation as a gift, by being herself as quirky and smart as she is…..she brings something to the table that not even her own mother could and she has the ability to heal with food (she’s also great by the way)

Mirabel is very unique, she is the embodiment of being that foundation that is needed to keep everyone together, she gives the most support over EVERYONE in her family while everyone…..well most of everyone…..always saw her as being in the way and not all that helpful, even though she was always being extremely helpful, they just couldn’t see it! They didn’t acknowledge how much she actually gave, she was the one to get everyone to really express themselves, because she knew that it would them to be better versions of themselves even going out of her way (with the help of her tio-uncle Bruno) to speak to her oldest sister Isabella that she always bumps heads with because of how perfect she is and even gets her to admit her true feelings and speaking of Bruno, even though we’re not meant to talk about Bruno…..she even helps to reunite and have everyone welcome him back into the family, regardless to the fact that he never really left!

So all this talk about Mirabel not getting a gift, to me she does have one, she managed to put her own feelings aside with not having a gift like everyone else in her family (besides her other uncle and father) so that she can help save the miracle all while making sure her family didn’t fall apart indefinitely, all she cared about was her family, she wanted them to know that gift or no gift that she really does love and care for them!

That’s why at the end of the movie if you watched it…..you see Mirabel complete both prophecy’s of destroying and rebuilding the Madrigal, hence why she is later given a door to whatever gift is meant to be reveal that she has in the next movie…..which I believe is her being the next in line to take over as head of the table…..which is a really big task to take over, so that is a HUGE responsibility that she’s stepping into if that is the case, but we won’t know until the next movie is made…..those are all my thoughts that I have, I was not expecting to go this deep with the episode in writing (until I record it) but honestly I am proud of this episode because it allowed me to say all the thoughts I wasn’t expecting to say and I’m extremely happy with it!

The recording might have some things different here and there, but I will be reading everything I wrote here into the episode I might just leave out the recap of the first part however, but I will try and stick to what I have here, hopefully you guys enjoy and like this read/episode, that is all I got anything I feel I want to say that I haven’t here I’ll just say it in the episode, but thank you for listening and reading, I might schedule this for maybe tomorrow that way it matches with the podcast episode, so you’ll read it then, enjoy the rest of your day!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


How To Title A Post That’s Filled With Emotions…

I have a lot of feelings at the moment that I’m trying to hold in, I wish we didn’t always have to feel as though we need to be strong, It would be nice to just let emotions out without worrying everyone close to you or where you’re being questioned about it! Unfortunately though, that’s not possible…..if I was the kind of person to not be bothered with expressing my emotions, you’d always know what I was feeling, but I’m not that person, I only share my true feelings with those that I’m really close to and even then am I wary of that…..I don’t do well with my emotions, it’s hard for me to really say what I mean without my eyes being overflown with water trying to escape, for someone that’s an Earth sign, I sure got a lot of water in me!

I’m an emotional person and I guess that comes with being an Earth sign and feeling everything deeply, a lot of the time it’s more frustrating then anything, when you’re an emotional person like I am, you feel you always need to hide yourself, because being around others when you know that you may start having a breakdown or just randomly start bursting into tears is anxiety inducing then being someone whose always angry…..I always feel I need to go somewhere that will allow me to just be at my most vulnerable, somewhere that’s quiet and won’t judge me for feeling the way I do and allow me to just let that side of me out!

I guess that’s why I love nature so much because I can be me regardless to what feelings I’m feeling! You don’t ever have to worry about hurting someone or lie to people about being fine when you’re actually not! It’d be good to actually be able to not care, but when you’re someone who cares deeply about everything, you’ll realize that not caring isn’t apart of your nature nor vocabulary…..I can say I don’t care, but inside that’s not how I actually feel, I care even when I try not! It’s the people that care too much that always feels the most and that find themselves getting caught in shit that they weren’t even supposed to be around for…..

You can have the most tough exterior known to man, but if you have just a hint of that nature side to you, just a hint of empathy…..no amount of armor can keep you from hiding away from your emotional side…you can keep it calm yeah, but there’s only so much you can do before you find yourself getting overwhelmed and watching as the tide slowly start coming over you and once that happens…..there’s nothing you can do to stop it because whether you want it to or not, it will hit you and force you to observe that emotion and if you don’t observe it then it’ll keep hitting you until you end up accepting it and allow it to happen or just watch yourself drown from those emotions constantly!

