I’ve Got Something To Say!

Good Afternoon, I know I wrote something a little bit earlier today, but I didn’t get the chance to tell you the other thing I wanted to say, what exactly is it you may ask!? Well before I tell you, first I just want to take notice of how not great I am when it comes to self promoting, this is nothing new, I do it with everything I do, especially when it’s still new, but when you’ve got something you want to share and want to let it be known, you kinda have to put yourself in the center for a moment so that people can hear you and understand you clearly and also hope for the best when expressing yourself and so that’s what I’ll be doing right now!

Now I’ve only been doing this for a week now, so I’m not really an expert when it comes to what I’m about to share, but it’s something that I’m finding joy out of and I’ve been trying to get the hang of it since I took the chance of giving it a go….to keep the long story short though, I just wanted to announce that I started streaming, my first stream was on the 23rd of June, however I can’t say “hey you should watch that one” because again still learning as I go….I forgot to highlight my first stream on twitch,

I didn’t really know you could do that until I saw that my second stream only had a day left on twitch and when my sister in law told me about it! So now that I know that…..I’ve been highlighting all my streams that I’ve done so far, I just finished my 5th or 6th stream about 2 hours ago and yeah it was pretty good, so far I’ve just been playing my favorite game of all time, you may have seen my write about it plenty of times, that game being Animal Crossing, but I do plan on adding in other games down the line, when I feel it to be right, but for the time being, I’ll just be focusing on Animal Crossing New Horizons!

I won’t have this post be too long, so I’ll just discuss whether I have a schedule to when I stream…..right now, I’m still working out the days on when I prefer to stream, but so far Fridays have been my set days of streaming and by that I mean it’s more likely that you’ll see my stream on a Friday, I’m debating on whether I should add Saturdays because I did stream this past Saturday….but other than that time, Saturdays are up in the air! Thursdays are a somewhat day that I also stream and then today which is Monday, I’m not sure if Mondays will be a day that I stream often, but I’m going to keep it in mind at least….but most definitely Fridays are the days that you will find me streaming the most!

When it comes to how many days I’d like to stream, I think I would prefer 3 days MAX and the Minimum 2, but again I’m still figuring that out as well, but I’m sure the more I continue to stream the more I’ll start to know what I prefer to do. That’s everything I wanted to share if you would like to come on by and watch me stream my favorite game Animal Crossing: New Horizons or you just want a place to hang out and chat or listen to something, check out my Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/thewanderingdaydreamer I tend to stream towards the afternoon so around half past one ish to about 4pm, however I only stream for about an hour and a half, 2 hours and a half max, unless I feel I really want to play, then 3 hours is my limit!

I may at some point throw in an early morning stream randomly depending on how I’m feeling (and if the audio in OBS is on my side) it’s unlikely that you’ll ever see me stream during the morning, but there’s a possibility it could happen and when I say early I don’t mean super early, I think if I were to ever stream around the morning time it would be around 10:30am-11am, but other than that, expect afternoon streams from me…..I don’t know I just prefer streaming during the afternoon, unless I have to do something during that time, then I would switch it for the morning if need!

If you would like to keep up to date on when I am live or just to see what I’m up to, you can follow me on my Twitter here: Daydreamer Lex I don’t usually tweet that often, but sometimes I do, it’s the only social media I have at the moment, plus I’m pretty active on there….I may or may not add some of my streams to Youtube eventually, I’m still on the fence about it, we’ll see….maybe I’ll see some of you around or at least chat with you, hope you all have a good one!

All The Love ❤ ❤


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