Colors Of September….

It’s now both the beginning of a new season and the ending of a month, which is September……I feel like this month went by quite quickly yet at the same time I remember when it first arrived, goodness……I feel like I don’t have a lot of words today… least with writing a post, on a brighter note, one of the best things with this month is the different colors of the leaves

I just think they’re really pretty and sometimes you come across unique ones or at least some that catch your eye……i’m not really sure how to feel knowing that we’re literally on the last day of this month, I was thinking of that when I went outside for some fresh air earlier this morning, normally I feel like the other months were taking their time, but this month i’m not sure, I mean it arrived and now it’s going……I guess this month has always been like that, but maybe i’m just noticing it!? Maybe it’s just me.

September……to describe it I can’t, I just know it’s the month that brings us the colors that the trees soon take on as well as a whole new season that’s been a little indecisive on what kind of weather it wants to be, sometimes it’s hot, sometimes rainy and stormy leaving wondering how you oughta dress for it…….I think fall in general may just be that way……but yeah….

September was here and now we’ll be welcoming the month known as October a.k.a. the “Spoopy” month, I know it’s Spooky, but some people call it that and I like it, not sure if it’s spelled the way I have it, but still I like it!! Just so you know, i’ve never really been a fan of the Halloween month, so with October literally arriving later tonight……i’m not sure what it’s going to be like, it might just be how it normally is, but also different I feel just based on the way the year has gone, we’ll have to wait and see on that won’t we!?

Let’s just hope it all turns out okay…..

All The Love ❤ ❤


Let’s Talk: Your Lie In April (Thoughts)

For those that don’t know this show, well don’t worry at one point I too didn’t know about it either, in fact it wasn’t until I watched one of my favorite youtube channels where I learned about it and then kinda forgot about it, until I went looking for another show to watch after finishing season 4 of Steven Universe……still need to watch season 5 along with the next one after that, but I don’t have those available at the moment,

and that’s why i’m watching all these other shows, I will get to more Steven Universe at some point eventually and when I do, oh am I gonna be happy!! Backing up a bit, Your Lie In April……is an Anime show if you didn’t already know, it’s in Japanese which is the version I ended up watching the show in,

I think there’s also a dubbed version of it, but I learned that a little late so I continued watching it in Japanese, but I did add subtitles so I could understand what exactly was going on, what can I say about the show!? I loved every single moment of it when I watched it, it’s been about a few months since finishing the show, yes I know probably should’ve done this post when I actually finished it, but I didn’t know how I was going to explain it then so when I felt I wanted to talk about it I would and surprise!!

To be honest i’m still unsure just on how I want to express my thought about this show, it’s such a beautiful series, you have this pianist Kōsei Arima or last name first, first name last, it changes in the show, but we have Kōsei whose known as this child prodigy pianist, but hasn’t really touched a piano competitively in a long while since the death of his mother

(Spoilers maybe ahead, if I can give my thoughts properly to this well, but if you haven’t watched it, sorry for the spoiler there)

although he still plays the piano, but not out of enjoyment as much anymore…….until he comes across this girl named Kaori Miyazono who turns out to be a child prodigy of some sort herself, but as a violinist and boy is there first meeting quite the interaction, their relationship (non-romantic-ish) is very entertaining, but also a little hard to explain, mainly because their always at each others throats, but it’s not only them too, Kōsei’s friend group as well have their moments, but you know that deep down they care about each other so…..

That aside though, the show itself is just… express it, I feel I wouldn’t be able to do it justice…..not because I don’t want to, but the story of it, it’s hard for me to put words on it, for me to try, i’d only be left speechless, that’s how powerful and great the show is, there’s a lot to it that I feel it’d just be better to watch and feel for yourself if that makes sense, the amount of time it got me emotional, I wouldn’t be able to count it, that’s how much feeling it gave

The music numbers…..oh boy did they take you to different places……the first performance with Arima and Kaori when they had this sort of battle with each other and it wasn’t even intentional, well yes and no, so they had this competition, it was a violinist competition, but Kaori wanted Kōsei to be her accompanist in the competition him being a pianist an all, he though multiple times declined the offer that Kaori presented him with,

but she wasn’t having it and just kept on insisting even going the length of posting the piece that she was going to be playing for that competition all over the place, like LITERALLY everywhere he went, there was the musical piece, it was even a screen saver on his phone, which he was confused about, it was all over the music room at his school, the song even played on the intercom, heck all over his house there was the piece,

that girl was dedicated in making sure he was her accompanist, those moments had me in a shock like “wow this girls crazy” but hey it got him to play so i’ll give her that, but those moments of her trying to get him to play for her was intense, it was great though I could not stop laughing it was one of the best moments of the show, the chemistry between them was just wow!! Back to the competitiveness between them, goodness gracious,