It’s a lose/win/lose battle here, lose because everyone can almost always see it and you can’t really hide, win because you’re letting those feelings out and allowing them to be seen for what they are, which is always important, but it’s a losing battle because it’s something that is unavoidable, something that no matter how hard you try to put in the back of your mind, it will always find a way to make you see it, be it by just nudging you or giving you a whole wave of it just so you can’t ignore what’s really rising under the surface!

I want to be the one to say I’m okay, but I wrote this post for a reason even though it took a lot in me to keep my emotions at bay, but in reality the truth of the matter is I’m sad, but I don’t want anyone to know, yet here I am writing about it and talking about emotions! I’m full of nerves, because I’m feeling emotional and I’m frustrated because I know that although I’m fine at the moment, my emotional side will show it’s face again and because I know myself on that aspect it’s going to be hard to calm it down when it does get too overwhelming for me…..

Just to clarify, this is my way of acknowledging my emotions and being aware to the way I’ve been feeling today, I haven’t cried yet, which is good for me, I’ve come close to it quiet a few times while I was writing all of this, but I’m trying to keep the calm as best as I can, it’s been really hard though and although I’ve just written about being emotional and everything, I’m not going to talk about why, because that’s personal and I’ve not written this for it to make anyone feel a certain way, I just honestly needed to write this out because it was the only way I could get my words/thoughts out without it sounding weird!

I may be able to express on my feelings a lot better vocally, but I always feel when I write it down, it helps me to understand my own thoughts better and keeps me from worrying about whether I’ve said everything all right (Not saying I don’t still worry, it’s a habit that is hard to shake sometimes) but the fact that I was able to write this out, it helps me to feel a little better…..sorta

All The Love ❤ ❤


Up Next: Now Playing Encanto (Soundtrack)

Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is having a good/decent day today! I don’t think this is going to be that long of post if I’m being honest, I just wanted to write some quick thoughts down of what is to be expected, now I know we have been speaking about Encanto a lot, I want to apologize about it, but I won’t because I really love the movie and when I really enjoy something I have to talk about it, plus I have yet to really give my thoughts about what my feelings are with the movie Encanto, which I will be doing soon and this time there will be spoilers coming disclaimer so keep a look out for it, in the meantime let’s talk about what’s to come!

Although I’ve spoken a bit on the movie, one of the things that I will be discussing that I have yet to give thoughts on is the soundtrack of the movie, obviously I won’t be going into detail with it here, but just know that I am excited to talk about it! If you haven’t watched the movie, definitely check it out and when you do really take in that soundtrack because it is just…..wonderful one of the best soundtracks in a Disney movie in my opinion…..it’s very different to what we normally get, but it’s still great, like I said I won’t give my full thoughts today, but what I will say is, Encanto’s soundtrack is something I feel wasn’t what everyone expected from it, until we all heard it!

I mean I can only speak for myself, but I do have a feeling that what my reaction was for the soundtrack was probably everyone else’s reaction for those that watched the movie, it could be different who knows, but regardless to the actual feelings of it with everyone else, my feeling’s with it still stays the same, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sang certain songs from the soundtrack to myself, let’s just say I pretty much know one of the songs by heart now…..not fully, but I’m almost there!

Now what can we expect when discussing the soundtrack, well I will be sharing my honest and best thought about it, what songs are my favorite, which ones I would play the most or least and when I say least that doesn’t mean I don’t like them, I’m just stating it more in a sense of what I feel I’d see myself constantly listening to each song is great in their own way, but I think we all know when we really like a song and when we know we aren’t going to be listening to them often!

Another thing to expect is I will be sharing my own interpretation of each song and what I think they could mean, be it an obvious meaning, one that can be interpreted as more metaphor based or a mix of both, one song I kind of already drew my own interpretation for, which I will share when we get to the topic, I’m also going to try something new and see if I can place to my least to top favorites again, whatever is in the least does not mean the songs are bad, I just want to see if I can create my own top 5-10, I feel that it’ll be a hard one, but I’m going to try and really place these songs to where I feel they fit best with my own top 5-10, we’ll have to see how it goes!