That first performance was just mind-blowing, but again it wasn’t an intentional out-staging by Kōsei, because he was so used to playing competitions, when he wasn’t in his head, it was like you couldn’t stop him and Kaori took his way of playing competitively…..competitively, she did not like being upstaged one bit, but the back and fourth between them,

both offstage and onstage, for some reason it made something work, but that’s just one of them…..then you have the long rivals of Kōsei whose main mission is to finally beat him at first anyway, it later turned into them just wanting him to notice them finally and not just see them as the other pianist, the moments of when they play are just trying to catch a breath…..

The main surrounding of it, is just a whole thing of itself, because it gives you so much to take in not always knowing just who you’re impacting, but also more than that as well if that makes sense!? The series is just something you have to watch to fully understand the concept on what it’s giving you, it’s not something that can be explained in perfect words,

I mean maybe it can, but at the same time, I feel there’s always going to be something that’s hard to explain with it, the best moment has to be the ending of it, the whole show it’s fantastic, but the way that they closed it

That’s something that i’m not going to spoil, because that right there needs to be seen for yourself, seriously, normally when a show ends I always feel like their could’ve been something else that could’ve been added, but even though I was sad to see it finish, I still believe that the ending of it couldn’t have been more perfect, the writers told the story that they wanted to tell, gave us the feelings they wanted us to have and sent it off with a nice bow,

It the saying “I couldn’t have expressed it any better” I don’t think i’d be able to do it the way they did, but even if I did, I would’ve agreed with everything they presented and I don’t say those words often so you know it’s good, but you don’t have to take my word for it at all,

but that is how I feel and if you want to watch it i’m not going to spoil it more than I may have already, this series is hard one to give thought to, there’s just so much to it that although I want to explain, I don’t want to at the same time, because I feel the show can tell it better than I can and that’s the truth!!

That’s all the thoughts I have with Your Lie In April……It’s one of my favorite Anime’s that i’ve had the pleasure of watching, I probably would watch it again, when I don’t know, I feel it’d be a special occasion kind of rewatch,

but I also feel like because I already watched it and know everything that’s happened, i’d be fine with keeping it where it’s at, but I really did enjoy this one and i’ve been watching other Anime some i’ve already finished as well and others i’m either waiting to finish them or i’m still currently watching them, right now i’m still in the process of watching an Anime by the name of Kono Oto Tomare!: Sound Of Life, i’m on season 2 now,

well i’ve still yet to actually watch Season 2, but i’m there, i’ll probably watch it soon, i’ve been enjoying this one as well, but yeah……that’s everything, let me know if you’ve heard of any of these shows and if you’ve watched Your Lie In April, let me know your thoughts on it, but thanks for reading and i’ll see you in the next post…..

All The Love ❤ ❤


Musical Expression Of Scott James & Michael Kilbey….

Have you ever listen to a song of an artist and just admired their way of expression!? Of course everyone has their way of expressing something that their trying to say without having to actually say it, but I just can’t help, but be amazed with the way some artist go about their expression, especially Musicians, if you haven’t known already i’m pretty big fan of music,

I tend to give everything a listen, but there are specific kinds of music that I either prefer or just have a odd gravitation towards and for me i’ve always enjoyed and admired how Indie artist express their art of music, but I can also appreciate how other artist express as well, the reason i’m focused on indie artists is because I always find it interesting just how well they go about every lyric they write, I can’t explain it really, but there’s something about it…..i’m sure non indie musicians have done it this way too and i’m sure i’ve listened to a few or more before, I guess we’ll go ahead and keep an open mind on these other artist as well and not just the indie world of it.

What i’m trying to say is any song that has a very unique way of writing that’s hard to explain I like… you can see from the title two of my favorite musicians are within this category, both Scott James and British musician Michael Kilbey always leave me without words whenever I listen to their songs, they write so beautifully!! Scott James tends to have a wandering feel with his music, while Michael Kilbey is more mysterious with his music, but you always feel you’re going on some kind of journey of some sort, at least that’s how I feel about his earlier songs anyway….