That’s pretty much everything, I still have yet to decide how I want to talk about the soundtrack, I most likely will write a post about it, but I also might make a podcast ep on it or do some kind of video…..not sure, but I’ll figure it out soon! That being said the movie review of it will be a podcast ep that I can’t wait for, but that’s it for this post, hope you have a good rest of the day and stay tune for my thoughts on Encanto’s soundtrack!

All The Love ❤ ❤



Now I just want to say that although this isn’t my thoughts to the soundtrack just yet, I did finally get around to recording my thoughts for the movie yesterday! There just might be a part two for it as I wasn’t able to talk about some other things that I wanted to share, but most of my thoughts are there, so if you would like to give it a listen, you can find it here!

P.S…I guess there’s a glitch going on again, so if you don’t see the episode automatically, I’ll be sharing the link for the time being, I’ll check again later and see if I can add it….sorry about that!! https://anchor.fm/lexa-marie3/episodes/Lets-Talk-Encanto-Movie-Thoughts-Part-1-Ep–48-e1e6ic5

How To Organize The Day…Not Quite The Title You Think It is!

It seems like a fairly easy thing to do yeah!? Yet somehow you find it’s not actually quite that simple, see the way I see organization is to list everything that I have in mind to do and then pick the one that I want to do most throughout the list, not the most efficient way to do things and really get the most out of the day, but honestly that’s the truth to how I tend to organize myself.

I’m usually someone who wings a lot of things, I’ve said this before and I’ll most likely keep saying it until I’m blue in the face or until I eventually sort it out, but planning is just a very hard thing for me and it’s not that I don’t want to plan anything, but the concept in my mind as simple as it may be….I just find it quite challenging! Whether I’m trying to work out the day or really think of a solution to something that is very important and needs sorting…..I don’t plan the way most people plan and if I’m being completely honest here, I’m not the greatest decision maker, I always do my best to make decisions, but I know that it’s one of my things that’s still being worked on!

I have gotten better, I mean if you met me before, not that many of you have met me now and I mean actually met me, but I was a lot worst at making decisions then compared to now and speaking of that, really looking at it now…..I have gotten better with it through time, at least I feel I have anyway, is it something I’ve mastered…..no, not at all….am I better at it completely? For the most part yes, but it’s still a work in progress and that’s something I can say I’m not afraid to admit! I normally would use this kind of post as a positive way of explanation and by that I mean doing my best to help you “Organize the day” with by giving some pointers if you want to call it that if it’s something you too are having trouble with, but I thought instead of doing that,

I’d tell you how shit I am at planning things, I mean I don’t even know what to do whenever my birthday rolls around sooo there’s that! However, I’m not going to call it a weakness of mine at least me now won’t, we all have things that are a little more challenging to us then what it’s like to others, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t still improve on the things we’re finding ourselves getting a bit lost in, because the way I see it is….

There’s different types of planning, you may not be the best at planning parties or any kind of social gatherings, but there may be something within you that you’re either not aware of or that you feel doesn’t count and you’re just doing whatever it is you’re doing, but you’ll find that other people have taken notice of how well you do a certain thing and how well you’re able to lay it out without realizing, for you it’s a natural thing….however for others, it’s something they would’ve never thought of! We all have our own way of figuring out what goes where and how to set it out properly, it may take a while for some, while others might get it like “snap” that!

Some of us may need to explore and see what we’re working with in order for us to gain some kind of solution and really understand, so that we have the knowledge or at least a little bit of it, to move forward in confidence with whatever the next part is! It’s like video games….hear me out…..when we’re playing a video game for the first time without knowing anything about it….what is that we do?…..we explore our surroundings and see if we can get information in some way about the objective at foot.

Now most of us will look into every nook and cranny (ha) continuing sorry not sorry…..until we’ve found something new, there are games that have specific goals that need checking off, while others will let you explore without any prior knowledge about what’s actually meant to be going on, yes you have your story with it, but it’s up to you to unfold what’s ahead of the game all while trying to understand what message it’s trying to convey!