To be fair these two might’ve switched a little for all I know, to explain their writing styles would be a hard one for me to do, I always tend to listen to songs and see if I can get a feel to what it sounds like to me and wandering, journey and mysterious is what I came up with when I tried thinking about it with these two, Scott’s voice when he sings is very melodic, his music gives me fall meets Spring vibes, it’s just really pretty his sound, I don’t know how else to say it, it’s really calming…..As for Michael Kilbey’s voice….

It’s very deep, yet angelic at the same time and his music gives me winter meets fall vibes, again his earlier stuff, I don’t know about his new stuff, I have yet to actually hear that, maybe it’s the same, but maybe it’s changed I don’t know, still though whenever I listen to his music, it always leaves me deep in thought, if I went and studied his way of writing……i’d feel like it’d be quite hard to figure out, but I know that it’d still leave me wondering.

Both these musicians always leave me curious with their music and I admire the way they use their words in their writing, also they remind me of both the night time and the evening, Michael Kilbey representing Night and Scott within the later times in their music, maybe that’s confusing, might be weird, but that’s what came into my head a moment ago,

I don’t know if that made sense or not, I thought it as if when hearing these songs where do I tend to listen to it the most, around the later times, this is how I think sometimes, so don’t mind me, but I just wanted to express all of that…..I made a video on this last week, which I posted last night, but I wanted to be able to explain it a bit better and for some reason this tends to be the only way it makes sense and so I wrote most of the other stuff I wanted to say then here, if you want to check out that video, you can watch it here: Let’s Talk: Musical Talents (Scott James & Michael Kilbey)

What favorite artist of yours do you feel have very unique writing styles!?

All The Love ❤ ❤


Animal Crossing Wishlist

You know what I love!? Animal Crossing and yes i’m aware i’ve talked about this game a few times already, but I just can’t help it, it really is a good game, i’ve been playing the game since the gamecube…..okay yes and no, I did play the gamecube version, but at that time, I wasn’t sure what exactly I was meant to be doing in it, so I didn’t play it that much, it wasn’t until I got New Leaf to where I understood the whole concept of the game!!

I never played Wild World at least I don’t remember ever playing it……I did play City Folk though, I never had it personally, but my cousin did, I asked to borrow it a long time ago, pretty sure he’s forgotten and so I went and kept it, still have it too, he doesn’t mind, I don’t think he played it much anyway… be fair, I think I only played it a few times when I borrowed it, haven’t played it since though, but I did play it!!

Now we have New Horizons and I just love it!! I even went and created a second Island, I did the same thing when I was always playing New Leaf, I bought another copy so I could start from the beginning without deleting my other town……I then later traded that town in thinking I wasn’t going to miss it……in a way I do miss, but only because I would’ve liked to have seen my very first town after not playing it for a while, buuut you know it’s fine.

That aside though Animal Crossing is pretty much my life, not an exaggeration, what I mean by that is I really do love this game, but moving on, I wanted to create some kind of Wishlist, with the release of New Horizons we were introduced to the new add ons, by that I mean Nintendo had the thought of changing things up not just with the new Island setting,

but having it be based around updates, so instead of having all the holidays within the Animal Crossing world just automatically being there like in the previous games, they’ve now been coming in as updates to keep things fresh and new and so that people don’t go spoiling all the big events for other people that have yet to be seen, but with the new updates addition

That’s been brought to New Horizons, you’ve got people making Wishlists on what they’d like to see added to the game or what they feel needs to be improved on, which is pretty cool, I mean there are still a lot of things that have yet to be introduced with the game so to be able to give suggestions on what could be added because of that, is probably one of the best features that Nintendo ever introduced us to now even with the ideas that we may give, obviously they won’t go adding all of them, but there is a possibility that some of the ideas that we may have for the game could be a future add in if not at least a consideration of some sort and with that possibility,

You know that we’re bound to get our creative juices flowing!! Now with my Wishlist, I might not actually have a lot that i’d want added either because I still have yet to think of what I would like to see be brought to New Horizons or mainly due to what everyone else already suggested, but i’m gonna try and think here, see if I can come up with 5 things and if not then at least 3…..

Number 1:

Someone Edited New Horizons to the New Leaf Promotion poster with Brewster on it….