Now how you choose your gameplay to be when exploring and discovering, will help to give you the idea and answers you’re looking for! It’s pretty much stuff like that….I don’t mean with real life situations, although you do have those random occasions where you can use video games and life in the same sentence, but I’m just speaking on the planning and decision making aspect of it, it’s not always that way, but it can help to possibly understand better and use what you get from it in someway or form!


I know that it’s been quite some time, but I recently recorded a new episode on my podcast, it’s the first episode back since my last episode as well as the first episode of 2022….now it’s not what I originally wanted to return with, but I felt it would’ve been a bit odd to record a new episode on something I enjoyed knowing I hadn’t recorded in 2 months…..plus I wasn’t really feeling quite energetic today, so I ended up turning this post into an episode….sorta, it’s a bit different to what I’ve written, honestly I should’ve just read what I wrote because my nerves started getting to me while recording so if it sounds odd you know why, hopefully it’s okay, but here’s the episode: https://anchor.fm/lexa-marie3/episodes/Getting-Organized—-Where-To-Start–Blog-Post-Ep–47-e1e3at5

All The Love ❤ ❤



So we have officially entered the month of February, the shortest month of the year with only 28 days on the calendar, unless leap year is added of course then we get that extra day where it’s 29 days instead! I always find February to be quite interesting for the simple fact that there are only 28 days to it, while the rest of the months have 30 or 31 days to it….it’s quite fascinating really! That being said I do have to be honest about my feelings for February and those feelings are…..it’s not really my favorite month of the year….I don’t mind it, but I also don’t quite feel much for it….sorry February, nothing against you I promise!

Now that I’ve let my true feelings out with this month, let’s share some good things about the month…..although it’s not my favorite…..I still appreciate it for what it is, I mean without February we wouldn’t have Black History Month to help celebrate all those that really helped change the world to what we know now, it’s important to celebrate each culture and race to help gain knowledge of what’s different and try and embrace that as best as we can, all while never forgetting those who made an impact be it in a huge way or ways that we haven’t even heard of, we don’t always have to do something big to make an impact…..always remember that even the smallest effect can make a big difference in some way!

It’s good that we get this month to celebrate those of color, being mixed myself, it’s good to know that we too are celebrated in some way!

On to some other things about February though….many of you may or may not be aware, but this is the first time since we started 2022 that we will be getting not one, but TWO synchronistic days this month…..those days being tomorrow’s date of 2/2/22 (February 2, 2022) and a little bit toward the end of the month with 2/22/22 (February 22, 2022) now if you’re reading this and don’t really feel anything with it, that’s fine, I know Numerology isn’t for everyone, to be fair….I’m not a big number fan myself (I mean math is my least favorite subject after all which I’ve stated a few times) but if we’re on about synchronicity then that’s a bit of different story….it’s a bit hard to explain really, I guess I just find it cool that we’re in a month where the Two’s are really standing out this year!

It’s like with 11:11, quite the number I know, however if you were to ask someone what is it about the number 11:11 they might not be able to give an answer, other then having the urge to make a wish every time they see it! Now I’m not saying that this goes for everyone, I know there are quite a collective of people that do understand these aligned numbers as well as numerology as a whole, but if this kind of thing isn’t of interest to you and you just see them as regular old numbers then there’s no need to worry about it, but if you do feel something when seeing these kind of numbers or you have seen numbers like 11:11, 222 or 333 ect a little often then you like to admit…..you might want to check them out and see if there’s any messages with them!

Sometimes it’s just good to look something up just for the fun of it and nothing else, it doesn’t have to be about anything, but curiosity if you find it in your mind a lot! Numbers do have meanings to them, but it all comes down to whether it’s of interest to you as a person and what you believe in, if these numbers mean nothing to you…..that’s quite alright! I know people see things differently and as humans (good humans) we have to respect that, this is just something that I find intriguing and wanted to share, call me a weirdo if you like….I call myself that most times, but it’s something I embrace so I don’t really mind lol!

I just wanted to wish everyone a good February…..I probably could’ve just said it and left everything else out, but….I clearly I had other things to say and one of the reasons I wrote this post was because of the whole number thing being quite interesting to me where I just felt the need to share all about it, what can I say it’s cool to see numbers line up sometimes, anyway hope you all are having or have had a good start to the new month, take care of yourself, stay safe, be kind and I’ll see you in the next upcoming post!

All The Love ❤ ❤