I’ll admit this one being already suggested, however everyone seems to agree on it, so technically it’s nothing new, but i’d really like for Nintendo to bring back the Cafe (a.k.a) the Roost, so we can see Brewster, it been a thing in all of the games so it should be a thing in New Horizons, now with that, there is a chance that we will get this added eventually,

now I don’t really like spoilers so if you know the details on when, please don’t tell me because I want to be surprised whenever it ends up being announced by Nintendo….that being stated, it’d be nice to have a cafe in the game again, I liked visiting the roost and hearing the theme song and also getting to hang out with Brewster, if they don’t end up bringing him back for some reason, although I don’t see why they wouldn’t!?

but if they don’t, it’d be cool to see who they do add to the cafe when it is brought back…..eventually, I just want a cafe just like everyone else, this one highly requested, but we’ll just have to wait and see on it!!

Number 2:

I had to think on this one a bit, but there was one thing that kept popping up and that was Label, if you don’t know Label she is the third sister to the Able Sisters Sable and Mable, she used to be called Labelle and worked with Gracie in the old days, but now she’s on her own Fashion journey, but it’d be nice if she was given her own shop and if not that, then have her working with her sister again, better yet, just upgrade the able Sisters shop all together, that’s something we’ve never had in the other games so why not add that towards the list I mean Nooks Cranny got an upgrade so why shouldn’t the Able Sisters get one as well!? JUST SAYING!!


No i’m kidding, well yes, but also that’s not it, I can’t seem to think of anything else i’d like to see added, so with the next 2-3 add in’s we’ll go more on what i’d like for Nintendo to improve on, one of them being able to do the crafting and such in a grouping kind of way what I mean is Clams and Nook Miles, for example with the clams if there’s 10 of them that should be considered a whole bad of bait instead of it being 1 bait, 2, bait, 3 bait, 4… get it!!

It already takes a while to dig up the clams, it shouldn’t take another long while to craft them when those 10 clams could literally be put into one round-up of bait…..I really hope Nintendo takes this one into consideration and improve on it cause people aren’t going to look for clams that’s been added specifically with this game if they’re just going to be crafted one by one, if you want to make it easy just do what you did with the fences when crafting them and add that feature to the clams as well!!

As for Nook Miles, being able to have the option to choose how many Nook Mile Tickets we want to redeem would be nice, with this suggestion I always think about Pokemon and when you’re gathering Potions and restocking on the Poke’ball and how you’re able to choose how many you’d like, I really appreciate Pokemon for this because not only does it save time, but it also keeps it simple and you gotta love that!! I hope Animal Crossing takes a page out of Pokemon’s book because this feature is better!! sorry…..

Number 4:

We’re going to try and get to five here…’s another idea that I just thought about, more villager interaction, for example having them come over like they used to or having more games you can play with them besides treasure hunt every once in a while stuff like that, I mean we’re already living on the same Island why not have these kind of features,

I know people talk about wanting more dialog and them having more personality and that, which yes I agree on, but it’d be nice to really hang out with your villagers at times, maybe even have it to where they randomly ask something of their favorite thing, see how much you know them, it’s just an idea…..

Last idea attempt…..Number 5:

I don’t know how great of idea this one is, but it’s in my head so i’ll share it…..maybe and this is a big maybe…..have some special NPC’s make a cameo, an appearance of some sort, so what they did with Reese and Cyrus, maybe have Phineas make a surprise appearance or have Dr. Shrunk appear again, I think having some of the favorite NPC’s that people enjoyed seeing would be nice, even if it’s just for the moment,

Maybe we won’t see them a lot, but it’d be nice if we could have them show up on the Island for a visit and maybe they would have some kind of rare treasures that you can’t really get playing the game everyday or most days, Even if you created another May Day kind of Maze thing and add some of them there like you did with Rover, have that be like a special event that we get here and there, that too would be great, I mean with that we’d always be excited for something and plus I think it’d be nice if we could get a visit from some of the other special characters.

That’s my wishlist for now, I honestly don’t have anything else to add, at least in this one, I might go and make another one when other ideas strike of course, but that’s all for now, let me know what you’d like to see as future updates if you too play Animal Crossing: New Horizons and with that i’ll see you all in the next post!! ^_^

All The Love ❤ ❤


Creator Spotlight: Oneboredjeu (Mashups)

I feel like it’s been a while since i’ve done one of these, so I thought hey let’s go ahead and write another one, now for those who may just be finding this blog and have come across this one as your first post of mine, i’ll explain a bit just what these kind of post are just in case you’re wondering, now with creator spotlight I like to talk about special creators that I either admire or just really like to where I want to share and have other people check them out as well, it’s pretty simple really, I don’t always do these kind of posts,

It’s always at random and it’s only with specific people that I feel deserve a little more love and who I just want to talk about a bit is all, in today’s post of Creator Spotlight, we shine some light on a creator that i’ve been a fan of for quite some time, now it’s been a bit of a while since i’ve checked out their stuff, it wasn’t until recently that I re discovered them and listened to some of their newer mixes and I gotta say they still got it!!

Now when I say mixes, I mean mashups, if you haven’t heard of them or have listened to any of their stuff I definitely recommend check their content out, because it is the best!! I know there’s a lot of mashup channels out there and i’m sure some of them are good too, but Oneboredjeu (I don’t know how to pronounce their name, but that’s the name of the channel) have probably the best mashup’s i’ve ever heard, literally!!

I don’t know what exactly it is about them, but the way they combine different songs together is just fascinating and it’s not only two songs, they’ve done a whole collage of songs shall I say, it’s just amazing!! Some of the songs that they’ve done so far, you think they wouldn’t go together, but the moment you listen to it, you’d be so mind-boggled just how well some of songs they’ve mashed up works, that you wouldn’t believe it even when listening to it, it’s that good, but you don’t have to take my word for it

Just listen and see for yourself, in some way you’ll be surprised, if you want examples, i’ll share a few of my favorites as well as new ones that i’ve recently checked out and liked in a moment, but if you’re feeling your days going a little weird and you want a little surprise of something good or maybe you want to fool your brain and give it something it’s not expecting, check out Oneboredjeu’s channel, you might just find something there!!

Before we close this post, here’s some of my favorite Mashup’s by Oneboredjeu:


More Car Trouble (Halsey VS Twenty One Pilots)

Make Jagger This Cool (Kungs Vs Demi Lovato Vs Gwen Stefani Vs Cookin on 3 Burners & More)

Under The Chandelier (Sia Vs Evanescence)

Recent Favorite Listens

The Notorious B.T.S. (The Notorious B.I.G. Vs BTS)

Chunky Style (Bruno Mars Vs Harry Styles)

I know I have more favorites than recent favorite listens, but the recently listened ones are the only ones i’ve heard more than once, but there are a whole lot more that you can check out in case these ones aren’t much to your liking, these are some of my favorite mashups,

might not be yours and that’s okay, these are just examples that’s all, but I really do recommend checking this channel out, they’re very talented and the work that they do with their mashups are amazing so if you’re curious and want to check it out it’s there, but that’s all I want to share, I hope you’re all having a nice Friday and I hope the rest of your weekend goes well too!!

All The Love ❤ ❤


In The Tune Of Fall….

Hiya i’m sure you all have noticed, but in case this weather is giving you some mixed feelings, we’ve now entered a new month and we’ll soon be entering a new season as well, it’s a little crazy that we’re already in the month of September it feels like for a while we were in the Summer months for quite some time, but once August came around things started speeding up just a little bit, however just like all the other months we’re having to say see you the next time around and get used to the colder months now.

Now I gotta say, i’m kinda a little happy that we’re getting into the more colder part of the months, mainly with the fall, not so much winter, although I may have been born in the Springtime, I do really enjoy the months of Autumn, I can’t really tell you why, but fall has always been my second favorite season, I just really love the look and feel of it, you know!?

Spring is great too, I mean that’s the season I was born in so I have to make sure to give it some kinda of love, but there’s just something about fall that I can’t quite explain, maybe it’s the way the leaves change color or just the aura of it, if seasons have aura’s that is, who knows really, for all I know I could just be talking nonsense, but nonetheless it’s still great!!

Summer however was…..well I guess you can say that it had its moments, I won’t say it was the best summer, but I won’t go putting it down either, to be fair, i’ve never really been all that into the summer, so there’s not really much to say when it comes to it, summer and I…..we’ll just have to always agree to disagree, it’s not that it’s a bad season, just not mine……

Fall on the other hand, love it!! I can’t tell you what exactly i’m expecting to happen with it, so I guess i’ll just have to do my best to embrace it as best as I can with whatever it chooses to bring along…..if I had to describe what fall is like…..i’d say it’s both deep thinking and curious, but it also give you that sense of something that you just can’t quite grasp if that makes sense, you can take on that what you will, hopefully whatever you feel fall to be for you is something that is good and worth to be the season that it is…..

All The Love ❤ ❤
